Monk Ahem Dog Then Faints


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A Buddhist monk who collapsed whilst having sex with a dog living at his monastery is faced with making some difficult explanations.

The 65-year-old monk lived at a monastery in Thailand, having become a monk to escape a chequered past. Also living at the monastery was a 3-4-year-old female dog, who was with pup.

Even a dog’s feminine wiles apparently proved too much for the cloistered monk, and he took the animal as a companion, sundering his vows of chastity.

However, during an encounter with the animal in a nearby forest, the excitement seems to have got the better of him, and he collapsed, later being found unconscious with the dog still tied to a nearby tree.

Police subsequently confirmed his involvement thanks to traces of his semen found on the dog’s genitals, as well as on his clothes. According to witnesses he also took washing-up liquid from the monastery kitchens to use as a makeshift lubricant, indicating a certain amount of preparation.

It is not clear whether he faces criminal charges, or what the abbot intends to do about the matter.

WTH....What has the world becoming to?A dog?Seriously,isn't there enough supply of prostitue in Thailand???
It is not clear whether he faces criminal charges, or what the abbot intends to do about the matter.


Monk/Man having sex with a Dog (and a mother of dunno how many?) = Cruelty to Man or Cruelty to Dog ? - - - - Maybe it's the 1st case there ...Hahahhahaha. Let's ee what comes up.

The Abbot of the Temple - - will speak to the Monk alone in private...

1st Question:- smiling and asking: - How was it ? Good.dd ? Kekekekeke.
Monk/Man having sex with a Dog (and a mother of dunno how many?) = Cruelty to Man or Cruelty to Dog ? - - - - Maybe it's the 1st case there ...Hahahhahaha. Let's ee what comes up.

The Abbot of the Temple - - will speak to the Monk alone in private...

1st Question:- smiling and asking: - How was it ? Good.dd ? Kekekekeke.

i think fun coz he got caught in action :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Instead of moving out of Samsara or upgrading oneself to nearer to Perfections. Some people are just moving lower because of the sex impulse. Now we all know why 2012 needs to come and cleanse the world.

This clearly is a disciplinary action case. I mean if we check it up,monastry's rules are very strict,so it won't be surprised to find such things sometime. They cannot go near red light districts.
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most people, like this monk, who turn to religion to "escape a chequered past" will soon realize that it will not work. no matter what religion or philosophy or way of life. your past will always catch up with you. the only way you can leave it behind is to come to terms with it and truly change. there's no point trying to run away from something that's inside.

there's always a lesson to learn from others' mistakes.