Is there a local music scene

bet everyone must have thought at some point of time "if only singapore is like the US. where dreams like you play one day and an AnR guy signs a deal with you."

why not try being a god in your own instrument then think of where to go?
i look up at the sky above the well iam in and i think the world sucks, coz its so small and boring, make me wanna stay in my well, the universe of my world. The real world out there above my head is too small.
Hey AverRal, hmm... a career in finance is pretty good. My friend, an Investment Banker just got $500k last year. Yeah, if I got that amount, screw the income tax man. I still hoard shitloads of cash.

If I've $500k, I'd prolly get a car... and some nice recording gear. Good lah.

That is the most random reply ever.
Tank cute you. We is specialising in RNDM-ness...

And it trrruuuueeee... Whacha gonna do after the dream is gone? Make money, shitloads of them, of cuz!!!

I wish I won the entire $10million Toto last Thurs.
just got back from malaysia last night and was really shocked at the mainstream coverage local bands get up there.

switched on the tv to 8tv and saw a programme dedicated to local music. with CD giveaways, videos, gig updates and all. singapore's very own allura was featured on one of the gig promos.

on the radio, there were commercials urging people to 'support your local music scene, if not there won't be one to support'.

might have been my pretty darn good luck that i caught such snippets of the passion malaysia seems to be building up for its music scene. well even it is just in the media, it is great that it is even driven by the media. while popularity is indeed what sells, local music stations and television stations need to give more local music more coverage!

on the other hand, i must commend stations like 987 that plays one local song every hour (i sound like a bloody advert don't i). honestly, i think thats really great la. and it is jolly good time local music got some decent airtime. it is afterall made by fellow singaporeans who are hoping to relate to their peers.

i guess we cannot be too demanding when it comes to the music scene. cannot expect what the US has in terms of support, coverage and talent scouting. due to the mere fact that we're just puny little island of population 4mil. yet i'm sure if you've got mass appeal (c'mon look at how the malay and chinese scenes are doing. seems decent to me), you'd make it in the music scene la.

but for the taste of the population to evolve to appreciate indie music/local bands it might take awhile la. not that they are not receptive or they detest anything local or what. just that everyone has preferences and right now people like chinese and malay pop.
malaysia has a common national language mah, while we donch have. its definitely easier to promote local music with local language.
I would like to add my S$0.02 worth here, like some of you had already mentioned, the local music band scene is made up of mostly indie and rock music. These kinds of music are not bad but they require a lot of acquired tastes to appreciate them which I don't think many local audiences will really enjoy. In short, these are musicians' music which only fellow musicians of the same genre will like. Even for western indie and rock groups, how many non-musician locals actually know about them? Not many, only local rock musicians know them.

To be commercially successful in music is to play what the masses like and not show them what to like. This, for what I have observed, is the main problem with the local music scene. Put yourselves in the shoes of record producers, there are bascially businessmen who are moneyminded, why would they want to produce something which they know/think that most people won't buy? Most people would prefer to listen to music that will make them feel good or relax and not remind them that life sucks, love hurts or whatever "pek-chek" things. Of course, there are people who are on the other side but not many.

The Chinese music scene is doing better because they are essentially pop commercial music that the public audience would want to hear. We have some very popular songwriters, arrangers and singers that are very famous in HK, TW, CN and know who they are. They are successful because they have the right products which the masses want - nice sounding, sweet melodies and lyrics about love and they are not afraid of fellow musicians calling them as "sell-outs".

Please don't get me wrong, I am not condemning indie or rock music, I am just listing out what I had observed so far.
yea, the malaysians have shows showcasing their local talents.
but ironically, ive also seen malaysian shows where the musicians and artists are complaining that their local media aint giving them enough support. i think if they come here, confirm devastated one. BUT i gotta admit that the local media here have been picking up and supporting our home grown talents in these past few years. hope it continues for a longg time to come! :)
I would like to add my S$0.02 worth here, like some of you had already mentioned, the local music band scene is made up of mostly indie and rock music. These kinds of music are not bad but they require a lot of acquired tastes to appreciate them which I don't think many local audiences will really enjoy. In short, these are musicians' music which only fellow musicians of the same genre will like. Even for western indie and rock groups, how many non-musician locals actually know about them? Not many, only local rock musicians know them.

To be commercially successful in music is to play what the masses like and not show them what to like. This, for what I have observed, is the main problem with the local music scene. Put yourselves in the shoes of record producers, there are bascially businessmen who are moneyminded, why would they want to produce something which they know/think that most people won't buy? Most people would prefer to listen to music that will make them feel good or relax and not remind them that life sucks, love hurts or whatever "pek-chek" things. Of course, there are people who are on the other side but not many.

The Chinese music scene is doing better because they are essentially pop commercial music that the public audience would want to hear. We have some very popular songwriters, arrangers and singers that are very famous in HK, TW, CN and know who they are. They are successful because they have the right products which the masses want - nice sounding, sweet melodies and lyrics about love and they are not afraid of fellow musicians calling them as "sell-outs".

Please don't get me wrong, I am not condemning indie or rock music, I am just listing out what I had observed so far.

my sentiments exactly
Singlish rocks... unfortunately, it's not a multi-billion industry like the rapshit game yo! So the government will not promote it.

I mean, why go thru all the trouble of asking "Do you really think that this is perfectly acceptable by your standards?"

When you can just go: "Can or not?"
I use to be in a band but now part-time on my bass to lend my fingers full time on putting out new bands in the scene. The scene needs to grow and I believe the scene has grown extraordinarily in the past 5 years. I owe this to technology and how easily any band can easily grow their fanbase online.

Like in any industry and business, the word is sustainability. I think if the bigger bands in 2008 can still play music and get tonnes of fans even after 10 years, we'll see a really really really major improvement in the scene here.

Not only do we have to push new bands up the ladder, but also the older more seasoned bands to not stop making music, garnering support and entertaining the fans. This will not only show that the scene is sustainable but also giving new bands or our little primary school children (10 years later) now the belief and hope that making it big is not impossible. The more bands who lasts that long.. the bigger will be the dreams of the future scene.

Noah didn't say building the ark was easy. It took effort, time and perseverence. But what it needed most was BELIEF. If you believe in a dream so much, you'll find a way to achieve it.
music is something that does not require a market to be sold on nor a fanbase for it to grow and flourish.
Definitely not something 100% true. Musicians are humans too... Can we live on air and tap water alone?

A music scene need both musicians as well as supporters and fans. We're currently not lacking musicians... We're lacking audiences. :cool: