M-M-MOD -IT- !


New member
hey all, since we're all gear enthusiasts an all, id be interesting to hear your views on what you would consider a "moddable" effect. besides the well known and million-time modded/mutated/transformed/evolved ds1 and the ts9, what are some pedals you would consider moddable? and for that matter, how would the mod make it lagi sweeter then the original circuitry?

lets split it up into several categories shall we.

1) Distortion Fx Pedals
2) Overdrive Pedals
3) Wah Pedals
4) Chorus Pedals
5) Whatever-else-you-can-mod Pedals

care2share ? 8) all those moddhistans out there! get your ass in here and give us your 2 cents worth! :D
all the above to your taste... bigger - fatter - faster.
If u look at the manual for boss pedals it shows keyboard and guitar use ...right .. so boss makes nice pedals for general use...but since guitar players are darn fussy abt tone and thus giving pedal modsters a good income :D

But some pedals are meant to be left untouched especially vintage ones like Arion Sch-1 or the Pearl Phaser or DM2 (to name a few)...if tweaked there will be value depreciation in the market.

Recently there have been lots of China made chepos which are excellant candidates for mod like this one here http://www.promusicaustralia.com/guitar/ARIAImages/pedals/hr_1_.jpg
pretty much green pedal copy.
anyone gt the orginal arion chorus around here? heard so much abt it but never hear in person. must hear whats the legend abt man.
Wahs, can mod the pot, inductor, caps, resistors, add in a voicing switch (varitone), add in trim pots or pots, etc etc...

Many stock wahs, like the Vox 847, Crybabys and so on, will benefit from the upgrades for better sweep lah, more growl, more vomitty tones, smoother funky tones, more bass, more mids, less noise/hiss, etc etc...
Everything is moddable. Some are just extremely hard to. It depends what you want out of it. The catergories probably will be more like:

1) Change the look (rehouse, repaint, new knobs, new LED, etc)
2) Change the sound (fatter, more bass, more treble, more distorted, less compression, more subtle, etc)
3) Add more options (added modes with switches, added controls with knobs)
4) Tweak the controls (smoother sweep, less sweep, more sweep, more at minimum, less at maximum, etc)

Well that's what I can think of so far.
ciel said:
anyone gt the orginal arion chorus around here? heard so much abt it but never hear in person. must hear whats the legend abt man.

i have one given to me by a good fren as token for amp repair i did for him.
A nice closet unit as its almost unused .... :D Its much talked abt due to its tone option thus giving you dark-warm-bright chorus and it's thick like two chorus in paralell plus stereo/dry option. The sch-1 is said to be better than schz but the built is the same ... :?

Havin your cry baby mod is the way to go as it will give a good value for money plus you can beat the hype on those pricey over rated booteek wah pedals which are actually modded vox/crybaby with some mojo inductor....please dont ask me futher as i may have ticked some people here...forgive me. Ones i was fascinated by these mojo wah(s) but after prob'n a few top monkeys ...man was i fooled. Ok that was my personnal finding..please do not quote me. Yes the inductor does play a part but havin it properly set is another story altoghter. Yes finding 512mH is the trick but havin set in the circuit is the other trick...dig.
Then there is buffer before and buffer after for driving fuzz pedals...yeoww..we can go on for months on wah talk.
Btw i have since gone inductorless like this one here colorsound
As used by this guy Kim Thyil
this is a love/hate wah pedal ... :lol:

Twin T or gyrator? hmmm... I'm going for Twin T since it colorsound.

to be honest.... I really like the sound of Teese wah.

No matter how I mod a stock GCB95 wah by tweaking values only without changing the inductor I can never get even close to it.

Oh and it was those days where replacement inductors and 3PDT switches did not even exists!
you can only make your own teAse if you have the teAse inductors, the tropical rainbow caps, the 1/2W carbon composition resistors, point to point wiring

bwahahaha.... forget it lah.... I was only teAsing you.
haha, never imagined open-source would arrive in guitar efx. Thanks for the info man!

hmm all these talk about modding wahs has made me tempted to mod my 535Q... 8)
actually as ridiculous as it sounds pathein, MY 535 can do ahhhh ohhh ooooh sounds you noe? got that rotary switch at the side that changes character from waaaaooowwww, to wohhhhooooh to OHHHHoooh

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