My Response To James.

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Censorship is just a quick to solve glaring problems. it just takes the attention away from the real underlying problems, which unfortunately doesn't disappear like words from a Channel newsasia report.
Well, some kind of censorship is necessary, isn't it? Like take for example, racist, discriminatory content, or political content which would have effects that would destabilize the social framework of a country.

If such content were published, there would indeed be unthinkable effects, just think back to the caricatures of certain islamic figures in Denmark a while ago and the whole furore it brought out. Or the political mudslinging ever present everywhere else in the world and all the chaos it brings about.

The good thing, if you can call it that, about political apathy is that it basically means everything is going rather well, otherwise we'd all be feeling very differently about the political side of things, no?

Well bro, no offense but reporting it on CNA and raising the furore of the whole nation (assuming it's something severly inflammatory) doesn't really solve the problem either, does it?

I suppose we all got different opinions of how to solve the problems plaguing the country but if everyone second-guesses and all be armchair critics of whatever people in power try to do to solve them, doesn't it defeat the purpose of making certain words re-appear on a CNA report?
yes, we should all be aiming for political freedom/apathy because it is a sign of a healthy government and society.
the mohammed caricatures just goes to show the problem with religious fundamentalists in the modern world.

Also if anyone remembers, a while back some dutch filmmaker made a short film called 'submission', putting light on women's rights in Islam. He got killed before he managed to put out another episode. Some might think his foolish actions caused his death but it just goes to show the problem with religious wackjobs and how they have no place in the modern world and society.

the problem wasn't the reporting, it was the censorship. if the media can take a bendover like that everytime the government or whoever feels like it, then not much can be said for the local media.

i'd like to live in a state where not everything is fed to me by what the government deems necessary or 'alright'. Part of journalistic freedom is respecting the reader too.
"Well, as to the entire censorship issue, I would have to graduate and work in the industry full time first before I can say first hand if there is or not, but on paper I don't suppose censorship exists."

Dude, that's because whatever that was written 'on paper' was also censored as well! HAHA!
I don't remember that filmmaker part, but I don't believe as a freethinker I am in any position to comment about religion....

Some people are just too devoted I guess? :???: Don't know if it's a good thing or bad.

Well I don't totally disagree with you, but I feel I'm more forgiving :mrgreen:

I suppose it's because it's still a fledgling media, and no matter how rich Singapore becomes the path to an 'open' society, especially freedom of the press (in your definitions) it is still young and on a steep learning curve. Hence comparing with other countries' media would be a tad harsh, don't you think?

Well bro I am Indonesian and if you haven't yet realised Indonesia gone 'free press' a while ago and look at the mess that came up from that. :(
It's not that bad lah seriously.
Just don't touch on certain topics can already. In the end I kinda agree with most of the censorship done here, but not all.
It IS loosening up a tad bit here and there anyway and we should be thankful for small achievements.

I mean come on, GRAND THEFT AUTO 4 isn't banned and that's cool :D

YEAH! :twisted:

A few years ago they banned this game called GANGSTER right? Haha... I am still amazed that such a discussion can occur on SOFT, hehe.
Yeah and this discussion is around because I started it (thrusts chest out proudly!!!)
LOL, I'm kidding I'm kidding :)

Yeah and now GTA4 is allowed, most movies are generally allowed too I guess, with lesser 'cuts'. I would say when it comes to media censorship, nationwide press is still subjected to the most scrutiny. But when it comes to stuff such as music, film, video games etc, it's a little bit less intense.

I mean, years and years ago, Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion albums were banned :D These days, we'd just laugh it off because there's even more vulgar gangsta rap out there that's being approved. So it's all about progression and I must say in this case, I think the amount of censorship here is generally ok. We are a young nation after all, and most of the public aren't ready to handle the responsibility of freedom of speech just yet. I mean, imagine some 'ah beng' fella with the right to hand out flyers for recruitment for his new startup gang or something. Not that cool.
Haha what I would think is that people are being trusted to be more mature in making decisions and in their reactions... I mean through these years the relaxations in previous 'taboos' have been pretty extensive, no?

And I think the gradual way is more appropriate lah. Haha.

Anw is GTA4 out already? I'm not a big fan of it though, haha
i heard there are pretend blowjobs in gta4 confirm/deny
I once downloaded a jap game where the objective is to plan out and execute a successful rape, in the interests of science. i couldn't get it to install so i gave up and deleted it.
true story
LOL, thats totally not related to music dude.
keep porn out of this.

i do have a question,
anyone here worked with the government before?
im refering to law enforcement..

not just the police. if you have, then maybe you will now, i guess.
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