Hi Kuok En,
Good to see you here in soft. To answer your question, OCDP drums are all custom made to order and although they do make snares and kits to be sold, the prices varies with the different materials, specs and hardwares they use.
It is only when I bring in the snares then I will know the prices, otherwise i will have to know your desired materials, specs and hardwares you want and ask them for a quote.
I will try to get my web designer to build a simple kit configurer and quoting system into my website. Let me do this after The Groove Weekend '06, Singapore with Rick Latham.
Hi Gambatak!
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! Seriously, I am scared of what I am doing than being one who is "proud" of what I am doing. Although I do take pride in what i am doing. I try to do my best but i am in many ways limited and that many times frustrates me.
There are things i want to do but cannot do, but I am patient because God is so good too me since He put the burden of what i am doing in me and have been providing me since then.
The lastest providence from Him is the opportunity to carry Mapex drums in my store and thus providing the community another choice selection of drumkits apart from the ones that are already in Singapore and I do not have to get those kits from the suppliers here, at their mercy of pricing and lack of parts support.
Many of you who have been in the scene would know what i am talking about. Having to rely on these, will cause me much heartache and frustration that will eventually cause me not to service you all well. These days i do not feel so bad to tell people that i do not have T***, P**** and D* pedals, and that if they want they should head down to the respective distributors to get them.
My dream of the kinda drum shop i have seen overseas cannot happen here in SG. I have tried to and realised that it is impossible because of business politics. I told myself, heck the business politics and just let me be a musician to provide for what the drumming community needs.
That is also why i took the risk to single-handedly embark on a project to bring in one of america's drumming master to come over here to teach over a period of 3 full days. That's gonna take place in June 15th - 18th. There is no financial sponsors or support from any companies but just a vision fulled by passion and do it or die attitude.
The Groove Weekend will be an annual drumming event organised by Drums Resources Music Place, bringing drum greats from the west and the east to come, perform, teach and inspire the local community and beyond. I pray that i will not be too discouraged to go on even if the turn out will not be good.
I am already planning for next year's guest teachers for The Groove Weekend '07, Singapore.
Gambatak, the success of all that i am doing will not be of my own acheivements but that of the community. If there is no drum community, i will cease to exist. So how can i boast of myself and what i do? Far from it.
I thank God for difficult times because its in such times that i am walking on the ground and alive. Not dead in my pride which will eventually kill me. So thank you every one for keeping me alive.
Oops, i am so sorry that i wrote such a lengthy reply, its kinda things i want to say but not many chance to say and when i do say it, i probably wont write the same things again. Thanks for listening....
Gambatak, come on down and speak with me, oh before you come, contact me at 91170692 so that i can give you the directions and also tell you if i will be in or out. sometimes i will be out for works or projects.
See ya soon!