Muslims and alcohol

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A drug addict caught by authority with certain amount of drug and sentenced to be hang though for only his consumption. THAT IS BARBARIC!! I'm not saying drugs is ok. We all know that's bad but that is that person's choice.

So the MURDERER and THE DRUG ADDICT is equal in crimes?

But again, that's the law. We all have to abide with the laws in the place we live in.

i'm right now in a certain part of Europe where soft drugs are legal and when i was relating our laws on drug possession to some locals here, they were more or less shocked and i think even began to view us as a backward nation. the question that followed after the dude heard this was 'are you all a democracy?'

but you're right. it's not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just the way things are. and i think to a certain extent, it's also one of the things that sometimes makes sg a safer place.

another thing is, i don't think it's fair to compare religious laws to secular laws. they're just different.
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intersting point on capital punishment by Heckler ..

what do our bros & sis think about this?
bro tetra, people may deserve to die, but they doesn't deserve to die cruelly. I don't want to pride myself on being part of a society that tortures people, and then kill them. If the state wants to kill somebody, be it a serial murderer or child rapist or chronic drug abuser, then at least it should be humane.

Personally I don't believe in capital punishment, but I always find that to be a pointless debate.
i'm right now in a certain part of Europe where soft drugs are legal and when i was relating our laws on drug possession to some locals here, they were more or less shocked and i think even began to view us as a backward nation. the question that followed after the dude heard this was 'are you all a democracy?'

but you're right. it's not necessarily a good or bad thing, it's just the way things are. and i think to a certain extent, it's also one of the things that sometimes makes sg a safer place.

another thing is, i don't think it's fair to compare religious laws to secular laws. they're just different.

another worthy point in my book - up your points
bro tetra, people may deserve to die, but they doesn't deserve to die cruelly. I don't want to pride myself on being part of a society that tortures people, and then kill them. .

I guess a great deal of us feel that way .... but history / various nations / civilizations did not... some inventive forms of executions include.

1. Cruxifiction.
2. Flaying (skinned alive)
3. Chinese death by a thousand cuts
4. Drawn & quartered (guts & genitals cut off etc)

and god only knows what other forms of torture they had fromearly civilization to the turn of the previous century ....

ouch ....
i think.. the folks that kena caught dun wanna pay "kopi money" they should just pay up and leave.. and dun argue...

Ya hah... maybe its about this. We have people from Sg, drove their cars to M'sia, and have their(m'sia) cars "accidentally"/purposely hit the cars(sg) and claim the other way around. and wish to "settle" on the spot by 'kopi money' lah. otherwise it will be a disastrous event if they don't pay up for their(m'sia) damage, where people will just go up to u and create more trouble.

I hate malaysian people who just simply HATE us Singaporeans. :cool:
another interesting perspective by King Diamond ....

by why did they start "going against" us Singaporeans in the first place????

anybody wana shed some lite on this?
yeah bro fgl, i guess there's no limit to creativity for us when it comes to torture. At least we have good fodder for gore and exploitation flicks, eh?
on the topic of religion, and personal beliefs, i just wanna add in a point.

correct me if im wrong but religion is based on REVELATION, and not RATIONAL THOUGHT.

be it whether you are muslim, christian, buddhist, or satanist, there is always a set guide to follow, be it the 10 commandments, teaching, or the Quran.

if you cannot even follow the guidelines, and dos and don'ts, i don't think you are fit to call yourself part of an organised religion. also more so if you say you are part of an organised religion, but only do things that benefit you, or when you feel like it.

but if you want to dissect a religion, and rationalize every single aspect of it, it take away the purpose of religion, and faith, because "faith is believing in the unseen".
i ever saw a thread, some where.. This particular guy, stated clearly about us singaporeans, "Not like the self-centred Singaporeans..", this clearly show that they hate us so much. I really can't understand. its other people who originate 'problems' and they whole nation gets crude remarks and treatments. Anyway i love Indo better, people are much² nicer there. Land with a thousand smiles. :)
on the topic of religion, and personal beliefs, i just wanna add in a point.

correct me if im wrong but religion is based on REVELATION, and not RATIONAL THOUGHT.

be it whether you are muslim, christian, buddhist, or satanist, there is always a set guide to follow, be it the 10 commandments, teaching, or the Quran.

if you cannot even follow the guidelines, and dos and don'ts, i don't think you are fit to call yourself part of an organised religion. also more so if you say you are part of an organised religion, but only do things that benefit you, or when you feel like it.

but if you want to dissect a religion, and rationalize every single aspect of it, it take away the purpose of religion, and faith, because "faith is believing in the unseen".

For once, you make perfect sense.

Hahahaha!!! jkjk :mrgreen:

I'm with Vicko The Psychomaniac on this one.
sorry to interupt your chit-chating session, but can the threadstarter change the topic title?

i don't think it is suitable to put a title as 'malaysia tak boleh'. as a malaysian myself, i feel that it is a discriminate to us malaysians. what you guys discussing is all bout muslims and alcohols.

putting 'malaysia tak boleh', tak boleh lah...... rite?
never heard of such ruling before but i think they should be sent to religious teeaching and realise the mistakes instead of being punished so harshly.
most of the non muslim world enjoys islam bashing and singaporeans ofcourse always enjoy malaysia bashing so this is kind of a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone thread i guess (thus the title) but pretty sad la if you ask me.

yes, religion is mostly a personal thing and you maybe it shouldn be part of the country's law but malaysia is a muslim country and so it is part of the country's law and the muslims know it so if so and so wants to drink, he does it knowing hes breaking his religious and country's laws so whats there to whine about if and when he gets caught and punished? and all the more whts there for non malaysians and non muslims to talk and whine about?

like someone else mentioned, singapore has its own share of random 'unreasonable' laws but you'll never find a 'omg singapore sucks' thread on any malaysian forum.
i don't think it is suitable to put a title as 'malaysia tak boleh'. as a malaysian myself, i feel that it is a discriminate to us malaysians. what you guys discussing is all bout muslims and alcohols.

Will change the title.
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