Pentatonic usage improv jam - dhalif

well read carefully again u will realise he is hijacking this thread 2 flame another person.. who is also posting in this thread.. :lol:
oh well this has been an interesting day..but im off...just a last thougt...

Dont take yourself too seriously ppl :lol:
daniel ..what u mean when u ask me to record line in an hit a power cord huh???
i sense that youre being carefully what i ealier wrote ok..
:lol: Taking oneself seirously... I would go out and if I saw Dhalif, I would say the same thing to him, eye to eye. That's it. Like how I would be able to talk to you, or shake hands with you, or stuff like that, even to those who openly voice disagreements with/against me.

There is nothing wrong with using the pentatonic. The major scale. Whatever is considered normal. It is fine. I just don't dig it as much... why would it be a crime to not dig it? Running up and down the scale while adding vibrato what-not, doesn't rock my boat... and like I mentioned, its not dhalif only, there are other famous player who would bore me.

*Sigh* back to the point of contention, penguin, I'm not being sensitive to you. Dhalif has always said he used guitar to ds1 to pc, nothing else. NOTHING ELSE. So, take your od pedal, link it guitar to pedal to pc, no amp simulator, no speaker simulators, no eq, no NOTHING. OD pedal as in DS-1, or SD-1, not a GT-2 or TRI OD... So when you listen to his cover of that The Darkness song... its just a DS1 with no speaker simulation or amp sim. That would be an outright lie. If he has used a simluation in his recoridng program, that makes sense.
[I dont understand your post...some parts taken alone make sense...the rest seems pointless...first you lay the emphasis on being able to improvise well in any genre...and how its not all abt shred...and then u say dhalifs playing was good....??]

When did I mention that Dhalif’s playing was good? Unpretentious I said. Read carefully.

[Dhalif is the king of shredding around here....but this video was just was all abt the shred baby...the mindnumbing speed....I dont see any of the other styles u are u dissing dhalif or patting him on the back...]

Again all I said was, at least he’s unpretentious, not like a lot of other OM clips here. He’s honest about what he likes and is not afraid to pursue it. He likes convention so be it, at least from his playing I can hear that practices a lot more than he posts! You have to give credit for that. And you misread some things, I’m not talking about versatility. If you’re good in one genre you can adapt it to several styles, e.g. like Sting doing a Jazz/Bossa album. There’s no such thing as, if you are a GOOD rock guitarist, you can’t play jazz. A player with good ears can survive practically any gig. Billy Sheehan is an e.g. he survived through ‘Giant Steps’ on the Bass Day video and he adapted his own style of rock playing to one of the most challenging standards ever written. Can he play or improvise? He can, just not totally genre specific

[ps.i like chilla sauce with yoghurt...u talk about innovation and yet u compare it to standards...doesnt work that way my friend...u might build on a standard but the minute u refuse to acknowledge the difference ... you just confessed your lack of knowledge on what innovation is]

My lack of knowledge is apparent in many areas; however, I brought up the e.g. to show how creativity or innovation is being abused, not to support it. Sounding different or tasting different, is note solely what innovation is about. The application of an idea has to be considered as well. If you don’t compare it to the standards, what are you going to use. You can't use English language to be creative if you don’t know grammar or rather the intuitive connections in the language right? If you don’t’ read a lot, how do you write your own books? Also, I did mention that originality its not always in the choice of notes or rhythm. You can choose to do the same thing, but the delivery is equally important.

It’s the same with music, any band with real original music, has hundreds/thousands of tunes in their head. Without a large vocabulary, it’s almost like you are hitting the keyboard randomly to look for something you think is new and fresh.. Granted, a good player may not be innovative but the crux is, creativity has to have intentionality. It’s not mostly about chance. It’s about expanding what you know and pursuing it with a certain end result in mind. It might stray along the way, but that’s how the process is. It’s a combination of logic and chance. Most of the OM clips here who suggest they are creating haven’t gotten the logic part worked out and leaving way too much to chance.
interesting thread!!!
some like it and some bein clever...

anyway, dhalif bro, gd job. wen marry dun 4get invite.
basket!!! engage nvr kol
bopa...good post...that was much more 'clear'.... :lol: although i do feel u ramble quite a bit..but thats just me :wink:

I however do feel that creativity and innovation does not need a standard....always felt that way..always will
"I however do feel that creativity and innovation does not need a standard....always felt that way..always will"

Absolutely, it boils down to personal taste.

Just like if I don't dig Shredcow's shoddy music, it is perfectly acceptable for me to say so in this forum.

As the man himself has said, nothing wrong with giving an honest opinion.

If I think gsonique witless reply "...and it all amounts to nothing" is indicative of someone who shrugs off a thread for the simple reason of not having ANYTHING worthwhile to say, then I will do so. Check out most of his posts, inane one-liners.
"dei boon ... free makan izit

when my daughters get married i call you ok"

dei gsonique... free makan is a must... but wif ang pow la... :D
yes ... nice to meet you grinder :smt039

ya man... i can't play jack shit .... so how to comment lah.

witless = pointless, stupid, pointless,silly.....yup thats me :roll:

next time please just ignore my posts ya ...sorry to trouble you my fren :D
as long as shredcow nv say he himself is creative and innovative can ah..he just likes listening to creative and innovative guitar playing. coz his playing isnt creative and innovative(to me ah).
Absolutely, it boils down to personal taste.

Just like if I don't dig Shredcow's shoddy music, it is perfectly acceptable for me to say so in this forum.

As the man himself has said, nothing wrong with giving an honest opinion.

Correct. Its very fine. Every musician wannabe has their fans and people who dislike their music. Except the legends right? :wink:

Curious. I was looking at your previous posts... just to find out what kind of person you are - its good to know. Interesting how you posted about Malmsteen and here Dahlif is a clone of Malmy... whehter that is bad, its up to you.

FYI, I don't understand how my posts in this thread sounded "extremely arrogant". Give a benefit of a doubt and read thru what I said in a different tone of voice. Don't need to be able to cook chicken rice to comment on someone else's chicken rice. No one is beyond reproach.

If I think gsonique witless reply "...and it all amounts to nothing" is indicative of someone who shrugs off a thread for the simple reason of not having ANYTHING worthwhile to say, then I will do so. Check out most of his posts, inane one-liners

Goose does his work and helps out in different ways. I suppose you do too.
So be it then. Life's like that.

Its all about benefit of a doubt you know? Like panz3rr, in your 1st post of the thread...