Aiyoh, you guys always find something new to complain about

why no lineup, why never include this and that, why is there sand on the beach, wait my pee hole kanah sand then how? Relax a bit la, it's an ambitious event full of ambitious bands. It's a first. So instead of asking so much, just come on down and support the scene that people are always complaining about nobody supporting. This is your chance; this is one of the few times that a major media organization is showing interest in extensively promoting the event. Have you seen the TV ads and the radio ads? Those cost money to do. But the event is free, free for everyone, regardless of age or race. So the best way for the scene to show that there IS support is to just to turn up, get drunk and have a good rockin' time. Heh.
Ok this is how it goes.
Bands have been told to keep it to 15 minutes, and just like any gig you've been to, 15 minutes is the allocated time told to the bands to allow for the usual overtime that WILL happen as always. We all know how it is

The bigger bands get longer slots of course. And it WILL end past 2am on Sunday. It starts at 12noon, but it will end sometime in the wee hours of the morning, like 3am or 4am on Sunday. So happy church goers, forget about staying too late

Also, the more reaction and noise a band gets, obviously they will be playing longer than a band that can't get the same reaction.
The reason why I don't want to put the timings down is because bands are sure to play longer or overrun their specified times. I don't want fans of bands to come down at the exact time and find that their favourite band 1) has performed 2) is performing 2 hours later.

That would lead to a lot of frowning faces. So it's best to come down at your estimated time and wait a while. The reason for the selection of having some big bands play earlier, some later, is to keep a constant crowd and to give the smaller bands a chance to perform their songs for a bigger audience.
Also there have been some questions about the moshing.
Some people have asked me that they heard that you need a moshing pass in order to mosh.
Ok let's think about this for a moment ....and realize that it's quite retarded. A tag to permit you to mosh? It's like charging you to stand in a public area or asking you to pay 1 cent for every drop of urine you pee in your own house toilet.
The tag is for the 'moshpit' area. The stage is shaped like a bracket ( ' [ ' ). the mosh pit area fills the inside area, but if you think about it, standing outside the moshpit area gives you a better view. So it doesn't really make a difference. YOU DON'T NEED A TAG TO MOSH. And anybody who thinks that they need one shouldn't mosh anyway, because moshing might dislodge their brains further and make them ask dumber questions. lol. I'm kidding.
Any more questions, please ask Naomi or leave me a myspace message at . Thanks guys!
So come as an emokid, as a metalhead, a punk rocker or just be a tranny, whichever and whatever, 'stay cool and funky always'
P.S. Destroy All Monsters pulled out of playing because their drummer sprained his leg in an accident just recently