Pedalboard Pictures!

Wow how do you find the DLA?

I like the idea of getting a volume boost+ delay for solos without tap dancing :)
Absolutely superb. Amazing for a digital pedal. Every knob at 12 o clock and its lovely. Modulation is extremely useable at any setting, unlike many other delays with modulation. The repeats are incredibly warm (if you want) and the way it decays reminds me of a DMM.

I'm dying to compare this to the Skreddy Echo once I get it. Especially tape emulation thing.
i'm rearranging things around...


looks like the top section is not going to change at all... really happy with the set up...

then i'm putting together another board... still not fixed with it...

am waiting for my phase 90 to return back from goose...

and yes, the Boost DLA is amazing....



My submission for pedalboard sqeezing. lol. notice my wah doesnt exactly fit onto the board. time to get me a probe wah. oh gas
fehlupkid, your patch cables are the soldered Lava mini elc's right? How are they? I'm waiting for mine to arrive. They costs a crazy bomb. I hope its worth it.
fehlupkid, your patch cables are the soldered Lava mini elc's right? How are they? I'm waiting for mine to arrive. They costs a crazy bomb. I hope its worth it.

yeah, those were bought about 2 years ago... i have no problems with them before. but there are a mixture of cables tho... the flat heads with canares worked fine for me actually. especially space... you can see i have a slight spacing issue with the timmy and the pigmine...
Nice to know they have been worry free for 2 years already! I got angry with my solderless cables reliability so I stayed away from the Lava solderless kits even.. Space is not an issue too. So I hope it'll be worth while. When I tell people how much all of them cost they say I'm crazy. Not to mention the gold and black plugs look good. :rolleyes:
I'd leave the wah off the board if I am you.

hah.. yea I kinda have to. the wah's in an awkward elevation and angle otherwise. this is simply for transportation's sake. surprising how it does fit into the pt mini bag like that. but yes if I carry the wah in the pouch, I can set another pedal there! oh gas
been awhile... heres my simple setup that has me off the charts
going through an Orange Rockerverb 50 and an Egnater Rebel 20 now...still awaiting my Bogner Ecstasy 20th Anniversary to come in

Mad stuff as usual bro pedalitis hahah!

Bro when your XTC coming? i want to go try hahahah! and the egnator.
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soon soon bro... damn waiting is painful la.
my pedal board is way simpler than most now bro. see mostly boss pedals. n the power of the 7th...
I stacked the 7th with my AC+ the sound was massive haha! I want one now!

i need cny to faster come hahah!

You guys have successfully induced gas in me!

@JMS: dude! sweet compact setup, makes me wanna downsize. tough cos i swapped out my timmy for a time but ill find a way!

@squirrel: DUDE! i thought my 7th was unique with the orange knobs! NOOOOO!