Pentatonic usage improv jam - dhalif

well its good that noone is 'feeling' anyone...just another child molestation lawsuit...

Well this is just turning into another one of those fights in kindergarten where ppl pick sides...its kinda lame really...

damn why is there no quote button on this forum...james u listening? :lol:

Grinder..werent u just commenting on malmys bad playing in a previous thread somewhere??maybe im mistaken...dunno...but i do feel that dhalifs playing is a lot like bopa said...he sticks to his conventions...nothing wrong wid dat...

Oh and...Goose is pretty much the funniest guy on this yea the wild one liners are working for him..not to mention the pictures... :lol: u make it sound like its a bad thing :roll:

All this talk abt in everyones opinion...who in singapore is a creative guitarist?(popcorn)
"Grinder..werent u just commenting on malmys bad playing in a previous thread somewhere??maybe im mistaken...dunno...but i do feel that dhalifs playing is a lot like bopa said...he sticks to his conventions...nothing wrong wid dat... "

Read posts in context, I said the Fort Canning gig was crap with mediocre playing and poor sound, and felt the organisers ripped off the fans.

That's whats so wrong with this forum. The majority of posters are either kids or people who contribute from a holier-than-thou perspective. Best leave you guys to your own devices.
No Grinder, don't go.

If the situation is like so, do come in and try to do something too.

Whether you be alone or not in your beliefs.

You've been one of those who got slagged for going against the flow of traffic anyway. If its time to change that, then its gotta start somewhere.
lolz its funny how u seem to be making a lot of sweeping generalizations without knowing what ur talkin abt...if you really wanna backup your statements why dont u meet the ppl u talk about....
ps.what i said was pretty much what u said abt malmy too..i just generalized it...u did say his playing was mediocre yea...why dun YOU have another wait u left...byebye
usually, i would just delete away post but this thread is a reminder for me that there's no perfect world.

we can comment/suggest anything but please do so in a polite manner.

i have observed people getting angry/rude/inconsiderate more compared to 20 years ago. this could be due to the fact that people are more knowledgeable, giving them the sense that they can take on the world.

we CAN make SOFT a better place for all musicians. let's all come in here and have a good time.

imagine we are all taking a lift to the 100th floor. let this be an enjoyable ride.

* even if we are not professionals, at least try to behave like one.
Ludicrous as some of goose's posts might seem, I think he made a key point with regards to forum wars. In all finality, it really doesn't matter. Think it just largely stems from a somewhat uncontrollable surge of egos that escalate into battles where the generals choose to misconstrue each other at every possible point. The points raised can be valid, but such arguments effectively work against the notion of a community that seeks to share ideas/opinions and learn from one another. If you are a proponent of sharing, then take opinions like a gentleman too, and by that I do not mean using "more friendly"emoticons as a veil for what you are trying to convey. I myself have been slightly guilty of such actions, but being cognizant of this is a first step. Thus, I'm in no way saying that I'm above anyone here. Just sharing my view on human tendencies and inadequacies.

To those who are seemingly misconstrued as being arrogant, I say take opinions with a pinch of salt, but look within as well, if you care enough. Generally, there's no smoke without fire. If you've taken a position of indignance to such baseless accusations in your view, then be so. If you don't follow up in an argument, you deprive your "opponent" of a chance to lead you into another bout of altercation. Silence tends to be more potent than "I rest my case :roll: ", for eg.

To those who bear strong grudges against ppl for being arrogant/high-handed, consider if it's worth the effort/trouble. If you still feel that you need to address the issue, speak to the person(s) directly. Again, such behaviour would probably be more potent than flaming the person in a public thread.

Honestly, so what if one's a better guitarist(more creative, innovative, faster, better vibrato, better efx) than the other? Just live and let live, share what you'd like to share, hear what you want to hear, revel in what you'd like to. If you have something you honestly wish to evangelise about, by all means, just don't expect that ppl should agree, and don't respond in a way that puts them down for disagreeing.

I, for one, am thankful for all who have shared their music in one way or another, as well as their frank opinions in a bid to help ppl improve. I've learnt much, enjoyed much, and probably cringed my fair share as well. Hope to hear more stuff from ppl anyway. Sorry Dhalif for hijacking your harmless thread, I have this feeling you'll make any guitar sound good. Thanks for sharing.

this thread is so happening. LOL.

i'm actually having fun reading it in class, when i should be doing my work. =)
chill out guys.. its probably just misunderstandings here and there.. so everyone should cool okay..?

about the ds-1 thing.. i bought one when i was 13.. i hated it so much coz it sounded very brittle and dry and whatever worse.. then i sold it and got alot of other gear during the time i had money and stuff.. but somewhere around when i was 16 or 17.. my parents got divorced.. income dived so bad i had to sell most of my gear to help my mom and my small sister.. during the hard times, my friend handed me a samick and using whatever funds i had saved, i bought a ds-1 from a friend. i had no choice, i was forced to use it at home, studio or live. I tried ways to make it sound better on different scenarios(eg. home, live, studio). As time goes by i got used to that little orange pedal.. and i had found ways to make it sound its best when i need it. So i guess im just used to the ds-1 that i can play with it alone comfortably. Now i think that very ds-1 i was using since is ready to retire.. its so used i dunno how to describe it lol.. time to get a new one i guess.. cheers everyone.. to a good new year..
ahh u cant get away that easy :wink: Im gonna keep pestering you abt how u got such tone :lol: ...seriously would help a lotta ppl :D
i roll off the tone alot so i dont get that brittle fuzz thing going on.. if ur doing multitracking.. it would maybe help if u eq abit if its too much lows...


that's being very thoughtful for your family and very resourceful for your DS1.

creativity stretches when you can squeeze every possible tone/note out of 1 user-level pedal.
ehhh lac ah. don't have to be on his case about the engagement. LOL.

it was a quiet affair. just him, and myself. LOL.

hey come on guys, the very fact that dhalif post here is because he wants to hear comments.. i'm very sure shredcow isnt commenting about u guys so why get so worked out. i'm sure dhalif isnt offended by the comment given by shredcow. i personally dont quite like shredcow compositions, but he is quite a good guitarist. but there is always room for improvements.

I agree on that ..and nothing wrong with Shredcrow giving his comments good or bad..this is forum ..and thats the way it should be coz music is very subjective not everyone loves R&B same applies here.. u like it very much? give him/her pat on the back ..u dislike it voice out yer points etc. Very straight forward and simple and of course be Rational not Emotional ive came across A PRO who was very super dooper emotional and that was disappointing to me coz hes a professional ...kinda lost my respect for him :p