Moving On

Aiya... I duno why always got the political issue : We cannot voice out honestly in public, we cannot participate in the political scene, we cannot choose how to rule the country, we cannot set up political party to voice out..

Eh but come on la... *I'm giggling as i'm typing this* Those people who type these political issues ah... Only complain oni.. Ask for solutions, all banana in mouth.. If everything is as easy as decreasing all the prices & dun care about what happens next, then ah dog ah cat can rule our country already...

I mean come on man, aren't u guys living safe & sound now and dun even need to worry our market food can eat anot, water can drink anot.. that kinda thing.. Our goverment not bad le la... Just that NS is boring la... But wat to do? Got pros & cons to everything :( Sori abit out of tune la this post but must voice out abit for goverment.. WHAHAAHAH
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A country is a country
A government is a government
A country is a geographical location
A government rules the geographical location.

If you want to migrate, migrate.
It's about personal choice and lifestyle and experiencing life as you want to
Some people would have you feel guilty about leaving,
brainwashing you to think that you are committing a sin of sorts, a betrayal of patriotic pride

So the question this all leads up to is this:
Are are living a life for yourself, or for your government?

You decide.

But keep in mind that
You only live once, so lead a life that you really want to lead.
Because you're a short time living and a long time dead.

And what most of us will amount to will be an ad in the newspapers about our deaths. I doubt the 'people in charge' will give a hoot about giving your family ten million dollars for the patriotic 'stayer' lifestyle, eh?

Oh and just to appease the paranoid tyrant spies from unnamed ministries who might be reading this,
I did not specify which government I am referring to.
So you don't need to shake your iron clad fist and your white coattails at me, yeah?
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I love Singapore. Its a great place... just have to have $$$ but its a great place. I love it.
@Levan : Man.. Ur post always has a sense of artistic feel in it, yet full of IMPACT! I'm gonna print out ur post, burn & drink it down right now!!. :mrgreen: Then +10 to intel
Senseless blabber? Or words to ponder on? Think about yourself,and i hope u get your answer soon...
I guess. from the replies to this thread, we can roughly see who is enjoying the good life here in Singapore, and who is not so lucky.

i symphatize/ fully agree with the blogger.

Come to Scotland bro...i never get sick of the long roadtrips and the green meadows which extend beyond the horizon (im not kidding). and Scotland is the king of whiskeys. Nature, welfare society, lotsa booze. hmmm
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Almost migrated in p5 to Perth , real beautiful place, but decided not to cos no friends. Now I kinda regret not going.....

Migrate, don't migrate, where you live also the same. Life's not gonna change unless your bank statement changes.
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It's just like the case of the strict versus the liberal parents.
Being strict, your children are obedient and conformed, but there is also the case where the more oppressed you are, the more you will chose to rebel against said authority.

Then there is the case of being too liberal. With too much liberation dished out, you tend to take things for granted but at the same time you're able to be more content with your own ways. There will also be a case where you're so used to feeling liberated that liberation itself doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore.

Stayer? Quitter? Whatever!
Lead a life of your own and don't worry if 'some people' try to brand you as one or the other. Find your own incentives to stay or not but don't worry about impressing the people who treat you as a statistic. In the end, they won't be at your funeral.

There's a lot to love and dislike about Singapore, but just remember, as is always the case, the grass is almost always greener on the other side. For example, a lot of people want to move to Japan where the culture is rich and wonderful to immerse yourself in. But on the flipside, the standard and stress of making ends meet in the city areas can dwarf the idealism of moving there.

It comes down to setting your priorities in life and evaluating whether the country you live in provides you with opportunities necessary in getting you to where you want to be. You can be an idealist or a pragmatist but you will only find a happy center by balancing the two and weighing them out for yourself.


P.S. On a side note, what's this year's National Day song? I haven't heard it! And does anybody really feel more patriotic when singing them?
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agreed man bro.
i think singapore is much much much well off compared to many other countries..

i mean.. if you really cannot live here, and you have the money, then migrate lor =D to each his own.. probably try living there for a couple of years first and see how it goes.. if you prefer singapore, the government would gladly welcome you back xDD *by then, with more tax*
hahaha banana in mouth..what a way to put it. agreed... i believe at the end of the day, most of those who complain and whine will still vote for the ruling party la. so discussions like this are quite pointless.

on this point about voting, i dont ever get to vote because im under marine parade grc. and i dun get it why is my estate under marine parade??? it takes me half the time to get to serangoon/hougang than to marine parade by bus/mrt/taxi/bicycle. sorry just need to get it this off my chest.
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The ignorance in this thread is priceless. The propaganda machine is definitely working judging by the number of sheeple here.

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

Wake up.
i got nothing against people migrating and people staying. to me the decision is personal. there are so many factors and conditions that influence the decision to migrate. and when an individual weighs up all these factors, his decision deserves to be respected by every single person.

if i find a north korean chick, and get a job offer from north korean nuclear plant, and my family doesn't have a problem with me moving to north korea, then what's the problem?

i am sick and tired of people bitching ad nauseum about this issue, be it the government, grassroots leaders, random internet people, ST forum writers, or any of the former 2 pretending to be the latter 2. because it doesn't make any sense for people do debate the decision to migrate. the decision to migrate is the end product of the many personal choices that we make with regards to our own lives.

firstly, my life is different from anybody else. i will not allow anyone to judge the kind of life i choose to live

secondly, the opportunities in my life are different from everyone else. therefore nobody has the right to tell me what to do with my life.

any decision to migrate will stem from the outcome of these two stimuli.

however, the more propaganda tries to push patriotism down my throat, the more i want away. there are many ways to live a good life. the government forces the entire country to follow only one way, their 'grand narrative'. it is not a bad thing. but as human beings we get some satisfaction out of having choices. that is the kind of freedom that we are denied, not the freedom to carry guns, or the freedom to riot. the basic freedom of choice is all i ask for. people do not conform to the structure, it is the structure that is formed by the people.

the next issue is the fact that our distinction nation, society and government has been skewed. and the fact is, we 'serve' our country. i find that complete nonsense. we do not owe anything to the country. the country owes the people, the hands that keep this country going. i don't see how we constitute the workforce, we elect the government, we pay the taxes that finance everything that is built for public good, and yet we owe the country a living.

is society supposed to represent the government, or is the government supposed to represent the society? sometimes i forget what society really values, and this is one single reason why i would leave.

our pledge goes "we the people of singapore... so as to achieve... for our nation"

aren't the people of singapore and the nation the same thing?
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i symphatize/ fully agree with the blogger.

Come to Scotland bro...i never get sick of the long roadtrips and the green emadows which extend beyond the horizon (im not kidding). and Scotland is the king of whiskeys. Nature, welfare society, lotsa booze. hmmm

singapore is not much of a booze loving country :( pub culture here is lame... unless u are talking about the ones with china girls inside
itchy_go punya signature bukan main mahal!!! yufoooo!

"Guitar mahal-mahal, main mcm sundal..."
"The ignorance in this thread is priceless. The propaganda machine is definitely working judging by the number of sheep here."

Itchy_Go, the only thing that seems ignorant to me is your assumption that everyone here is ignorant. Making a grandiose statement like that and following it up with contrived and humdrum quotes from Benjamin Franklin and Edward Abbey doesn't make you any less ignorant - it just makes you a better cut-and-paster.

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.
Wake up."

We've been awake all this while but have you slept away your blatantly baseless bantering enough to listen?

Keep this in mind the moment you open your gap again with your pointless citations:

The United States of America, for better or worse, isn't Singapore. YOU have been the one brainwashed by the media's propaganda in believing that quoting from two Americans adds validity to your sweeping statement.

If America was the police of the world who was the be-all-end-all definition of what we, as separate entities and countries, should look up to and what the rest of the world should be like, then we'd be in permanent shock and awe with situations like Iraq happening ten times more frequently. We'd also be in a scenario where our health care system doesn't provide for the poor, where the rate of obesity and number of people who can't read and write would infect the world.

So while you might buy into the hype of America, us 'ignorant ones' would rather sustain from biting the hook of the media hype.

Freedom, my inadequately educated and ill-informed friend, comes with a price.
Freedom is not always an entitlement but it is still a choice.

And whether we choose to find greener pastures which allow for greater personal freedom, or stick to conforming to those implemented by our government, that is one choice we can choose to make for ourselves....
... minus the hilarity of your Ctrl C, Ctrl V skills

I apologize on your behalf to everyone else. God knows we should only be spared from your pseudo posturing of acting like you know your sh#t. :)

Your naive and ignorant friend who only means well,

P.S. Here, let me hand you this plate. I believe your buttocks are on it. ;)
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@chrisiscoolerthanyou : hahaha i like the "with more tax" sentence..
Yup actually no one's stopping people to migrate. To think about it, how can anyone be stopped if he really needs to do something so badly? U stop 1, maybe still got 59762839229 to go!

@taypeng81 : haha sorry must use banana cuz i had a hard time thinking of other word.. Hotdog? sounds wrong la.. Haha marine parade far but got land got sea got everything la, gd place..

@Levan : I had a hard time trying to understand ur post without reading it out loud cuz i just can't process your phrasing in my brain.. Once again ur post is IMPACT & ARTISTIC & it sounds CORRECT/RIGHT even though I may not understand it that clearly!

Anyone knows whats the long form/meaning of "P.S" btw, i dun know, serious... :confused:

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