Pentatonic usage improv jam - dhalif

penguin, take your ds1, plug it in direct to your pc. play.

Do a power chord.

Get it to sound like you are running thru your amp.

Just a power chord - no need for tone in fingers or what - Just a power chord.

You can't. It can't be done.

Of course, you could run an amp sim. :lol: Then the DS1 sound EXACTLY like his tone. No brainer.
i rolled off alot on the tone when i direct in to get rid of that ds-1 fuzz.. and gain is not tt much.... cheers
Sorry dude, it just doesn't happen that way especially when you play rhythm, which you have claimed to do so for some of your clips.

I'm using an MIJ DS-1, silver screw, momentary LED - that's way smoother than the MIT DS-1 you claim to use, it does NOT happen even with the guitar's tone down AND the DS-1 tone down.
then i really dont know how else to explain hehe..

hey kx.. i already sold my eq pedal to make way for a new one soon.. cheers =))
but thats the only way i do it.. been like that since god knows when.. its so beat up it has problems.. im playing it with the cover opened and its upside down heh..
oh well...if u say u go into the line-in straight...I'll believe ya...

But I wouldnt recommend that anyone else try the same method...or atleast get some basic knowledge of electronics and a lil bit about computers before they try it...unless they wanna mess with their system and soundcard..not to mention drive themselves mad trying to get this very tone....

Its definitely in his fingers :)
haha maybe u shld get one...ur tone can only get better....

ive played a guitar into a keyboard amp...impossible to get a good sound....