Pedalboard Pictures!


into this
my new pedals...


the chorus..i can cast my MIJ boss CE2 pedal aside already...
the delay is absolutely astounding...

pardon the modtone though.hehe its not supposed to be in the pic
Wow does do those pedal "tanks" bash like a Leopard? :P

when leopards bash, they get damn chui also. as a mech, i heartpain everytime we go outfield...

back to topic, here's my new board, and some of my other pedals (right side)


Got a Timmy and a Memory Toy this year. And I got the POG today.

So, right now, it's Jaguar>Pitchblack>Maxon OD808(Buffer)>Timmy>Hardwire Chorus>Memory Toy>Deep Blue Delay>Vox Night Train>Vox Heritage Cab with Celestion Blue speakers
when leopards bash, they get damn chui also. as a mech, i heartpain everytime we go outfield...

back to topic, here's my new board, and some of my other pedals (right side)


Got a Timmy and a Memory Toy this year. And I got the POG today.

So, right now, it's Jaguar>Pitchblack>Maxon OD808(Buffer)>Timmy>Hardwire Chorus>Memory Toy>Deep Blue Delay>Vox Night Train>Vox Heritage Cab with Celestion Blue speakers

may i ask how's the maxon OD808??
the od808 is like a tubescreamer. similar to the ts9 (or ts10, i can't remember which exactly), just that i prefer it to the ts9. (i used to have a ts9dx in my board) i have been using it as a boost and buffer ever since i first got it 2-3 years back. it's the oldest pedal in my board. if i'm not wrong, the od9 (oddly) is closer to the ts808 and is true bypass, while the od808 is buffered. this can be good and bad, depending on your needs.
Got one of these babies not too long ago.




The one on the right belongs to Squirrel.

Today at jamming, my guitarist was messing around with my nova delay's tap tempo function and we got this.


Only the br00talest of the br00talest can achieve this! Hahaha.

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