Just to clarify, in my posts when I refer to the scene it's some zeitergiest of the music we create out of and within singapore, including the intangibles associated with it - like each participant is helping to shape it. i guess original music plays a large part in it; however there's no denyingthat any band playing live music in any venue or capacity (covers or originals) would influence the outcome, so if people went to prominent gigs or shows featuring lots of cover bands, then there'll definitely be that perception that all we're producing is cover bands.
OK, now back to tearing blank a new one
I keed, i keed.
Blank, I sense you're backpedaling and contradicting yourself. Let's take what you've said so far:
About bands:
Leeson: bad pop, bland, caucasian lead singer in oriental context, guitarist rips off Pete Doherty
Caracal: vocalist ruins everything, predictable melodies
Allura: decent songs, live show lacking
GSE: okay songs, anglophile frontman, ripping off the killers, filleresque [wow, and this is a band you said you DO like!
I Am David Sparkle: thieves of Mogwai's precious identity
Midnight Marvel: horrible to the power of 20?
You said "The good bands here, well honestly I'd say if they were from somewhere else I probably wouldn't listen to them at all. Except maybe one or two." "I really couldn't say that any SG band really... engages me, though Fire Fight and B-quartet are pretty impressive, in time to come maybe." Still far off your high standards!
Elswhere you also praised Aging Youth for having all good quality bands and good QC, though your comments about 2 of their bands, YAWA and Allura, seemed less than enthusiastic. Besides B-quartet, is there anything you actually like from them?
You've also said that technicality doesn't bother you, "most of the bands I enjoy probably aren't technically gifted" - I take this to mean that you are not concerned with recording / production standards or occasional pitching issues / tightness / mistakes live. Considering the bands you listed like The Shins, Bright Eyes, Smashing Pumpkins, Modest Mouse, Cap'n Jazz - the vocals are at best unique and quirky, and we all know in particular Tim Kinsella couldn't hold a tune if it came in a plastic bag. Many people would deign to say they have terrible singers. You don't have an issue with this but you single out the Caracal singer (i assume for being pitchy at times during live sets?). indie rock is fraught with less than stellar vocals - listen to any Dinosaur Jr, Superchunk or Built To Spill album from the 90s. I'd say it's the same with current indie rock bands, only nowadays everything's processed to the frickin eyebrows with Auto Tune plug ins so most people wouldn't notice. Till the live shows at least.
And ok, this is classic. "I've checked out i am david sparkle's myspace and they seem to have evolved. Though I think it sounds worse now. I'd say they stole from different parts of mogwai eras. Most from young team and mr beast, those are the two albums I listen to the most from mogwai, so maybe they've taken some from other albums i wouldn't know." So you're basically saying you singled out IADS in your first post without even listening to This Is The New, which was released late 2007 I reckon. And aside from vague points about stealing their sound from different eras and copping their identity - you've nothing more compelling to support your case? It seems that you've written them off based on barely listening to some early myspace tracks. You've not mentioned anything about them playing live so I guess you're not familiar with that either. Seems to me you don't know much about either Mogwai or IADS and your comparison is tenuous at best.
Leeson are purveyors of bland pop, have boring shows, and god forbid, a white guy singing in an asian band (or should i say "oriental" - love the gu zhengs and pipas they use). Again, not much with the analysis. Needless to say, Midnight Marvel don't even get the benefit of your patchwork reasoning.
You say the scene needs "something more interesting and being more engaging" and that it would grow "if bands that are willing, to start moving on from just making generic or unoriginal music."
On the other hand you say that you have no issues with bands making straightfoward rock n roll or pop, and you - although wouldn't that all fall back under creating "generic and unoriginal" music?
At the end of the day all i see is someone who doesn't like local music, and fails to articulate cohesively why. whatever commendations that you claim you've bestowed is at best marginal and damning with faint praise. You claim to have the answers but not everything can be solved by listening to more music or distributing free CDs to people at polys or art institutes (i haven't figured out how that'll help). You tick off baybeats for showcasing new bands, implying they're not good enough for those stages yet - but what's wrong with giving them that platform and letting them try their best? Conversely, would you complain if each year baybeats featured the same established bands over and over again? What about small independent gigs, which ones have you been to and which upcoming bands would you support, or are they not good enough for you yet? Then at which point does a band cut their teeth and garner enough experience to rise through the ranks and hit a level of professionalism that you'd be satisfied with?
I have a suggestion. Get involved. Go learn something about our local bands other than those you've mentioned. Buy some local releases, borrow some old ones if they're out of print or get them from the bands themselves. Do some homework. Go watch more shows, not just baybeats once a year. Better still, form a band, write some music, try to get some shows, release stuff and put it out for all to hear. Maybe you'll get some insight about the entire creative process that goes into songwriting and recording. See whether it really is easy to come up with something you think is original sounding and unique but that at the same time is engaging and not a bunch of pretentious art wank, without falling back to traditional songwriting cliches. Put on a good show that entertains people. In other words, I'd really like to see you help contribute in actual fact, put your money and time where your mouth is. If you're so full of ideas, translate them and do something about it. It's easy to find fault if you set your mind to thinking that way.
Don't claim to know what's wrong with the scene when all you have done to date is just clicked on a few local band's myspace pages and gone to a couple gigs once in a blue moon.