Moving On

Andrea Fonseka is former Miss Malaysia lah. But M'sia and S'pore are brudder brudder right? Can share share one.

Can't believe Andrea Fonseka used to look like this -


Yah, there's hope for big boned girls in beauty competitions like these lah.

Provided their faces can make it like Andrea's lah.

Not like these -




waliew heckler, where you get these photos huh?!
their body good la, but face... okok la.. (i wanted to say like kena lorry langa-ed before xD)
opps i said it anyway..

oei why topic on migrating, become girls..
Why must the Pm love cheap labour so much, They're just polluting over beloved country.

bro the answer is in your own question. CHEAP labour. These foreign workers are willing to work for easily half of what a Singaporean would demand. Business owners, employers, they all see this as an excellent opportunity to reduce operating costs. And they dont pollute the country. How would you feel if next time you are offered a higher paying job overseas and people there show this kind of insensitivity toward you?

And of the blog post, i agree generally with it. and also with visa's comment in reply.
yea and even if locals and foreign workers cost the same.
do you think locals these days wanna clean toilet, sweep floor, work at construction sites??
only a small number are willing.. most of them are senior citizens
they dont come and do the job who do sia..
"Don't ask what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you." Take No Prisoners - Megadeth.

Without us to be drones, this country is nothing. Without us to pay tax, the country has nothing to invest for profit. The fact that so many are unhappy about it speaks for itself.

If a person is unhappy they will want to move on, yes other countries may have more violence and crime and discrimination. Do you think our island has no discrimination? If it's not there it doesn't exist? I don't begrudge someone the chance at a better life elswhere, good for them as it's not easy.

I work as a social worker, life stinks if you're poor or even middle class and run into problems...and don't start on what kind of help actually takes place. Not much happens for these people when it has to.

One day when I'm sick of the crap they force down my throat and force me to do, I will move on. I will even emigrate just to get access to more metal is too short to let scholars screw it up so if you want to move...good on you! \m/ \m/
if we got no 'country' or 'government'.
the world won't be what we know today =/

you pay the tax and stuff so the government has money to build the houses and stuff.
of course some money gets 'lost' along the way.

but if we really hate it that much, we can move to the forest and stay what, better for the earth also.

the thing is we're just complaining without really thinking.
stop dreaming, start thinking. start today.

theres so many local metal concerts. =/ why not go to local shows instead?
and if you're poor where would you find money/time to go to metal concerts. (much less afford broadband)

"If a person is unhappy they will want to move on, yes other countries may have more violence and crime and discrimination. Do you think our island has no discrimination? If it's not there it doesn't exist? I don't begrudge someone the chance at a better life elswhere, good for them as it's not easy."

You talk like violence, crime and discrimintaion are minor issues. In other countries alot of racists are violent people. Yes our country has racists, but while there is no acceptance, there is tolerance. Overseas, people kill each other because of skin colour.

What if your family member(s) (CHOY AH!) were involved with the 9/11 terrorist attacks. What if someone you know was a victim of a hate crime? What if your friend was killed in war?

We're living in a VERY safe country. We take it for granted..

Alot of ranting on my part, but I just hate people (ignorant) coming onto the forums and talking the talk but not walking the walk. (omg so corny).. some people just talk like they've been everywhere and done everything.
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Don't tell me I'm ignorant when I work 2 and a half jobs for $1000 below the market rate as a social worker dealing with poor people and their problems everyday. I complain AND do something about it all the time, know me before you decide to label me, and I never said anywhere that I know and have seen everything, just enough to have an opinion.

Last time I checked, the world is a screwed up place, just read 'fast food nation' and you will see how a fast food giant can screw people over without governments doing anything.

I want MORE metal so I might just move elsewhere for that because it is part of my life, don't turn it into a 'doesn't listen local music' when you don't even know me. It's easy to judge from behind your keyboard, if you have a different opinion it's fine but don't expect everyone to follow it when you call them names...just like I stated my opinion and did not force others to embrace it.

I walk the talk everyday, I invite you to come and see the difficulties my colleagues and I deal with for the underprivileged of this island and then decide from OUT OF YOUR DOOR AND AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD. We think about getting more help to many deserving people everyday...what do you think of?

Have a great Metal up your A#@ day :D
+1 to sklfc77

Don't give people like us just because we want to move out, please don't give us about no hate crime in Singapore, The statistics on safety makes Singapore seem so picture perfect and safe, have you ever gotten per capita statistics? Racism? Yea that exists too, pedialite is ignorant of the that goes on in local schools.
We know that there are a lot of things we don't know. We don't know that there are a lot of things we don't know.

sklfc77, just for curiosity, which agency are you working with? You can PM me if you prefer. I just want to see if there's anyway SOFT can help.

I appreciate your empathy about what I say, just to be sure about it I'm not trying to out argue pedialite but just reiterate what I know through experience here...hence the fact that I do not like being called ignorant when I feel I've put in years of service.
I apologize fully for making assumptions about who you are. I am being the ignorant one.

But since you are so 'in-tune' with the situation here in Singapore (I will not doubt that), i'm sure you know how much worse it is in countries like the USA where we hear about shootings in school because of race.

huge corporations closing down factories in US, moving to places like mexico and china. (sh1t wages and child labour) leaving many jobless.

I guess all I'm trying to say is, everywhere we go the situation is more or less the same.

I would also honestly like to hear about racism in our local schools.

I thank you for understanding my background...after rethinking my post I would like to apologise about coming on very angry and strongly. I apologise for it in the sense that I directed it towards you (instead of towards the right direction) when I should have been rational and explain myself.

I don't apologise for being angry because I can never accept people being taken advantaged of and I am always angry about that! It's a learning process for those of us social workers who care because there's only so much we can do.

I agree that moving elsewhere would mean exposure to different problems, most of those moving would have considered this and feel they can deal with it. To be fair, I have friends and relatives in many places in US and they never encounter the kind of crime we see in the news...but with guns around it can happen anytime I feel.

For racism in the schools here...I suggest you speak to a teacher or school counsellor who is not so concerned with toeing the line but interested to help the students. They would have a clearer idea as I only deal with schools on certain cases only.
I would also honestly like to hear about racism in our local schools.

I'm fortunate in a sense that I came from SJI where it wasn't just racial tolerance but racial harmony, however, I get a sense of hostility when I speak to some of my primary school friends about other races... I would need first hand experience to fully comprehend this so I can't really elaborate further, but it's the tone and feeling that these people give me.
I'm used to meeting people with racist mindsets. I make it my personal agenda to be the change that I want to see, and actively try my best to make a positive impression on such people so that they change their minds.

In general, our communities are accommodating. You might say that you've heard cases of say, groups of chinese and groups of malays getting into fights with one another, but I say that it's not actual racism to blame, but the individuals themselves.

I don't mean to be condescending or to generalize by saying they're all like that, but it's usually the more uneducated, unruly and arrogant bunch who actually get into such fights.
I agree that this seems to be more of the case happening but I also think that it's because they do not have as much to lose compared to most educated people. No empirical proof, just through my own experience.

The great thing about Singapore is that mostly, the races get along reasonably well. My friends birthday party was last friday and there were Indians, Malays, Caucasians, Chinese and Eurasians all over the place getting drunk and singing...always a good thing which I couldn't really find when I lived in Sydney.
well i've already make the move. i am now residing and working in KL. its been a year now. have a full expat package andl life seemingly is decent. accept when buying music gears, lovelovelovelovelovelovelove rip off KL is.

either that, the jam studio is great, the music scene is thriving for local acts, the girls are nice, the beer is cheap, and u can smoke anywhere and everywhere.

but still i come back to singapore montly. cos my family is here. is it tuff? yes? i wish i earn enuff to bring them back to KL. they would love it there. stay in big house, with a garden and a lawn. cheap cars, ah.... so nice..
Good for you, Lordie. I mean that sincerely (how's the Kiara bike trails?). But as Bony above says, Malaysia not a bed of roses either.

Aside from safety issue (which is a big big thing there for quite a few years now; it was never like this way back), racism is much much much worse there than anything we may have in SG. There, it is institutionalised to an extent that it is harming both the well-being of its citizens as well as the political and economic prospects of the country.

Anecdotal evidence would seem to suggest that SG is heading down the right path in terms of race relations management, whereas Malaysia is getting worse by the day. Very sad when you consider all the things that these 2 countries share.

In case you think I'm just slagging off M'sia, let me say I do have some direct experience (aside from a daily monitoring of the news) of the country - I still have family back there.

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