Mixed Martial Art

Bruce Lee

Really sick of people saying Bruce Lee wasn't a fighter just cos he didn't compete.

Yue Fei was an army general, he kicked ass on the battlefield. Qi Jiguang too. None of them competed. Bruce kicked ass on the street - he had many real fights from his days in Hong Kong to his days in America. He DIDN'T NEED to compete.

On the street, anything goes. Most of us, including Bruce Lee, might lose in the ring because we can't fight lethally. Let's say Bruce Lee was to go against Ali in the ring. How's he gonna poke Ali's eye out with gloves on, and with rules barring it? True, on the street, Ali can do the same eye-poking thing - but I think if we were to look at today's martial artists, MOST of them can't fight as smart or strategically as Bruce Lee. Most are trained to take shots and counter. Bruce was super evasive. Not saying he couldn't take hits though - Bruce was TOUGH. One student of his, James Demile, was a HEAVYWEIGHT champion boxer in the US Air Force. James recalled many accounts where he tried HIS BEST to get Bruce, NOT ONCE did he succeed. Instead, he was put in a position by Bruce where he couldn't retaliate or move. Unless you're telling me heavyweight boxers can't fight, I think that says alot about Bruce's fighting ability.

Not saying Bruce was the end-all and be-all best fighter. Neither am I saying Jeet Kune Do is the end-all and be-all martial art of all time. But I'm just disputing claims that Bruce wasn't a fighter, just a teacher. That's bullshit.
I personally know of Bruce's fights ( street fights ). A lot of MMA guys always get a dare from people who wanna see if they're for real.

As for Bruce, yea he applied street fighting techniques into JKD, that's why JKD is practical. To be able to fuse street element, you have to had real fighting encounters& Bruce has.
I personally know of Bruce's fights ( street fights ). A lot of MMA guys always get a dare from people who wanna see if they're for real.

As for Bruce, yea he applied street fighting techniques into JKD, that's why JKD is practical. To be able to fuse street element, you have to had real fighting encounters& Bruce has.

He did fight. you can see some of his documentary video. I thinks it was when he was younger, competing in karate (not sure if it is). Bur he wanted to make it more practical, that is when he went on his own. From then he fought against other disciplines to show that what he developed is effective. And i think he really did fight, because he lost to another Asian was and it was documented.

Hey Death,

I talked about Bruce Lee cos somewhere amongst the thread someone mentioned Bruce Lee and said he couldn't fight.

Jeva, Bruce Lee didn't lose to the Asian sifu. He just felt the fight lasted too long, and his stamina was bad. So he changed his entire training and fighting style.

Bruce has fought karate guys, boxers, muay thai boxers, judo guys, kickboxers. Many of these fights were witnessed by his own students as well as movie producers and people working on the movie set.

Just to clarify.

Cool, so he can fight. He is after all a martial arts master =) If he can't fight, shouldn't he get another profession? Take it from me, people just dislike the idea of their heroes from Brazil or Russia or USA losing to an Asian. I am probably one of those people, because I am a big fan of many fighters from those regions. But I won't go and say Bruce Lee sucks or anything like that. It's just that the people dominating the MMA world tend to be from the countries listed above, and to me if you want to really prove your martial art is credible, you would join MMA to fight against other styles. Not looking down on any martial arts though, but you do realize that you said Bruce Lee wouldn't be a good fighter in MMA because he can't eye gouge and stuff. So are you saying that JKD only teaches to maim someone viciously? I'm sure even Bruce Lee would disagree with such a sentence. The reason I love MMA so much is because you are taught to mix things around. Eg. as read in a book - The author was in a karate class and his much more experienced smaller opponent was striking him really well and he couldn't hit back or retaliate, so he did what naturally came to him which was to slam the guy to the ground, only to be sounded off by his karate master, saying it wasn't part of karate. But wouldn't you do that in a fight, rather than keep getting hit over and over again? It's the whole mixture of stand up and ground fighting that makes MMA really intelligent to watch, imo.

Please don't take this the wrong way, I respect ALL martial arts.

btw Kimura, cool video man. They should make a shogun video. He is one guy who really fell down and came up, partly due to the idiot Dana White. It was funny how he was 'fed' to Chuck Liddell and Machida, only to make Dana look like a fool.
If you look at JKD and the philosophy behind JKD, you will find that it is very ahead of time, those who brand JKD like a particular style of martial art like "karate" doesn't really knows JKD inside out. It was his battle with the "Chinese Sifu" that he begin to realise that pure Wing Chun is too fixed and from then on he begin to inject many other form of martial art and make what is useful of them. I do not think mixed martial art was created by Bruce Lee, but he was DEFINITELY the first one to popularize it on a global scale. It was a time where people are too concerned over which style is better over which style, he stepped in and said "to hell with that", so he mixed it up and find which is the best for him. The way I see things, I look at a lot of people, and because they look at how effective Bruce Lee is (at least in the movies), they think that that is the best style for them, I think martial art always start from self, knowing your body, yourself then you can really learn martial art. Like what Bruce Lee said, "nowadays people are too concerned with the leaves, flowers and branches that they forget the roots", people tend to forget the most important thing is really the player not the art. I remember getting comments from my friends after watching Yip Man, "Aiya, I see you always watch all these crap videos, go and learn Wing Chun la, one fight 10 oso not problem, hor" ,I just smiled at them.

I really love MMA because of Jet Li (Wong Fei Hung) Bruce Lee, subsequently Muay Thai (The Contender series), get to know the great Fedor and the rest they said is history. But I have to say that people are exaggerating to the extent Bruce Lee would own anyone or is simply god, it is not hard to find a fight video in youtube comments mentioning the word Bruce Lee, for example: "Bruce Lee can KILL Brock Lesnar in seconds". How good is Bruce Lee we will never know, for whatever you may say about him, he has never enter the ring or a cage before in a video, but knowing Bruce Lee is an intelligent fighter, if he decides to enter the ring, give him a few month or a few years, I think he can be a top 3 easily.

Btw bro Kimura, I am interested to know who your fav fighter is, I can see that you have big connection with the brazilian martial art. (and if you dun mind me being kaypoh, are you a born Singaporean)
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It's funny how one's words can be so twisted out of proportion.

1. I did not say Bruce Lee would not fare well in MMA just cos he can't eye gouge in a ring match. I made a comparison with him and Muhammad Ali, LOGICALLY, based on MY OPINION (we're entitled to our opinions), that with gloves on, without using kicks, he WOULD lose to Ali. And that is ONLY an OPINION. If you've ever fought or sparred with anyone for real, you'd know how different it is to strike someone with a glove on and without a glove on. I'm just guessing that since we're all guys, we'd definitely have had fights here and there in our younger days, so we would know the difference.

By power comparison, with gloves on, it'd take ALOT for Bruce Lee to knock Ali down or even slow him down. Without gloves on, it's pure bone and knuckle against flesh. Not saying it's a guaranteed win, but he does at least stand a chance.

2. The other things I brought up about him being able to fight, were NOT of my own words. They're well documented in the countless books I've read, websites I've stumbled upon, and masters I've trained with. These masters are from different styles, but they only have great awe for him. It takes ALOT to convince someone from a different style to even BEGIN to accept that someone else is good, let alone be in awe of him.

3. Erm, I don't recall myself disagreeing with MMA or being against slamming someone on the ground if it was called for.

4. I DID NOT say Bruce Lee was a godlike fighter or the best in the world. I am only disputing claims like "Bruce Lee can't fight because he has never entered the ring". I did not say he could beat Lesnar, Fedor, Hulk Hogan or the Ultimate Warrior. I only said the guy COULD fight, because he had public witnesses, many of whom were not related to him. It basically took him seconds to defeat or nullify an opponent, whether it was a karate black belt or heavyweight boxing champ much bigger than him. In my opinion, it takes ALOT more skill to nullify someone without having to hurt him, than actually having to knock someone out to win.

5. He did NOT need to enter the ring to prove his worth. Ring champions FLOCKED to him for LESSONS. And that was because of his STREET reputation.

There ARE some masters around who, when Bruce was alive, said only good things about him, but when he died, only tried to talk Bruce's skills down. So it's all up to you to make sense of it all.

To me, it's simple. Why are some guitarists so good, while some simply suck? Why do some actors suck, while others are freaking great? Why are some martial artists only average, while some are amazing?

It all boils down to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. If you read his training schedule, you'd see NO ONE, not even Manny Pacquiao, trained as hard as him. Also, besides training, Bruce SPARRED plenty. Plenty, plenty, plenty. And he sparred with his students who were competitors themselves, street brawler types, boxers, japanese arts, etc. Some were even instructor or master-level themselves! You can't say he wasn't exposed to enough styles. And from what I've read and discussed with past instructors, his sparring were all like real fights - intensity, power and emotional levels were always high. Dan Inosanto even mentioned how after a sparring session, the grills on their head guards would be DENTED in, and Bruce wore gloves!



Oh, and seriously, JKD in fighting, IS about taking the opponent down ASAP. Even if it meant maiming him from the onset. The rule of thumb is, first, AVOID a fight if possible - but if a fight can't be avoided, do whatever it takes to remain safe.

Interestingly, Taiji principles in fighting, are the same! Taiji advocates peace, but if a strike is necessary, it MUST draw blood. And yes, the Taiji text in Chinese did use the words "见红". It's a metaphor for "drawing blood".

Wing Chun follows the same line of thought in combat. Ending the fight quickly.

Bruce Lee himself said, given the choice to strike a person in the face or poke him in the eye, he'd take the eye every single time.

Remember, I'm not talking about the other philosophies of life that JKD seeks to impart - I'm only talking about the fighting portion of it.

It's up to how you take this. I know what I make of it. You don't have to accept this or believe it or whatsoever, but as usual, I'm just stating facts from what I know.
Dear Alex,

My remarks are not aimed for you, that is how I felt about Bruce Lee and the media in general. Trust me, if anyone is a big Bruce Lee fan, that is me, I have read tonnes of books (Tao of Jeet Kun Do, Bruce Lee : Complete fighting techniques, and even books by John Little); watched many videos (I mean really a lot) on him. There is no doubt he is an excellent fighter and an phenomenal athelete (I mean I would really love to see who nowadays can still do two finger push-up). But I am just not buying over the extra hype(the media) from him.

Oh ya, have you watched the original "Game of Death" intake from Bruce Lee. It can be found in a documentary called "A warrior's journey".

Orignal Footage
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Brutha steviegfc...

my favorite fighter is Vitor Belfort for reasons beyond the octagon as well. He had to go through quite a lot ( personal demons )& he is still fighting.

I wouldn't call it connections bro haha. They're just friends I made through my MMA journey, I write for a few MMA websites as well.

Yea, I was born here but moved away when I was young. Came back sporadically, that's how I got into the local music scene a long time ago. Became a session musician in other parts of Asia& the States, met a bunch load of people ( something I'll never forget ). Toured with some of the bands etc.

All this while while getting my education in chemical/petroleum engineering ( I'm a Petroleum Engineer by official occupation ).

My dad was in the Martial Arts circle in the States, through him I got to meet a few people, some we all know.

That's a little history of myself.
Yo Steve,

I was actually replying to Death.

Thanks for the video, and I do agree with your take on how Bruce Lee will fare in MMA.

Enjoy the weekend!

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