gjkung said:
I think I didn't make it clear, I play with my bro's concert band. if you've read my post in the gigs and concert forums last time, you'd know that I play beside an entire orchestra of about 80++ people with trumpets and tubas. I play mainly pop, fusion or funk pieces for them, but I still do need good distortion for my own use.
As to where I play, I plan to keep this amp I'm trying to get at home and only lug it to the rehearsal spot when required. At around 1 or 2 months to the concert, I'd bring it there and leave it there for a the time being.
I don't plan to crank it up at home, maybe during weekends or holidays since that's the only time i can crank anything up.
I read through 5 pages of this and I still have no idea what you want. Can you put it in point form like 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Cos right now what I'm getting is something like this:
1. Must be cheap
2. Must be able to work with an entire orchestra
3. Must be good for pop, fusion or funk
4. On the other hand must have good distortion
5. On the 3rd hand I'm using my POD which I don't want to sell
6. I want to leave it at home
7. And also bring it around
8. It doesn't have to be loud
9. Unless I crank it up on weekends
10. I want a stack cos it gives me a hard on and people will bow down to me
11. But it has to work in an orchestra
12. I don't want to mic it up
13. But I like my pod through a pa
14. But I want an amp
15. Ya.
16. That's about it.
By the way a 15W amp will be able to sound louder than any one of the instruments in the orchestra. With the exception of the giant gong.