Is metal really dead?

hey grunge has its great solos too.. soundgarden, smashing pumpkins, sonic youth,had shredding solos too.

the grunge revolution affected america greater than it affected elsewhere.
The effects of grunge in UK is pretty limited, u see stuff like greenday ,oasis rising up the charts with little to do with grunge

I dont really know much about the brit heavy metal. but if iron maiden can retain its killer solos and black sabbath can reunite again , it does shows that brit heavy metal hasnt weaken a single bit.
well iron maiden aint the only metal band from the Uk man. wat abt judas priest? damn they are legends... plus robert halford, the frontman is thinking of a reunion so thats good news. and metal's not all about dungeons and dragons or watever. metal's just about struggles and about the sorry state of the world. lots about war in stuff like sabbath's "iron man" and 'tallica's "one". as for as im concerned kurt cobain can sing a denial all he wants but i dont think grunge won over any metal fans in that era. they just developed a new fan base. but anyway metal's metal and the effect that sabbath, maiden and priest still have todae just goes to show what a force it is.
Metal has mutated into something else which the younger generation think is Metal........ Like linkin puk, the rasmus bla bla..... shit music ...... metal is about the creaivity of heavy music with scales and arpeggios with great solos, which make you "feel" the song... Now the so called "Nu-metal" is just some power chords, and thrash, it would be better to be called crap-metal.....
Just call themselves punk metal, like sum 41... at least sum has some solos...

Nu-metal would be like ST ANGER, even though it doesnt have solos, doesnt repeat itself, like lp, .....

I think metal is dorment now....It is because when death metal came out, all the parents were afraid their children were going to kill themselves, so they developed a stereotype for anything metal...... So disappointing.....
its the generation gap, the death of heavy metal and grunge is inevitable

u cant expect primary sch kids growing up listening to heavy metal or even grunge?

When master of puppets came up i was still a toddler.When cobain commited suicide, i didnt even know who the hell he is, i was a 8 year old then Then backstreet boys came up with their catchy "everybody" and then britney spears. I wouldnt be into metal unless i close myself to the outside world and dig up my brothers cd collection. Naturally my generation of people will look up to linkin park as their "metal heroes" . Sad but true. As much as i like metal, i am nobody to talk about metal , it is not my generation.

Heavy metal is a lost generation, its death is simply delayed, the final nail on the coffin may be as soon as the next 5-10 years.
dude, how can u say u like metal if u think linkin park's a metal hero? yeah well in case u ddnt noe, im 15, when master of puppets came out i wasnt born yet, when kurt cobain died, all i knew was micheal jackson. and i have been a metallica fan since i was in primary 5. but rite now, im as big a metal fan as you are a linkin park sucker. and please explain why issit dat u have to close urself to the outside world to listen to metal?
so...... in the end is metal really dead? right now the conversation has gone from metal heroes to people who destroyed themetal movement, aka grunge. but as the debate goes on is metal really dead? the answer is NO!!!!! as long as there is the shitty commercial pop side of music there will always be a grim side of music where people actually just wanna be different. it will never die!

however, as i would like to agree withe the flying bird, metal is shitty now. the rasmus, linkin park, comon dun tell me you like em. you can always talk smack about kurt cobain and his grunge but in the end this a metal forum! not a general music one! when people look back 20 years from now and look at the 90s, they'll remember kurt cobain and nirvana. just like when we look at the 60s we'll remember the beatles. just remeber many metal heroes pay their respects to the grunge era as it stopped the hair band movement. had it not been for grunge we'd still be listening to bon jovi, slaughter, twisted sister, all the shitty hair bands. i'd say thank you grunge people for the angst ridden music that ignited a flame in certain metal bands which we now respect even more.
lars_ulrich said:
well iron maiden aint the only metal band from the Uk man. wat abt judas priest? damn they are legends... plus robert halford, the frontman is thinking of a reunion so thats good news. and metal's not all about dungeons and dragons or watever. metal's just about struggles and about the sorry state of the world. lots about war in stuff like sabbath's "iron man" and 'tallica's "one". as for as im concerned kurt cobain can sing a denial all he wants but i dont think grunge won over any metal fans in that era. they just developed a new fan base. but anyway metal's metal and the effect that sabbath, maiden and priest still have todae just goes to show what a force it is.

actually mahesha it did win some metal fans. remember the article where they lars ulrich about kurt cobain. he said they actually asked nirvana o tour with them. yoyoyo. evidence of the winning over of metal masses. metallica liked nirvana, hello! the denial actually worked
grunge killed hair bands, but they didnt kill metal entirely, as i said before, grunge had limited effect in the UK , metal in the uk is left pretty much untouched by grunge. Its just the natural evolution of music that brought it on a slow decline

lars ulrich.
My generation refers to people around my age in general,If u would notice my tone, i do not fit into that generalisation, i do not like linkin park.. Please read carefully before u toss insults. Metal is rather different from the pop, in essence is harder to appreciate than pop during those days.I feel that therefore you must shut out all the outside influence kind of like force urself to listen to metal. i mean like why would any1 with the right state of mind listen to something in the past, given that your knowledge of music is rather shallow during those days. I dont know maybe thats just me.

btw was it the one on ug?
in the end, nirvana didnt tour with metallica, because they didnt want to share the same stage with GnR. ANd yes we are still listening to bon jovi even after the grunge movement.

its the generation gap that create all these stuff.
imagine people listening to beatles and rollin stones grow up 20 years later to listen metal. They will be like" what happened to rock ?rock'n'roll is shitty now. metallica, ironmaiden, comon dun tell me you like em. "
of course there will be a minority who will accept them.

so the moral of the story is each generation has its different tastes(disco revolution, metal revolution, grunge revolution, nu metal revolution) . u cant force it on them., just have to be more open minded.
super_punk said:
actually mahesha it did win some metal fans. remember the article where they lars ulrich about kurt cobain. he said they actually asked nirvana o tour with them. yoyoyo. evidence of the winning over of metal masses. metallica liked nirvana, hello! the denial actually worked

well i dont think id consider a few guys the masses. yeah theres no doubting the influence of nirvana on music today and even somewhat on me too. i dont think grunge killed metal though im sure it did kill the whole glam and hair thing. to me as a metal fan, when i 1st heard nirvana, i thot their riffs were pretty cool. i had heard of them b4 i actually heard any of their songs and for some reason had always thot of them as a punk band. but when i heard them i thot they were pretty heavy too without being exactly metal. they were a nice change to what i usually listened too. however after a while, i felt it got pretty boring, the lack of heaviness bore me. my brother, being a huge metal fan too, felt exactly the same way. so my opinion and im sure its shared by many metal fans is that nirvana, were nice to listen too but after a while it got pretty boring.

i ddnt mean to insult you dude. u said earlier that linkin park was a metal hero and u oso said that u liked metal. so having said u liked metal, i assumed u knew enuf to know theres no way u can consider linkin park metal. heroes they mite be to others.
Side-tracking abit here.....I think Roxy Records have quiet a big collection of Metal CD's, esp german, swedish and finnish metal. Ask the owner Paul, he's quite helpful 8)
It was at funan but has since moved to a new location. Haven't been to the new one but i think its at coleman shopping centre (correct me guys!). I saw lots of metal/death vinyl records too.....
lars_ulrich said:
well i dont think id consider a few guys the masses. yeah theres no doubting the influence of nirvana on music today and even somewhat on me too. i dont think grunge killed metal though im sure it did kill the whole glam and hair thing. to me as a metal fan, when i 1st heard nirvana, i thot their riffs were pretty cool. i had heard of them b4 i actually heard any of their songs and for some reason had always thot of them as a punk band. but when i heard them i thot they were pretty heavy too without being exactly metal. they were a nice change to what i usually listened too. however after a while, i felt it got pretty boring, the lack of heaviness bore me. my brother, being a huge metal fan too, felt exactly the same way. so my opinion and im sure its shared by many metal fans is that nirvana, were nice to listen too but after a while it got pretty boring.

well actuallyy i was implying that nirvana won over metallica a metal band in the thick of things. showing that it's effect on the metal movement is considered great. well if you want me to describe a grunge sound it would be a punk attitude with hardcore riffs all within a pop sensibility. i don't think the lack of heaviness bore you. if that's the case then why do you not get bored when listening to michael jackson? it's just that's it's a whole different style. i would say grunge is metal+punk+pop=grunge.
anyway meta's not dead
metal's not dead
metal's not dead
i despise bon jovi. they suck
yah perhaps u know wat bore me. all i know is that it bore me at that time. rite now, i still listen to them though they arent right on top my playlist. i enjoy listening and playying their stuff.i dunno, i think i more open now, ive started listening to U2 and chilli peppers again, queen and lots of old shit. and i listened to micheal at that time bcos i was 4 and ddnt noe much of anything. and i still enjoy his music bcos i feel its really catchy and nice, unlike stuff like justin timberlake and all. they all just sound irritating to me.

so ure rite metal's not dead, definetly not. i think its pretty alive here in singapore though maybe not amongst the younger teenagers, but more among pple in their 20s and older. though im sure theres a few number of teens who are metalheadz too.
i know this has nothing to do with metal, but grunge has little to do with punk or pop . pls note that at the time hair bands/jacko were pop at that time, they were everything grunge wasnt. Grunge wasnt made for the mainstream.Infact Nirvana defied the early 90s mainstream with honest, authentic musical grime. Their lyrics were way deeper than any pop/punk stuff.
i think we should get back to the subject of metal. don't you think?

anyone it's not dead, but it's deader than most of the genres left in the musical world.
BTW, how do you define metal music? What makes the music metal and not rock or hard rock? Is the style of playing, the singing, the solos?
the definition of metal is changing with every era. in the 70s bluesy riffs with hippie looking men playing guitars was metal, that's what black sabbath was. in the 80s it was long hair, power ballads and shredding solos and lots of make-up. in the 90s it took in another form as plad angst ridden lyrics.