imcorn said:
hey Shredcow, what's the batch no. on the sticker at the battery clip area?

I have no idea. :p My MIJ DS1 is uber uber old according to Randolf. He thinks its one of the 1st batches made. Mojo to the max!

Yeap sepultura... never underestimate the power of mods... replacing the inferior stock parts with quality parts, WOW. However, there's a limit to modding... and thats where boutique gear come in. ;)
what's up with the facisnation with boutique? Isnt boutique also just something that we put on the floor to step on or table to press on to make music?

There seem to be this thing with boutique here that its something high up there. Just observation, no harm intended. And with the boutique surrounding just gain pedal, i think theres nothing much to glee about, isn't it...
Thats where we differ brundy. I think theres too much to gain and overdrive and fuzz. Thats what I'm after. I think modulation efx are nothign much to glee abt. ;)

And if boutique sounds better than normal gear, I'll go for it. Its my tone to my ears, and thats what matters most. Good gear must be shared, hence my inclination to go try out booteek stuff.

Btw, whats wrong with booteek-ness? :) MiAudio sells them pedals cheap. Tim (or is it the timmy) is cheap and a TS killer. Its just quality of tone I'm after, and the pedal in question is a stock MIT DS-1.
ShredCow said:
And if boutique sounds better than normal gear, I'll go for it. Its my tone to my ears, and thats what matters most. Good gear must be shared, hence my inclination to go try out booteek stuff.

Good gear must be shared, thats true. But have we even try out enough of boutique yet to even make statement? Thats what iam thinking.

boutique can means all sort of effect other than fuzz, disotrtion or overdrive. If i have only try out certain thing only, i won't even dare to over mentioned boutique... :oops:
I really don't understand your point brundisium. I got a new pedal, the pedal rocks, I recommend the pedal. I try another pedal, I can't stand it, I don't recommend that pedal. You mean I have to taste all kinds of fruit before I tell you apples are good?

I never said boutique beats all them stock pedals, theres simply no comparison, no common ground to compare those two.

When I told sepultura that there is a limit to modding, and that the next step is boutique gear, I meant it as such:
Stock DS1 sounds bad. Why? Poor quality parts.
Modded DS1 sounds better. Why? Good quality parts.
And you go on up the chain till you realised.. you've replaced all the parts with mojo-fied NOS 1930s capacitors, took away the PCB and hand wired everything together with teflon cables and 100% silver solder. You've gone booteek.

So thats my take on boutique. It IS the next level, on an entirely differnet level than stock pedals.
when stuck with no hokkien mee within the forest, instant noodle taste like heaven among the combat ration :D

hehe, shrew, i can understand your points. It just that, thought i noticed that you seem to be over excited about boutique ever since gotten into it :lol:
Oh man.. .definately... its like a blindfold being taken off. Who wouldn't be? Its like a crime IMO, to reccomend anything lesser.
brundisium said:
when stuck with no hokkien mee within the forest, instant noodle taste like heaven among the combat ration :D

hehe, shrew, i can understand your points. It just that, thought i noticed that you seem to be over excited about boutique ever since gotten into it :lol:

I always take combat ration. Cuz no need to cook! Combat ration pasta > instant noodle. 8)
brundisium said:
when stuck with no hokkien mee within the forest, instant noodle taste like heaven among the combat ration :D

Hokkien mee is all available now. Why settle for anything less? heh. Just short-changing yourself.
Cha Kway Tiao when in foriegn forest is like you have found heaven.

In taiwan, angels in their vans food of goodies will come and rescue you.. for a fee.
if you have money eat lobster, dun have money eat cha kuay tiao. Whether you spend money on lobster is worth it only you can decide for urself.
Lifehouse said:
I always take combat ration. Cuz no need to cook! Combat ration pasta > instant noodle. 8)

errrr, back when i was a chao soldier, the combat ration can throw and kill someone. Dont have pasta though 8) :lol: :wink: :p
ShredCow said:
Oh man.. .definately... its like a blindfold being taken off. Who wouldn't be? Its like a crime IMO, to reccomend anything lesser.

you are passionate, that's understable. But sometime must also depends on the need of the person wanting the recommendation, budget and usage. Isnt it.

Lets say if i want a delay, people keep telling me echoczar, because it is the best, blah blah blah etc. I think i will go mad :lol:

And so, can recommend any delay? Must say first, no echoczar, no analogman, no boss, no ibanez, no EH, etc.