New member
Just one question, to all the guys who use tons of pedals, don't you find that putting your sound through too many pedals makes your tone a little screwy?
that wud actually depends on what the person playing the geetar with the effect wanna achieve.
Some are just happy playing geetar sounding good and sounds like guitar
some are just happy getting texture that fit into the music which they are playing and not just playing geetar as a geetar, but a tool that fit in a small part towards their music
Imho, tone often doesnt make music, but understanding ways to utilise gear and coaxing sound out of the gear one is using, is the key point in creating sound which might be useful for music and not just thinking in term of geetar, and more geetar playing.
for me personally iam not looking for tone in guitar, iam looking for sounds that will i can use(with guitar and effect), for the music which i am doing. As much as I can understand why some people like few pedals and just guitar and amp, i know as well how i can utilise effect to get sounds that cud be useful. If i can have the best of both world, why shud i limit myself to just knowing one side of the situation.
certain compromise need to be made, seeing the bigger picture and knowing what i want to achieve and how to go about achieving it to get sounds i wanted, often make just getting "less purity tone" of geetar a small factor which i can live with