On the contrary, I think if a discussion is generating this many hits and this many responses, then it is a discussion that is quite worth the while. It shows that there are two different sides and two points of view, and those elements always contribute to great discussions. And in all fairness, I think James and I have been very respectful to each other. There isn't any pie throwing, there aren't any dismissive words being thrown about either

I mean, I think it's pretty cool that this is a serious discussion about something else other than music BUT a part of our society as well. But if you disagree, simply don't click Post and let it die
Simple! But I mean, if it's going on fine with no nonsense sprouting up, no fist fights being thrown, then letting it run its course is fine.
On a side note:
To James:
I agree with you that a lot can be done for the scene. I think a lot of people have been working towards this for years and all of us will continue to do so in years to come. It is why we keep coming back here, is it not? But I don't think this is directly related to the scene. I'm raised several issues in my previous postings, issues that you haven't directly addressed, but I leave the choice of responding to them accordingly directly in your hands because it is your choice after all
To Ken:
Thank you for your opinions and I truly appreciate them. In some ways you are right as well. So thanks for voicing it out.
To Vickmaniac,
Thank you as well for feeling that way about my role. For people who know me, they'd know that I'm constantly playing down my role within the scene. I do this because I know that there are
a lot of people out there - gig organizers, promoters, sound people, bands, jamming studio attendants, etc - that do wayyyyyyyy more than I do. I just try to do my part really and I am happy to be just one cog in this awesome machine that everyone has created. Perhaps I am a bit more 'media prominent' than some, but it doesn't mean I am not entitled to an opinion at all, does it? If anything, I have expressed an opinion and I am sticking up for it because I believe in it - and if doing so encourages young people to stick up for what they believe to be right or wrong, then I don't think that's a bad thing. But please, do allow me to express myself once in a while.
Please read the previous thread thoroughly before you think it was a 'full blown assault' because I emphasize again, it wasn't.
Yes, the topic title was designed in such a way that people would take the time to read it but it was only for others to read and have the chance to comment on. If you did read the thread WITHIN it from start to finish, you'd realize that I didn't encourage his ridicule in it at all.
To srxt
In all honesty, I do not think a topic title like "OMG WTF is this?!" will be strong enough drug to make someone's opinion change that dramatically from what it already was but it is certainly 'eye catching' enough to make them view, read, analyze, and comment based on their own reactions.
And the last time I checked, that was why everybody posts here in the first place - to have their post viewed, read and responded to? I mean, I don't think anyone will post something here if they didn't want it read. (Ironically, titling your topic title something like "PLEASE DO NOT READ!" would actually get more people to read it )
But yes I agree with you, perhaps I should have toned down the title of the topic a little bit, but I maintain that my contributive content within that topic was leaning towards pro-support for the kid.
Yes, it was me that brought up the controversial issue.
But I wasn't the one who made such social issues controversial in the first place. So should I stand accuse for simply bringing it to light? Hey, if I had the power to shape shift what society thought to be controversial or not, I'd be as powerful as <insert controversial statement here!> . Heh! (that'd be a cool talent to have though, unfortunately I don't have it!)
interestingly enough,
It's funny how the people who DID openly ridicule the kid are suddenly very quiet and watching as people try to castrate me
And on a final note,
This IS getting quite tiring.
James, I'd like to end this by saying that this has been an awesome debate. But I do not feel that I owe you an apology because I did raise several key and valid issues that were not addressed by you [located here
http://soft.com.sg/forum/music-kopi-tiam/65488-my-response-james-7.html]. And I believe that I have held up my end of the debate pretty well with actual facts and a thorough explanation. Yes, actions cause a reaction and your action of closing down the thread after blaming me for it has spurred on
my reaction. It isn't a hostile reaction though, it is simply defending my point of view.
That being said, I will always respect you James. I've always said SOFT is like a third home for me (right after my actual home and my chair in front of the XBOX 360

). And you know that for the most part, I've respected the rules and given my opinions on SOFT for many years. But this is an issue I cannot back down from. But that doesn't mean that we gotta get at each other's throats (I might get at your throat if you were wearing a 10 million dollar necklace though!). I still love you man, always will.