NKF article

Hey if anybody wants to start talking about the government, I've got some questions that need answers.

How far is too far, how much is too much, how hot is too hot when we're talking about local politics?

Any lawyers here? 8O

I think I remember one of the guys that Durai/NKF sued over the first class travel matter, he said what he said at a kopitiam.

Poison kopi :lol:
this topic is relly selling fast hahahahaha
every month i give contribution to nkf deducted on my salary im very disappointed im planing to ceased my monthly donations what ya think pipol
thatfrog said:
Hey if anybody wants to start talking about the government, I've got some questions that need answers.

wait,,, SOFT is for eat, drink and make music! :lol:
I bought a new bass, play until fingers sore.. When hot water touch my right hand, finger lagi pain :?

Can't make music.

I drank my last beer a few days back.

Can't drink.

Downstairs got prata shop.

Bingo 8)
Hey brother, I think you OT already man.....

Should go something like:

NKF is at balestier, famous to the locals for the Tau Sa Piah, also Loy kee Chicken rice serve up a mean dish. Hey wait!! There is also Boon Tong Kee here giving Loy kee the run for their money. Wait, wait wait...... mikemann knows another chicken rice outlet, very very old skool, called peng kee chick rice, also facing main road, just next to jalan rama rama. This is mikemann's reccomendation.

Ai yah, don't forget to try out the Bak Kut teh here, quite famous too, a number of stalls to try out!!!.

Beer, no better place than Whampo Market, got satay, bbq seafood, hokkien mee, western food. All to match that beer session of yours. The atmosphere is of course immppeccable. Of course I am talking OLD SKOOL atmosphere.

FINALLY MUSIC..............MIKEMANN MUSIC STUDIO is at the heart of Balestier, home to headquaters of NKF. Make music, jam music, get your amps fixed, buy cheap gears.......ALL here in BALESTIER. We are at Jalan Rajah, behind the SPC petrol station.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA>>>>>>>>>> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Peace 8)
Eh, chicken rice, the hawker centre at kovan mrt, got a new stall..

Blue signboard, forgot the name, but it's so bloody salty la!!

But it's also damn nice..... I can feel my cholestrol and all rising when I eat it :P

By 11am got QUEUE one leh!!!

Alamak, now really hungry 8O
mikemann said:

lol such a blatant plug :P

to silencer and heartrocksingapore : there are two different schools of thoughts about the government . both are legitimate , both are true to some extent but neither is the full truth. live and let live ? anyway what we say here isnt probably going to spark a massive overnight change in the civil service or anything. take it easy man !

hmm OT back to NKF. but i mean , the TT darai guy has such a loyal staff , i mean, most of his staff dont want him to leave. tt darai worked 7 days week , 24/7 on call to do his job [ according to the newspapers] hmmm.. on one hand they accuse him of absuing public money ? on the other , he is portrayed as a hard working , hard living semi-civil servant working for the benefit of the organisation .. hmm .. why the contrasting schizopherenic portryal ? more than meets the eye
i think in front of people the staff will of course show support...but who knows what're they're really thinking inside their hearts....
i don't mean to sound snobbish, but this would be my first and last attempt posting anything that requires some thought, and i'm going to take down my posts. nothing much has changed.

i'm going to stick to posting only as and when needed.
Silencer said:
HeartRockSingapore said:
A clarification that you need...

in case your accusation of insinuation, my statement was in literal response to your posting. Do I want to accuse you out of no basis and put you into trouble? Why should I? Are you afraid? Why should you? Is this personal? You said it is! I substantiate my statement with your postings, could you substantiate your statements of what you said of the government?

Firstly, i'm not sure whether or not you want to get me in trouble or whether or not you want to accuse me without basis. i'm just surprised you 'accused' me of being anti-government.

I'm afraid of being taken out of context. everyone is.

its personal, of course it this! but what does it being personal have to do with anything else? its just my views.

anyone can substantiate what i say. simply read the straits times, economist or any good newspaper. the salaries of scholars, civil servants, even the PM isn't a secret.

James: Thanks. :)

Vaiyen: i took it off not because i'm afraid of being quoted. i took it off to avoid conflicts that are personal in nature, ilke this this.

suddenly, its not about my logical arguments anymore. its about me being anti-government... this is exactly the point i was trying to make when i took my post down. most people simlpy can't judge the case based on its merit.

HeartRockSingapore: could you specify what exactly in my post led you to believe i'm anti-government? i really would like a detailed clarification to this matter.

Please read the text carefully and do not go out of context. I said you got a lot of things against the government, so do many people. Do they need to be anti-government? Why bring the anti-government label upon yourself when no one says so?

Second, when you quote something, you substantiate it, not asking anybody or the newspapers to substantiate it for you. What you wrote speaks for itself. If you have forgotten what you wrote after taking it off, I can help you to repost it here. Period
Silencer said:
i don't mean to sound snobbish, but this would be my first and last attempt posting anything that requires some thought, and i'm going to take down my posts. nothing much has changed.

i'm going to stick to posting only as and when needed.
dear silencer, i am sure many people here do understand how you are feeling and going through. :wink:
Hi Duskalways, always have something soft and nice foreverybody, eg a 6kg birthday cake.

I will cease the argument in gentleman manner.

Silencer, I respect gutsy people more than those who prefer to hide. You are somewhat a worthy opponent to spar with. Hope to listen to your musical side, perhaps at my gigs, or any others.
stars said:
lol such a blatant plug :P

Hahaha........Balestier from an old skool town, a bit forgotten. Has become the heart of the hottest news in SG. Mr Soft wants some drinks, food and music action. So time for me to swing in, and capitalise a bit. Hey, I did provide a bit of makan sutra tidbits.

It's about the money......hahahaha.... :lol: :lol:
i think this shows that in the end... We Singapores can only get really pissed off by one thing. Money...

like the uproar wasnt really that great when some teacher slapped a student, or when (no offense) the tudung incident came about, or when so many NS servicemen died, and they are still dying up till now. It didnt even seem like an issue to most people, wtf... people will go like, "aiya some times accident happen, its all for the futre of the nation crap"

but when we find out that ppl hasnt be transparent with our money, or didnt really use it wisely, WAH, UpROR, spraycans defacing NKF, so much media attention, LAwsuits, new boardroom members, minister come out and show face.

I'm proud to be $inaporean$
duskalways said:
anthony! haha! will buy you an even bigger piece of chocolate cake! :wink:

oh thank you sooo much. the nice taste of the cake still lingering, so best to keep it that way. I don't mind a bowl of "tow huay" soft and nice ha ha
seekz said:
i think this shows that in the end... We Singapores can only get really pissed off by one thing. Money...

remember the uproar also when huang na's parents took the $$ donated to them back to china instead of donating it as promised...

scandalous those events might have been but this is different now.

for years , this man has been taking public money , with full knowledge of how much money is being spent, with full awareness how much money is there and with full knowledge that the money comes from.

its akin to the largest case of "public-charity" corruption that singapore has ever seen. imagine contributing 15% OF your hard earned , blood, sweat and tears pay each month to NKF. or calling up when those thrice yearly donation charity shows , ringing up begging you , pleading with you and tugging at your heartstrings to help those needy.

and when you find out that your trust in the honourable organisation that you placed your money , your confidence of them delivering and using the money for the embetterment of these poor people and the OUTRIGHT deceit and betrayal of public responsibility and accountability of the donated money. taking the money and paying the CEO a 25,000 monthly salary , 600,000 annually for the past 3 years.

when you expected that money to go to the poor and needy. here it is lining the pockets of this man. not that i think its wrong to pay him but the sheer SIZE of such payments and given the nature of his work.

its really disgusting , given the scale of this greed and abuse in the name of charity.not that singaporeans are just mere-money minded and shallow , causing and uproar about money.

Besides , the newspapers , especially certain tabloids love to sensationilise things , taking them out of context and blowing up issues.

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