Muslims and alcohol

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Man.. I am very tempted to reply in lengthy detail (with regards to religion) but I think I'll leave it as it is.

Over time, I realize that it's true and obvious that man regularly interpret and practice religion to suit his or her own convenience and needs. These personal agendas can be political in nature, but most of the time it's for their own selfish needs.

And man, especially men, have huge egos that sometimes can't be touched or otherwise, all hell will break loose. It's inevitable that a man is defined by the environments and experiences he has had in his lifetime, and shape him into what he is now, and it will be the worst thing if you decide to criticize him for what he has chosen to do, because that would make it as if he's being doing the wrong things all his life.

Some people won't just see the big picture, or think of others. He and himself is the most important, and is the top priority every single time - no one can touch him. Knowledge and learning is secondary to him, and this as you know, is not what Islam preaches.

Pertaining to the article, I think enough has been done to educate and remind, and if people decide to go ahead, and possibly contributing to statistics ie. drunk driving accidents, rape, murder, wife-beating and all those as a result of under the influence of alcohol (the decision to drink is an informed decision made by a usually sound mind), a few strokes of the cane is nothing compared to what you will go through in Hell.

And if you're a Muslim, you are to believe in Hell like you are to believe in God, right?
somehow or other - this thread is becoming just like the rest of the threads that has a Muslim theme ...
Ok..ok...forget about our differences and start seeing things at a bigger angle. Let's have a Bombay Sapphire? Anyone? Hehehehe!!

Drinking doesn't make me an evil person and if I stop drinking totally it doesn't make me a pious man either. Anyway, this may be irrelevant to me as I'm a Monotheist....non of those organised religion. But still, we all have to respect other beliefs. Be it Islam, Christians, Judaism, Buddism, and other pagans.

At the end of the day....everyone is accountable on his or her own doing.

If I know a friend is trying to drink for instance something that contained poison. I will definitely try to tell him not to drink. But if he said, he'll not be affected with the poison I'll leave him be. And if after drinking it proves that he's ok for drinking that poison, I HAVE NO RIGHT to punish him since human are not suppose to drink poison.


In only god I trust!
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Stoning makes the victim suffer more before they die, unless you use a huge stone to crush people to instant death. Have you ever seen people stoned to death? Would you as a person, find that morally acceptable, especially considering the times we're living in? Please answer that.

I believe all capital punishment is barbaric, not modern civil law.

yeah, but sharia law is only applicable to m'sians

But isn't capital punishment part and parcel of civil law. Shariah law is not only about punishing people you know...

What makes hanging or electrocuting any diff? Don't they suffer the pain too? One suffocates to death and the other being shocked to death. Is that morally accepted in society then. Personally yes, I have seen a video of someone being stoned to death, its not a pleasant death but its no diff when I see videos of people dying on the chair or with the noose. From my point of view, you do wrong you deserve the just punishment no matter getting being from civil law or Shariah law.

Btw, Sharia law is only applicable to Muslims...
somehow or other - this thread is becoming just like the rest of the threads that has a Muslim theme ...

Hahaha... Always trying to be defensive ah. But can't help it when the whole world seems to scrutinies us. Need to come up with our own Crouching Tiger, Hidden Fatwa move :p
ok..ok...forget about our differences and start seeing things at a bigger angle. Let's have a bombay sapphire? Anyone? Hehehehe!!

Drinking doesn't make me an evil person and if i stop drinking totally it doesn't make me a pious man either. Anyway, this may be irrelevant to me as i'm a monotheist....non of those organised religion. But still, we all have to respect other beliefs. Be it islam, christians, judaism, buddism, and other pagans.

At the end of the day....everyone is accountable on his or her own doing.

If i know a friend is trying to drink for instance something that contained poison. I will definitely try to tell him not to drink. But if he said, he'll not be affected with the poison i'll leave him be. And if after drinking it proves that he's ok for drinking that poison, i have no right to punish him since human are not suppose to drink poison.


In only god i trust!

most sensible indeed bro tetra - no bullshit from you man - up your points
bro cavett, for electrocution and hanging, the victims usually and are supposed to die within seconds, that's the standard, at least for most secular countries. Stoning usually takes much longer and is far more humiliating since it's usually a public event. It's no different than a mob lynch.

Regarding the argument between sharia law vs secular law, I guess we differ in opinion fundamentally so I'll just leave it at that, especially since I don't know much about either. It's just my opinion that Sharia law is barbaric and I know I'm not alone in that.
just here to clarify the bit on hanging = death by suffocation.
the main idea is to break the hanged's neck, which is instantaneous and pain free (so they say).
the hanged only suffocates if his neck doesnt break, and the noose chokes him to death by compressing his oesophagus.
electrocution, if done correctly, is also "painless" as the first current sent trough the body shuts down all vital organs, and thus, removes the ability to feel pain.
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just here to clarify the bit on hanging = death by suffocation.
the main idea is to break the hanged's neck, which is instantaneous and pain free (so they say).
the hanged only suffocates if his neck doesnt break, and the noose chokes him to death by compressing his oesophagus.
electrocution, if done correctly, is also "painless" as the first current sent trough the body shuts down all vital organs, and thus, removes the ability to feel pain.

Thanks for the clarification, also death by electric chair is considered by most states in the US to be "cruel and unusual punishment", so it's not a common form of capital punishment at all.
That's why I think it's better to be a 'good guy' to some people and not criticize them, even if you mean well and have honorable intentions.

You must always remind yourself that not everybody live the same life as you do, see things like you do, do things like you do and make the same decisions.

To some people, they travel more, or play music professionally, or have more non-Malay friends and these things indirectly influence whether that Muslim in question decides to drink on a regular basis or not.

To some people, they are exposed to friends or relatives who have been victims to tragedies resulting from alcoholism or casual drinking ie. wife beating, drunk driving deaths and accidents, murder in a state of being drunk etc.

So, it's best to do whatever you can and if people don't listen or don't ever want to listen - leave it. You've done your part.

As long as you don't partake in the prohibited activities, or encourage them to do so, then it's ok.

Just tolerate and adapt.

You try to repeatedly educate a mule and I guarantee you'll get kicked.

Capital punishment like Death...should only be carried out on severe crimes. It doesn't matter the way to death is considered Barbaric, Inhuman, whatever lah it's called.

If a person found guilty killing another person by skining his victim first and torture first before finally killing him isn't that considered barbaric too? Then we say is inhuman or barbaric to punish this guy by hanging because he's too fat. With his weight his head will probably be separated from his body. Well to me that guy must die whatever way it should be.

A drug addict caught by authority with certain amount of drug and sentenced to be hang though for only his consumption. THAT IS BARBARIC!! I'm not saying drugs is ok. We all know that's bad but that is that person's choice.

So the MURDERER and THE DRUG ADDICT is equal in crimes?

But again, that's the law. We all have to abide with the laws in the place we live in.
Thanks for the clarification, also death by electric chair is considered by most states in the US to be "cruel and unusual punishment", so it's not a common form of capital punishment at all.

yeah not anymore. it was 1998 where it stopped being a a form of punishment in many states, but there are still a few states that give the inmates a choice of electrocution as an alternative (god knows why)
This disc is going off on a tangent - but it is getting interesting ... so long as everybody knows their "limits" I guess when posting ... we have to respect all softies here irregardless of their religionor level of dedication to it ...
Capital punishment like Death...should only be carried out on severe crimes. It doesn't matter the way to death is considered Barbaric, Inhuman, whatever lah it's called.

If a person found guilty killing another person by skining his victim first and torture first before finally killing him isn't that considered barbaric too? Then we say is inhuman or barbaric to punish this guy by hanging because he's too fat. With his weight his head will probably be separated from his body. Well to me that guy must die whatever way it should be.

A drug addict caught by authority with certain amount of drug and sentenced to be hang though for only his consumption. THAT IS BARBARIC!! I'm not saying drugs is ok. We all know that's bad but that is that person's choice.

So the MURDERER and THE DRUG ADDICT is equal in crimes?

But again, that's the law. We all have to abide with the laws in the place we live in.

I agree. Personally, I think ALL capital punishment laws should be abolished!

Only God have the absolute right to take away a person's life.
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