nickyseow said:
hahaha Behemoth 4.0 ! i wanna see it man!! gotch clips& pics?
being the beer connisseur-cum-brewer, whats your fav brand of beer? 8)
right now I'm at the confused tastebud stage.
Used to like Wheat beer aka, Hoegarrden Grand Cru, Forbidden Fruit but not the White beer... the white beer sucks then and sucks now.
Used to like Erdinger and Paulaners and all...
I'm beginning to get so sick of wheat beer that I can't take em anymore.
Canadian Moosehead is not bad, Coopers Pale Ale and Sparkling Ale is quite drinkable, Kilkenny can drink loads of it but not as tasty as I'd like it to be.
Gippsland Gold Lager served at this place at dunlop street is a mighty fine beer.
Paulaners at millenia taste different now.
Easily available beer, Carlsberg/Heineken/Tsingtao still rule. Tiger Classic the one brewed with crystal malt is nice too. The regular Tiger suckasss...
When broke, Breda and Haagen rocks mah bollocks but its been a while since I've touch em.