Pentatonic usage improv jam - dhalif

Frankly ..Daniel dunno if Dhalif lie abt his setting on the Darkness cover..
im just comenting on the om that he posted on this not sure if its related..
but i grow up listening and playing the ds1 as well i do believe that a good tone is possible with this pedal stock..i hav witness this many times..

and i hav also witness ppl using boutique and gd guitars but the tone is crap..or average.
with the right player ..and clever settings the ds1 it can do wonders..thats all to it..

still i dun understand why u wanted me to plug in an od and record..:)
tot i mention i`ve dun it before..but onething for sure ..the Dalif`s tone got a focus mid..hehe maybe a parametric eg plugins or he is just brilliant.. day we shld meet up...:)
well, i can get a good tone which i like thru a zoom amp, will post when i have time .however, tone is very subjective too. either u like it or not. i personally like dhalif tone. i feel that shredcow tone is a bit overprocessed sorta.. well whether who is lying or not i have no comments.
yeah its not wrong to give comments..anyway i didn't say its wrong

i dont like shredcow and his compositions..


I just have to say this.

When someone critiques someone else... isn't it un-usual that the person giving the critique immediately gets slammed?

"Hi, I think XXX's songs lack originality"
"So you think your stuff really good lah?"


"Hi, I think XXX's shepard's pie needs more salt"
"So you think YOU can cook shepard's pie better lah?"


Its so ... disturbingly ... vindictive - there was no link to lead on a comparison!

Who's beyond reproach?

What "qualifies" someone to critique MR BIG?

I've said it before - Big D could be big if he would have a different voice. Singapore is tiny. Go to youtube, search "Guitar Solo" or "SHREEEDDDD" and you will find a plentiful amount of similiar minded, similiar sounding, similiar playing guitarists. Dime a dozen. There is nothing new here...
its 2007 and guitarers are still in a world of their own!

ya, still the most egoistic people in a band, makes the bassist, drummer, keyboardist and vox seem like saints

anw as for me, i do like the tone of a stock, current, made in taiwan, ds1 running str8 into a marshall stack
well i guess its more constructive giving comments like what shredcow has given such as places to improve on rather then giving comments like i dont like your composition and stuff coz one wouldnt know where to improve on.
yep. shredcow, i appreciate that you give your honest opinions on the posts here. but i think what pissed some people off was you indirectly calling dhalif a liar. but its only a small matter, that didn't even bother dhalif himself. so lets move on.
Like I always say, a good cow is a medium rare one served on a platter.

Some of the bro bros here tried Aston's at Katong. Anyone gotch any goot place to recommend?
wah .. didnt know got such a juicy thread here... yummy

oh and i stand by the humble DS-1 clan as well.
ive used 1 ds-1 (mit) exclusively for a good 1-2yrs during my army days
cus no cash and i needed the portability of 1pedal + 1guitar ... it was basically all about making the most out of what i had.

recorded quite a few OMs played a few good gigs with just one ds-1 as well.
i sounded like crap i know... thats why
i must say that dhaliff's sound stems from his awesome playing.

rock on man!
certain notes need to be expressed differently.. for me neck pickup i use to make notes flow smooth, round.. and then the bridge pickup leaning more to the garggghh side.. if u know what i mean..