Haha HAnnya, thanks for the compliments. I don't know, I just got irritated by the stupid quotes he gave just because it sounded like it could apply to something. Anyway, P.S. means Post Script
Interesting story to share anyway...
My fiance, she's from Finland and she came here to Singapore and absolutely
LOVED it. She says it's far more interesting than most of Europe, the food's better, the fact that
the shops don't close at 5-6pm every day and that there are people who are (mostly) considerate to others is a breath of fresh air as compared to where she stays in Europe. All in all, she has chosen out of her own free will to migrate here to stay with me (Believe me, I tried to persuade her not to abandon Europe for this place

). But she did say that Singapore is far more interesting as compared to Finland where some
teens have to resort to tossing toilet paper around to entertain themselves (She's being serious too, much to my amusement!) and get drunk and smoke all the time because there's nothing else to do. It also sucks that
the nearest cinema to her town is about 100 kilometers away, and her friends are about 200km away, and that it costs about 300 Sing dollars just to visit them..
Taxes are about 20 or so percent, but they do earn slightly more salary than us, though the price of everything is almost always doubled so it equates to about the same thing. This applies for most of Europe. In Belgium, taxes can go as high as 50 percent by the way. Music CDs can cost up to 40 Sing Dollars. And don't even talk about the taxis - apparently they cost an absurd amount of money.
But she did say that Singapore's metal scene pales in comparison to the Finnish hardcore metal scene, which is obviously true considering how many great metal bands have come from there.

Their population is only about 200,000 more than ours.
Also, I met this guy from England at Singfest and he too said the same thing about Singapore and he chose to move here out of his own free will. He's been here with his wife for two years now and still loves the place. He was originally from London.
Also of note are some of my American friends who actually hate their country and hate their politics.
Some of which describe the USA as being 'incredibly f***ed up and full of sh*t". . Not all though - there are still people who like living in the states because of the freedom of expression there. But don't forget, the freedom of expression also means the freedom of reaction.
So yeah, you know, to each his own. There is quite a bit about Singapore to love and these are things we take for granted. But there are also things that could be done much better and if not corrected, WILL lead to a lot of talented youths leaving this country for places they feel more welcomed to.