Muslims and alcohol

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Being Muslim drinking beer is personal matter. Yes it is against the religion BUT there are many Muslims in the world that do things that is against the teaching of Islam.

Bottom line is - you have to respect the country law if you want to live there.

another post that makes sense - up yr points
Sharia law is barbaric compared to modern civil laws.

Then what about capital punishment in civil law? Is death by hanging or the electric chair any less "barbaric" than stoning?

Ultimately, its the individual and what best suits him/her.

That is true but it is also up to a fellow Muslim to guide another Muslim to the right ways too. Would you help a drug addict friend to kick out his drug abusing habit?

its up to the man up there whether its right or wrong. .

"The Man up there" as you put it has already state in the Quran that drinking alcohol is wrong in which Allah says "Shaitan (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from As-Salat (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain?" (Surah Al-Maidah, V: 93). So are we to judge God then?

i dont see why someone has to be punish for drinking alcohol when he isn't hurting anybody but himself.

Have you heard of accidents through drunk driving or cases of spousal abuse by the effects of alcohol?

it's not just Islam; people in general do things that contravene their religion's commandments- it's called 'mortal weakness'... do we not lie? which religion advocates lying as OK?

As always, my bro Sub here makes a lot of sense...
salam to my bro Cavett,

That is true but it is also up to a fellow Muslim to guide another Muslim to the right ways too. Would you help a drug addict friend to kick out his drug abusing habit?

why yes, I'd try my best to get him to stop-
I'd kick his butt if he asked me to do the things some ppl did In India recently .
Not to anyone in particular. I just felt like letting off steam:

I am sick and tired of seeing how in recent times the western media has been so quick to pounce on whatever it is they deem as "opposing to human rights" when it comes to Islam, especially after the 911 tragedy. It seems that the awareness of Islam and Muslims of the world has open up a gateway to criticisms rather than understanding.

It is a Muslim's duty to practice what he should practice and that includes giving reminders to other fellow Muslims of the wrongs in the eyes of our faith, and lay down the JUST punishment to such acts as deemed appropriate, with careful investigation and analysis prior to laying down the punishment.

It is what it is. It might not seem justified to others but it is what it is. And as a follower of that faith you have to understand that. If you really believe in it, then accept it.

You call it barbaric and anti-social. Well that is how OUR society works. Try putting clothes on a naked tribal man. He will see YOU as anti-social.

Granted, I don't know enough to be a good defender of what my faith is but when people start to question me about my faith as genuine curiosity and knowledge seeking, I tell them what I know.

But if there is a discussion where people are trying to pounce on something they see as a "fault" in my faith, I will tell them this:

"I'm a Muslim.

"I'm neither proud of practicing what I shouldn't be practicing, nor am I proud of not practicing what I should be practicing.

"But I'm a Muslim. And I am proud of that.

"In the eyes of my people and my God, it may not be enough. But in the eyes of others, I would say that should suffice.

"Hence, I don't think I owe you any further explanation."
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Then what about capital punishment in civil law? Is death by hanging or the electric chair any less "barbaric" than stoning?
they're all barbaric, but stoning is especially cruel. I don't think I need to explain why.

On another note, this is quickly turning into a theistic discussion and rants, so i'm out!
Originally Posted by ash_88 View Post

i think people should be sincere about their religion not just follow it blindly because someone else says you have to do this or that. if you wanna believe and follow by right go ahead but if someone else wants to follow a different path let him or her go through it. this is the problem in the world today no one can respect each other, everybody justs wants their own way.

Hmm..isn't dat being a bit too selfish?
Let say u see ur pal crossing a river with two bridges ahead of him, Bridge A and B .Bridge A is badly corroded , may collapse anytime and Bridge B is firm and normally used by the people in dat village becos they have the knowledge/information of those 2 bridges condition. U only also know about those 2 bridges becos u seek knowledge and ask around.

Ur pal choose to go Bridge A.... u let him go just becos he choose to?

Sincerity in religion comes from knowledge(Ilmu),Reason (Akal) and Faith or belief (Iman).

Do u believe dat alcohol consumption is forbidden for muslims ( read Quran)...
if Yes but u still consume...ada harapan.

But if u say NO....musnah harapan.

Sorry if I sound too preachy.

of cause there is nothing wrong with advicing a person. but who knows what is right and what is wrong?advising is a totally different thing from forcing. theres alot of ways to see it but in this case i see it as a person forcing his ideals or beliefs onto another. this doesnt seem like advising anymore imo.
it is reli goin off topic...

but ah... let me ask again...

if singaporeans (muslim) go there holiday and drink also kena ah?
Yes bro ash, it seems people always want to force their views on others. There's no absolutes in morality, nothing is ever entirely in black and white. There's a whole lot of room for reading between the lines in religious doctrine, that's why there's so many different school of thoughts and clerics preaching their own brand of Islam.

Religion should always remain a personal thing, the more you try to make others more like you, the more humanity loses its collective soul. That's why religion should have no place in politics.

if singaporeans (muslim) go there holiday and drink also kena ah?
god forbid, malaysians have no jurisdiction over us
Then what about capital punishment in civil law? Is death by hanging or the electric chair any less "barbaric" than stoning?

That is true but it is also up to a fellow Muslim to guide another Muslim to the right ways too. Would you help a drug addict friend to kick out his drug abusing habit?

"The Man up there" as you put it has already state in the Quran that drinking alcohol is wrong in which Allah says "Shaitan (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from As-Salat (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain?" (Surah Al-Maidah, V: 93). So are we to judge God then?

Have you heard of accidents through drunk driving or cases of spousal abuse by the effects of alcohol?

As always, my bro Sub here makes a lot of sense...

of cause this is matter of view. but here he is drinking he has not cause an accident or hurt anyone. can we read the future? if we can see that he will be there to hurt someone then we can prove that its a crime. the person have to have the will to do it(in your head) and the action to do it(actually causing harm or crime) before you can be convicted of crime. until then he is innocence until proven guilty. if you talk about drink driving shouldnt we ban alcohol in th world for good? then we wouldnt have that problem at all imo?
Different religion different punishment lor. Don't like don't convert. And if you're Muslim, don't like, then bear with it or just convert lor.

Islam doesn't stop you to go convert your religion if you want to, it's better you convert if you feel that the punishment is too much too handle. Or rather, stay away from vices of the religion itself.

It's the same with some Hindus piercing their bodies for Thaipusam, and Chinese(not sure which religion) burning paper money during certain periods of the year (this contributes to air pollution, harmful for EVERYONE not just the people within their own religion).

So y'see, no need to say Islam rules are barbaric, it's just much more exposed in a negative light nowadays due to western media. What I see is that, there are certain extremists of the religion (public stone throwing, the cutting of a guy's private parts due to fornication), THAT is unjustified cause it results in death and it's murder whichever way you look at it.

This article, however, is punishment from a Muslim country to MUSLIMS. Do people of other religions face this? No.
Not to anyone in particular. I just felt like letting off steam:

I am sick and tired of seeing how in recent times the western media has been so quick to pounce on whatever it is they deem as "opposing to human rights" when it comes to Islam, especially after the 911 tragedy. It seems that the awareness of Islam and Muslims of the world has open up a gateway to criticisms rather than understanding.

It is a Muslim's duty to practice what he should practice and that includes giving reminders to other fellow Muslims of the wrongs in the eyes of our faith, and lay down the JUST punishment to such acts as deemed appropriate, with careful investigation and analysis prior to laying down the punishment.

It is what it is. It might not seem justified to others but it is what it is. And as a follower of that faith you have to understand that. If you really believe in it, then accept it.

You call it barbaric and anti-social. Well that is how OUR society works. Try putting clothes on a naked tribal man. He will see YOU as anti-social.

Granted, I don't know enough to be a good defender of what my faith is but when people start to question me about my faith as genuine curiosity and knowledge seeking, I tell them what I know.

But if there is a discussion where people are trying to pounce on something they see as a "fault" in my faith, I will tell them this:

"I'm a Muslim.

"I'm neither proud of practicing what I shouldn't be practicing, nor am I proud of not practicing what I should be practicing.

"But I'm a Muslim. And I am proud of that.

"In the eyes of my people and my God, it may not be enough. But in the eyes of others, I would say that should suffice.

"Hence, I don't think I owe you any further explanation."

unfortunately that is the world. because of the actions of a few many link us to barbarians and murderers but not everyone is like that there are good and there are bad.a good example is when israel goes into gaza and violates so many human rights acts the america stand one corner and watch and allow them to do it. but if it was iran in question, the united states will make a big hooha of everything. of cause the palestinians are involve in this tit for tat. at the end of the day the main word is respect. and no one respects enough nowadays
Different religion different punishment lor. Don't like don't convert. And if you're Muslim, don't like, then bear with it or just convert lor.

Islam doesn't stop you to go convert your religion if you want to, it's better you convert if you feel that the punishment is too much too handle. Or rather, stay away from vices of the religion itself.

It's the same with some Hindus piercing their bodies for Thaipusam, and Chinese(not sure which religion) burning paper money during certain periods of the year (this contributes to air pollution, harmful for EVERYONE not just the people within their own religion).

So y'see, no need to say Islam rules are barbaric, it's just much more exposed in a negative light nowadays due to western media. What I see is that, there are certain extremists of the religion (public stone throwing, the cutting of a guy's private parts due to fornication), THAT is unjustified cause it results in death and it's murder whichever way you look at it.

This article, however, is punishment from a Muslim country to MUSLIMS. Do people of other religions face this? No.

unfortunately not all muslim countries allow born muslims to convert without being labelled a crime.
I know you will sin when you convert. But if you don't have faith in the religion anymore, would you still care if you sin? Don't think so.

The countries that don't allow conversion, that I don't know off, so I'll back off :)
a good example is when israel goes into gaza and violates so many human rights acts the america stand one corner and watch and allow them to do it. but if it was iran in question, the united states will make a big hooha of everything. of cause the palestinians are involve in this tit for tat. at the end of the day the main word is respect. and no one respects enough nowadays

True enough. I agree.
they're all barbaric, but stoning is especially cruel. I don't think I need to explain why.

On another note, this is quickly turning into a theistic discussion and rants, so i'm out!

How is stoning someone is more cruel than hanging, electrocuting, shooting or beheading?? So you saying that Singapore as a whole is a barbaric society since you believe that civil law is barbaric too? :rolleyes:

of cause this is matter of view. but here he is drinking he has not cause an accident or hurt anyone. can we read the future?

Then why can one be arrested and be revoked of his license if he is found to be above the alcohol limit in his bloodstream while driving? He has not cause an accident or anything. Can the police read the future then by arresting him when he has not caused any injuries to anyone?

if singaporeans (muslim) go there holiday and drink also kena ah?

Only if you get caught and charged under Shariah law. Same with khalwat. Shariah law is the same everywhere bro since its law made by God.
god forbid, malaysians have no jurisdiction over us

not too sure whether this applies here, but as the saying goes, "When in Rome, do what the Romans do"..

and someone did mention that we should respect that countries' law when we are IN that country.

i believe its how we would want foreigners, be it travellers, businessmen/women, dignitaries etc, in Singapore to respect our laws when they're in our country.
How is stoning someone is more cruel than hanging, electrocuting, shooting or beheading?? So you saying that Singapore as a whole is a barbaric society since you believe that civil law is barbaric too?
Stoning makes the victim suffer more before they die, unless you use a huge stone to crush people to instant death. Have you ever seen people stoned to death? Would you as a person, find that morally acceptable, especially considering the times we're living in? Please answer that.

I believe all capital punishment is barbaric, not modern civil law.

not too sure whether this applies here, but as the saying goes, "When in Rome, do what the Romans do"..

yeah, but sharia law is only applicable to m'sians
die la like tat...

if i stay budget hotel at KL during holiday with a group of frds (girls and guys) then cannot oso la?

wah piang eh
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