Pedalboard Pictures!

Ebenex also sells Pedaltrain size/type velcro, in addition to the godlyke version. It's great especially for those who have diy pedalboards.

put together a simple single effects rig for arranging & writing parts for my band's upcoming gigs and rehearsals while I wait for my axe fx II in the mail!
@Ice 9: A Fromel Shape! How nice! I've always wanted one. How goes the tone?

My setup. Pretty humbled by all the great pedalboards in this thread, so don't laugh!
Anyway, how do you all keep your cables out of the way? Mine are so messy.
My latest arrangement, quite happy with that for now, although looking to sell the tap trem, anyone wants to buy?:) hahaha!

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My setup. Pretty humbled by all the great pedalboards in this thread, so don't laugh!
Anyway, how do you all keep your cables out of the way? Mine are so messy.

I'm not laughing I'm crying at your Timeline

Cable management? Get a Pedaltrain, seriously.
@carboxymoron: The reason why I'm using a case is because the Pedaltrain Pro is EXPENSIVE. And I really really like flightcases. Drop the flightcase, open it up and you're ready to rock. I worried that the PRO SC might not have enough protection for my babies. Sigh. There's space for a tuner and my Pearl, whenever that is coming. Or should I just cancel the order, lose 8 USD in the process and get myself a EQ?

Maybe I should just use some twist tie to keep my cables short...
yaaay feedback/acknowledgment! <dances a little jig>

ahem...why yes my good sir, that does happen to be a guitar foot-operated mechanical contrivance of the make marshawl shredmeista in immaculate state. complete with battery cover of the plastic variety, sponged underbelly, and decal in impeccable condition. it is rather pristine. understandable since the previous owner kept it vacuum sealed up his arse. suffice to say it manages to create a sound rather pleasing to thy ears. the other settings sound like crap though.
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yaaay feedback/acknowledgment! <dances a little jig>

ahem...why yes my good sir, that does happen to be a guitar foot-operated mechanical contrivance of the make marshawl shredmeista in immaculate state. complete with battery cover of the plastic variety, sponged underbelly, and decal in impeccable condition. it is rather pristine. understandable since the previous owner kept it vacuum sealed up his arse. suffice to say it manages to create a sound rather pleasing to thy ears. the other settings sound like crap though.

Lol smartass! I wish my Guv'nor was in as good a condition. Just as well I retired it from active duty already haha.
Before the year comes to a close... My pedalboard as of today. Trimmed down by a whole lot.

These days I'm so lazy that I just carry the XXL drive and the DD-3 in my gig bag for jam sessions.

Here's my board as of May 2011. Everything powered by a Cioks DC10 mounted underneath. A few of the lower current effects share outlets, the power hungry digital pedals are kept isolated. The order of effects has changed slightly since this pic was taken.

Current arrangement:
Budda Wah -> POG2 -> RC Booster -> BB Preamp -> Tone Press -> Crunchbox -> Modtone Volume (aux out to Korg DT10) -> Strymon Bluesky Reverb -> DD20 -> DD20 (in series). I use the aux out for the tuner because its input jack is noisy; otherwise I'd leave it in the chain for convenience sake, and as a buffer.

It's been a long time but I've recently gotten back into serious guitar playing. Here's my half-filled pedalboard. Still trying to recover some of the stuff I sold off way back when, so my modulation section isn't complete.

Powered by a PP2+ and wired with lava cable ELC mini.

Looking for an analogman bi-chorus if anyone has one for sale!
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Picked up a Line 6 M13 just before Christmas for an insanely low price and found this big pedal case for an even more insanely low price last week.Those 20 foot Planetwave Instrument Cables are very useful for chopping up and turning them into patch cables and loop cables.

The signal chain is as follows.

Guitar -> Dunlop Crybaby -> M13 FX block 1 (drive) -> Input -> JVM Pre-amp -> Parallel Loop Send -> Airplane Flanger -> M13 FX blocks 2,3 and 4(time-based, modulation, etc) -> Parallel Loop Return -> JVM Power Amp

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