Mixed Martial Art

^For those of you who have no idea how Ferrari world in Dubai looks like

Wow, that's cool. I've always thought about what if Singapore had their own "PRIDE" kinda thing, and it might just get into effect. Hopefully we sign Fedor. HAHA

Signing Fedor i doubt will ever be possible.. but my guess is that Martial Combat will build their own stars.. they got ESPN as backing.. with 350 million over viewers.. i'm betting that they'll be bigger than Art of War, Dream and Sengoku..
Signing Fedor i doubt will ever be possible.. but my guess is that Martial Combat will build their own stars.. they got ESPN as backing.. with 350 million over viewers.. i'm betting that they'll be bigger than Art of War, Dream and Sengoku..

I am really hyped for it. Anyone knows what the rules are?
Even though I hope it would be but I doubt they'll follow PRIDE rules, most likely closer to UFC's as UFC is currently the main 'stage' where big money& most importantly, longevity is offered.
Yup, i agree with Kimura's thoughts.. but the thing is that Martial Combat will be contested in a ring.. hopefully they'll follow Pride rules though.
Won't be coming to this thread till after I've watched UFC 109... Scared you guys too excited go reveal all the results ... HAHA
The winner of Marquadt vs Sonnen will get a title bout with the winner of Anderson Silva ( current middleweight champ ) vs Belfort.

Ortiz scheduled to fight Liddell again, at UFC 115. Tito's got a good wrestling game while Liddell has that KO power...

maybe Jenna Jameson will be at ringside again, she always is when Tito fights.
Yup, i agree with Kimura's thoughts.. but the thing is that Martial Combat will be contested in a ring.. hopefully they'll follow Pride rules though.

The now defunct IFL was fought in a ring as well, quite a number of fights still happen in the ring.

If they follow PRIDE rules, darn, there gonna be lotsa head stomps. I think Wanderlei's having a hard time in UFC due to the different rule/s. Personally, yea it ain't easy switching organizations especially to another with different guidelines cos old habits kinda die hard.

You see a guy on the ground, you wanna stomp him but then at the last minute you realize, hang on this ain't allowed here. That one minute or split second could cause you the match.

Zuffa bought over PRIDE& that literally puts an end to PRIDE rulebooks :-(
Hopefully they'll have their own set of rules.. I mean can you imagine? Soccer kick to the head? Stomps? I doubt they'll allow that at Martial Combat..
Too violent for Singapore, I think. Can imagine the media frenzy that will go one when parents/pansies start complaining. And I hate Tito Ortiz, period. Always have, and UFC109(hint: watch the Coleman-Couture match to the end) made me hate him even more. Hope Liddell KO's the lights out of him during the next TUF finale. Anyone else feel that UFC110 is going to be disappointing, despite the great fight card. Going to be painful to see my heroes like CroCop and Wanderlei lose, which they might very well.
That's the thing with local parents.. they complain alot when TV shows combat sports.. BUT.... it's not the media.. it's the parents' responsibilities to ensure that they shield their children from media that they deem unsuitable.
Bruthas we actually tried to bring the UFC here a couple of years ago but the powers that be thought it would just cause negative lashbacks, so the UFC turned to the Phillipnes, that didn't pan out& they went to Oz.

Then lo&behold.....
Singapore's hosting Martial Combat, what a joke ( not Martial Combat but the people who turned us down the first time round ).

As for UFC110, yea Wanderlei vs Bisping, sigh. I mean Bisping ain't all that great but I have this sunken feeling, he's getting the win over The Axe Murderer.
Bruthas we actually tried to bring the UFC here a couple of years ago but the powers that be thought it would just cause negative lashbacks, so the UFC turned to the Phillipnes, that didn't pan out& they went to Oz.

Then lo&behold.....
Singapore's hosting Martial Combat, what a joke ( not Martial Combat but the people who turned us down the first time round ).

As for UFC110, yea Wanderlei vs Bisping, sigh. I mean Bisping ain't all that great but I have this sunken feeling, he's getting the win over The Axe Murderer.

I have to admit I kinda like Bisping, I mean who doesn't after seeing his kid armbar-ing him at UFC105
One of the most expected fights of 2010 will not happen anymore. The title fight between Anderson Silva and Vitor Belfort, set to UFC 112 main event, will possibly be cancelled, as TATAME.com learned from close sources that the challenger is injured and won’t be able to recover in time.

Jayme Sandall, Karate trained of the challenger, revealed to TATAME.com that Belfort had a shoulder injury, but he doesn’t know how bad it is. “He was training but not using the arm for a long time because of the injury, he said he’d stop for a while. He said he’d have it scanned to know how bad it is, but I don’t talk with him for 15 days and I don’t know about the results”, said.

TATAME.com tried to reach Belfort and his manager, Fabiano Farah, but had no success. We called Anderson Silva, who claimed he had no information about the injured. “Nobody told me anything about it. I’m training normally to this fight”, the champion said.

In case this news confirms, it’ll be the second time that the UFC is forced to postpone the battle, which was set to the UFC 108 event in January 2, but Silva had to cancel the fight due to an elbow surgery

--- Dayum!
Kimura, thanks for the post. Talking about gracie-hunters, I freaking LOL'ed at UFC109 when Paulo Thiago's translator came out to be none other than ... Wallid Ismail! It's funny cause Wallid's english sucks as you can hear


Plus he's got a huge potty mouth. He's one really entertaining person in the MMA/BJJ world.