Pedalboard Pictures!

asat z3>polytune>ge7(truebypass+mid scoop mod)>cae wah>whammy>skreddy screw driver>multidrive>sparkle drive>dr.scientist the element>philosopher stone>hall of fame>flashback>hardwire dl8>empress vintage superdelay>dr.scientist cosmichorus>goatkeeper 3>fm4>mesa lonestar...
asat z3>polytune>ge7(truebypass+mid scoop mod)>cae wah>whammy>skreddy screw driver>multidrive>sparkle drive>dr.scientist the element>philosopher stone>hall of fame>flashback>hardwire dl8>empress vintage superdelay>dr.scientist cosmichorus>goatkeeper 3>fm4>mesa lonestar...

wow a whammy that isn't red!

@farhankl Looks great, and I agree about the 2x Mini idea. How do you find the Multidrive? I'm considering swapping out my Blackstone OD (my board!?p=1153979#post1153979 ) sooner or later, and I miss having some fuzzy distortion. No idea how I'll fit it in though...

Also I was about to ask what kinda genre you play when I checked out your MySpace link and got a really pleasant surprise. Alt/prog represent!
@farhankl Looks great, and I agree about the 2x Mini idea. How do you find the Multidrive? I'm considering swapping out my Blackstone OD (my board!?p=1153979#post1153979 ) sooner or later, and I miss having some fuzzy distortion. No idea how I'll fit it in though...

Also I was about to ask what kinda genre you play when I checked out your MySpace link and got a really pleasant surprise. Alt/prog represent!

Heyy @carboxymoron. to be honest I haven't been setting the Multidrive properly coz at the rehearsal space I frequent we just plug everything directly to the mixer. will properly set it soon but as it is, it's doing a fine job for my needs. just as what i expected. awesome board you have there! the previous incarnation of my board was an M9 and a POD2.0. for practice purposes. eheh that band of mine you heard has been dead for yearss now, I miss playing post-music eheh.

Sold off my delay and vibrato pedals and replaced them with a M9. Plan to rehouse the pedals on the right (SHO, Riot, TS808, all clones) into 2x1590BB encloures to save space.
i got a question for all you 7th users man. how do you turn the volume knob beyond 10 o clock?!?! isnt that way beyond unity? hahahahah
The 7th can be used to push an amp as well, not just as a standalone dirt pedal. Slightly after 10 isnt a huge jump in volume anw.
haha im only asking because i saw some of your boards where the 7th was engaged in the red channel with boost on at 3pm volume which blows my head apart when i try that.
Nice gameboy. What's inside?
And what's the treadle on the left?

The gameboy's a fuzz pedal. From what I recall, the builder said it's a Fuzzface clone.

The treadle is a digitech xp-1000, which includes the xp-100, 200, 300 and 400. You can switch between the modes by chicken head knob. But it needs to be rebooted each time you change modes. It's kinda glitchy though.