My Response To James.

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ey,i wake to get some water, turns out this thread getting corny..

lets just ask james to close this thread WITH permission from Ronin of course as to prevent futher misunderstandings.

It'll save bandwith too.
yes, sorry to say this but could the guys start a riddle thread? so Aki S. Ian can sleep in peace? I'm checking this thread quite often to see if my 20cent coin .. offended anyone heheh.
Empathy, guys.
the kid probably has enough problems in his life without having the mindless internet herd latching on him.
and who alwaaaays, WITHOUT FAIL, use the grandoise and moral-uppity cover of "Freedom of Expression" to justify their mean-spiritedness and intolerance.
Wow, what a very stimulating thread. If this does continue, I think everyone who participates in this discourse will only get out as a better person. So hopefully this gets sorted out in a orderly fashion, and not just get swept under the carpet/bed.
eh raistmar! still in singapore? hahah...
aniwaes what u hav said makes sense mann...

so let us put our hands together n hope it turns out well...:twisted:
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