Is metal really dead?

If that's the definition of metal, then it's just like hard rock.
To me, metal is a more recent genre. Back in th 60s and 70s, it was just rock, albeit wih different variations, eg prog rock, psychedelia, etc.

Metal is more a 80s onwards thingy, that I think came about with the progression of hard rock using heavier distortion and more angst signing.
Today, I would classify metal as alternative. And now bands are mixing metal with all sorts of genres to create even more variations.

But I suppose the root of metal is basic hard rock which of course as its roots with blues rock.

Boy, I think I need to check out a music encyclopedia on this subject :roll:
yeah. for all we know metal 20 or 30 years down the road could be sweet singing people with smiles on their faces. playing happy music. maybe. just think.
super_punk said:
yeah. for all we know metal 20 or 30 years down the road could be sweet singing people with smiles on their faces. playing happy music. maybe. just think.

HaHa :lol: There are already plenty of metal heads & fans who sold out already, some long ago............. :?

There are also those who still stick to their roots :twisted:

I........I see metal not really as dead, but waiting in the depths to re-emerge one day, taking the world by storm again as it did before.
the band before they were known as black sabbath was known as earth. Bluesy outfit without ozzy at that point of time. After tony met ozzy, the rest is all history....
well great thing u knoe abt iommi's old band. but im talking about sabbath here not his old band. sabbath was definetly not bluesy.
some people might call it half-blues half-rock/metal. i mean come on, what they played was defintely different from slayer and metallica which are metal giants now. so its evolution. but at the end of day metal like every other music genre has no definite defnition. punk at one time was anrchy in the uk but now it's all the small things. pop used to be i wanna hold your hand but now it's she wants to move. just like metal used to be paranoid and the immigrant song but now it's toxicity or any nu-metal crap song.
yah ok. btw, do any of u pple out there listen to dream theater or liquid tension experiment? i just got the 2 liquid tension albums and damn they are really good. so any of u pple out there listen to that stuff?