Pedalboard Pictures!

I thought you have a big rig? or was it someone else. BTW, your FV50L is designed to be last in your chain, not 1st. just my 2cents
hi leecs,

i nvr had big rig.. less is more i guess..

as for the volume pedal, i think it doesnt matter 1st or last.. this setup works well for me.. maybe u have a different opinion to share?
yeah leecs.. read.. FV50L is used after effects unit.. hes using the low impedance volume pedal.. ur showing the HIGH impedance one.. which is placed before effect units... cheers
dhalif: read properly.

Use the low impedance FV-50L when you want your volume control to be connected after effect units or used for keyboards.
dhalif did said the FV50L (low impedance) was to be used @ the end of ur guitar effect unit :lol: the picture u showed is the one to be put before the chain (high impedance).

both of u are right.. relax..
lol yeah leecs.. thats exactly what i said hehheh vair funny .. b ut ive never used it before though.. should go scout for one some time..

any ideas on how else i can wire up my fx
Modulation arrangement, Its up to personal choice, really.. but your basics are more or less right.

Delay after drive is standard, but try delay before drive for some crazy sounds ;)
how do you like the phase 90 before the chorus? mine loses a little volume when its not last in my modulation chain ( tonefactor AF > ehx mistress > byoc chorus > P90 ). and how does the delay sound before the chorus and phaser?( cant hear for myself, no delay yet.)
to suckasucks : the phase90 before chorus gives the phase depth. but very wild if my Deth and Elevel on chorus is abit too high. The delay before chorus and delay is fantastic, very typical indie alternative rockband sound. echoy and rockish at the same time. but not very creative or wild sounds. GOing to try re-wiring.
yay! finally done! using pedaltrain pro soft case, damn heavy but great for the huge space. sadly the pedaltrain was too small, so i got the pro one instead.



my cables are fine wat. using neutrik heads. they're the $7.90 ones from luther. and of course there's a good old GL cable there.
just fixed it up in the afternoon. Waiting for Effector 13 Truly Beautiful Disaster to arrive & im done

