My Crazy Idea Of A Multi Purpose Music Hub!!!


New member
i was thinking of an idea of finding a warehouse location where we make our own stage and the kits are there and every weekend there is a gig for new bands to perform. At the same time, the place can be turned into a mini jamming studio and a snack bar. We can also held mini functions in the same location like guitar or drum clinics by our well known musicians or volunteers. Any ideas to add to my crazy idea??
BASSIST LEH? but i dont chicks anyway... nvm...
drummer shd get more chicks... coz to them this guys perform good on bed of roses!

most ppl borrow from banks.....

but i dun like the idea of loaning from banks... u need to pay back anyway.. and what if u have taxes to pay on the way...

BUT... i still like the idea....
You would also need to worry about the warehouse rental.

Not only would you be paying rental by sq foot but also by sq volume as well. :lol:
lol. got one company damn big and dont mind!!!! the also saying they wanna support the local arts scene?
go write letter and mail to them la.
wanna know who??

Singapore GAHmen lor. :lol:

We follow his idea except we only allow core-genre metal bands to play and we all then take bets on how long the equipment lasts.

Drums to go first is my bet. Crashes and bass drum skins to be specific.
Here's an idea for you, instead of pages full of line breaks.

How about you write up a proposal.
Without one, you there's not way you can get money from ANYONE.

You need objectives for such a project.
Like a mission statement. Nobody would want to pay for your weekend private jamming studio just like that. Be it tangible or not.

Once you get past that and when some/any org regconises that your goals go hand in hand with theirs and decides to fund you.

You ned to write about setting the place up.
i.e looking for the place and equiptment

and maintainence and management.

and keeping in line with your mission statement.

lastly send them out to everywhere, Substations, Arts council, youth council, hell! Even the blood bank! Who knows which org might be planning what...

Its just a word doc, can attached by email anyway, wouldnt hurt.
if bands perfrom they have to pay...crowd watching pay...snacks and all pay...take the money and use it as maintainence for the equipments.

Bands who perform get alittle cut of the crowd fees.if the crowd alot maybe it ight cover the money they paid to perform.Everybody wins.Organizers gets money to maintain and maybe earn a decent profit.Fans get a good show.bands gets exposure.Everybody have fun.

singapore need weekly shows every sat and sun.week in week out different bands.thats the only way we can start to flourish.

we don have big underground events like usa their vans warpped tours and all.we have baybeats which mostly consist of indie bands or signed heavy bands.


but money talk can talk.No money no talk.

capital is always the hard part when it come to music in singapore.

good idea!!...please just not another IJ!!that place is hell...smelly and hot!!haha