Militant escape- Security in S'pore?

then where is he?? at bondi beach in australia surfing up the surfs?

i think he went to america and give the bin laden family a holla. lol...
Fuzz - That pix might be true. Note the black sandals he's wearing; its the same one as seen on the front page Straits Times today :)
Yes, I read about their clothing back in the detention center and the black sandal looks like it..
But I dont think this pic is true.. But funny though..
Mas scolfield

personally, i think this is just propaganda.
he could be dead for a certain reason, meaning being shot or killed in any other way.
where in singapore could he hide? haha.
my friends and i were discussing and we came up with a conclusion. We conclude that if he's not found by the end of this month. He's gonna appear 2 years later for the youth Olympics and kill the athletes or hold them hostage.
Now everyone's wondering how he's gonna survive right. After all, he's the leader JI in Singapore. How can he not have connections. Even if he didn't have, he can just go into some random house and hold the residents hostage and threaten them to provide him with food and shelter if not he's gonna bomb some random place.
I heard he's in toa payoh. Whoa~ Scary. My school has a jungle nearby. Please don't bomb my school although it looks like some jedi temple thank you. :)
personally, i think this is just propaganda.
he could be dead for a certain reason, meaning being shot or killed in any other way.
where in singapore could he hide? haha.

Inside a cardboard box under clarke quay's bridge or any other random bridge. Singapore also has a couple of jungles. Or maybe he can hide behind mandai zoo. Then when the place close he'll steal the animal food and eat.

and there are signs put up everywhere where he has been

the signs say: "SELAMAT DATANG"
i dont know about all these skeptics , but just to get into that ISD compound along , they confiscate your phone and take your i/c so it seems pretty impossible to break out . The guy is smart ,way smarter than the average singaporean haha thats why we lost him to the toilet . If we had any sense , we should have just shot him and fed him to the dogs a long long time ago , i mean he isnt a big threat anyway , he just threatened to bomb the airport and yishun station which would probably cause causalties in the hundreds launching our country into mass hysteria and panic then we would start a stampede and kill innocent women and children . hahaha

my question is , what would you do if you saw mas selemat? , as in seriously . call the cops or beat the living crap out of him and shove some fire sparkles up his ass?
You know these animal food full of nutrition stuff in them right. Maybe make him survive longer or something. And humans cannot eat banana? Go to gorilla cage for bananas. Find the parrots and kope the sunflower seeds. Eat veggie from the turtles. Plenty of food all over! After that can go lion cage get raw meat. If he makes it out alive, can go back to his jungle and bbq the meat:)
Damn it. I'm getting tired. I should stop talking nonsense and go sleep.
Or you can hunt elephants like 10,000 BC.

Not one bus I've boarded doesn't have the poster, looks like the police better catch him soon.
I hope he gets caught and sent to an american prison. that way he gets a jail term AND guaranteed torture from the fanatic anti-terrorist american prisoners. heh.. bloody mas selamat unleashes the sadist in me

and there are signs put up everywhere where he has been

the signs say: "SELAMAT DATANG"

HAHAHAHAHA! hilarious! My new signature! if u want to make a copyright claim to it then i ll remove it though.. heh.. :D
After hearing some conspiracy stories....i bet he'll never be found alive. If he's captured alive, i'll rip out my ass hair 8)