Moving On

K2d is Arab / Malay.
Race issues are very sensitive issues.

Being S'porean, having lived & studied in KL/PJ most of my teen years, I've had my fair share of racist + nationalistic comments thrown at me. Sad thing is that they came from my own ethnic grp.

I stay 'one football field' away from those with racist tendencies and interact less with them. Esp more if they're from my same ethnic grp. Does that make me a racist if I am discriminating against my own race? I guess it does. :( (note to self to change this)

Our kids friends are mainly from other races (Chinese, Caucasians, Africans, Koreans, Japanese & more). My friends too.They and I are VERY comfortable with this and I greatly encourage them to mix around more.

Recently, my wife & kids were subjected to racial slurring in a packed bus. And this slurring came from some parents with kids in tow. IMO its the parents who should be taught on racial tolerence. And to inculcate to their kids to treat others with respect regardless of their background.

These are just my thoughts.

Heres an open question:
If any racial group discriminates against you, how do you not return the 'favour'? Esp so if it effects your rice bowl? What can you do?

you are spot on. Kiara trails are crazy, prefer FRIN, Kemensah. Ulu Yam ;p those are nice.

yes i agree the political situations and the socio economics, etc..etc. are in the brink of collapse and holding it together with plaster and tape.

just a few mths ago my hse got broken in malaysia, and last weekend my mom got pickpocket in singaproe on route to the doctors.

but being a malay *grinz* i can integrate quite nicely in malaysia, and i am sure my family would too, my mom, auntie, etc..

but the crime issues is serious, infact coming from singapore its out of control. its all starts from the grassroots. a friend was caught for speeding, u can bribe the cops, even tho if u dun want to and take a ticket. u can pass the ticket to a 'fixer' for like $30 he will fix it fo ru and u dun need to pay fines....

if u think that bad? even the Tax officers, can call up ppl that owe taxes and told them for $2000 and u dun need to pay taxes cos he will 'settle' it on your behalf.

robbery, snatch thief, cops asking girls for blowjobs cos they were drunk and driving, etc..etc.. i heard all sort of stories.

but than it does cost $$$$ to stay safe and comfortable in KL, that is something that folks need to prepare.
My Lord, you mean FRIM lah. Your house-breaking reminds me of the story of the expat family that left Singapore and moved to KL (reason - work), and got their house broken into during the 1st week they were there. Came out in the papers.

M'sia - the racial politics means all races actually lose out. Whatever one may experience in SG, IMO the various communities are on a railway track ie. heading in the same direction (perhaps diff speeds or whatever). In M'sia, everyone is on diverging roads and pulling away from each other. Very tragic.

K2d - you still in KL? The bus incident is where?
Naw. I'm living in SG now. That was years ago.

The bus incident happened in Singapore. What irks me most was that their kids were joining in the 'fun" too. And truth to be told, I was so furious that I wanted to track them down and pour red paint on their door!

I'm cool with it now. These things happens and we just have to be tolerant of their ignorance and insensitivity.

lordie, That reminds me of an incident when I was working in Karimun. The 1st night there we were burgled. They took the TV set and some other stuff. Ate some bananas and left the peels alluva the kitchen and the living room. All this while we were asleep upstairs. And the knives were blatantly left right in front of our doorstep. As though to say "Go back! We dont want you here" Luckily no one got hurt or kidnapped.

Black magic? i dont believe in that stuff but it was eerie man.
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cops asking girls for blowjobs cos they were drunk and driving, etc..etc.. i heard all sort of stories.

Serious? Wow, I want to be a cop in Malaysia too. Zzzz, corruption.

Although Singapore lacks corruption. I find Singapore police too systematic. Maybe we need someone like Batman to help alter how the police runs. :D

Racism will be present in any corner of the globe. You can't avoid it. :O
Get your full-time NS over with, then leave the country by all means.
Cos i think that's about your only obligation as a male citizen.
Reservists? Who needs em?!


I would go elsewhere if i had the money...
yeaa racism is everywhere la..
but its lesser here in singapore i think..
probably cuz we've been living with the other races for so long already.
we feel normal when we see people of other races, like a family.

although, we still call bangalahs bangalahs xD
Get your full-time NS over with, then leave the country by all means.
Cos i think that's about your only obligation as a male citizen.
Reservists? Who needs em?!


I would go elsewhere if i had the money...

I've always wanted to serve in SG military but its really sad when the country you were born in doesnt want you.

In the late 80's, I rtnd to SG to report/serve my NS and was told that I was not needed (not liable. WTF is that?). But they'll put me on stdby until I'm 40. Within that duration, they can call me up for enlistment anytime if the need arises. To leave the country, I'll need an exit permit.. etc. You know the drill.

So I applied to be a regular and was told that I should wait to be called up. If i still insist on putting my application through, they insinuated that they'll dump me in the Construction Brigade!

I've not been called-up since and now released from 'stdby'. The closest I got to firing a weapon was on Counter Strike LOLz!

Well, life is not fair. Just have to make the most of it lah. Just waiting for that Toto/4D..... :mrgreen:
Many people would love to trade places with you man! I appreciate your patriotism for our country. After meeting many regulars in my army life, all I can say that a FEW of them are nice guys. Of course I give those I meet for the first time the benefit of the doubt...but most prove the stereotype correct.

Reservist is a pain for me so don't worry about it.

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