Iron Maiden is?

mercy said:
i'm a christian too.Go tell ur christian fren tht if he truly believes tht they're satanic,its kk to listen,as long as he's not influenced by it.

And would you know if lppier's friend will NOT be influenced by it?

You don't.

So don't give out advise like that. You might end up stumbling another Chrsitian brother.

Its like, its okay to be a junkie if you don't get addicted to the drugs you take.

Besides, there are Christian musicians who don't listen to Iron Maiden and stuff, but are crazy good.

And I'm not saying that Iron Maiden is satanic, I'm just speaking in general to things known to be Satanic or favouring Satanism.
Ippier, I do not know why you posted that abt your friend, but your tone is definately not a positive one. It looks like you are being rather mean saying those things behind his back. I suppose if your friend saw this he would be sorely disappointed in you.
oh my goodness... that means i've always been playing heavy metal and thought it was rock?


wtf y some ppl say the answer lies in their concert? something about showmanship difference between heavy metal and rock?
:D from what i know(i might be wrong), Margaret Thatcher, former British PM, were labelled and popularly knowned as 'Iron Maiden' in the seventies for being a no-nonsense/hard-headed minister in England. The band Iron Maiden might got it's name from that. :)

Anyways, back in the late 70's early 80s, the heaviest rock bands came from UK and Europe, like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Helloween, Destruction, DIO etc.. and thus they're labelled Heavy Metal Bands for their heavy medieval guitar crunching riffs and power growling vocals. All i can say is that these are the pioneers of heavy metal, and the rest follows and improvised.

Just my opinion :D
a rock concert is a far cry from an iron maiden concert.
no need to get all vulgar though.
just trying to help.

but yea, why ask why the maidens are genred under heavy metal? does it even matter?
sit down, pick up those headphones,
and blast iron maiden and appreciate the music. not the genre. :wink:
Yeah, Manowar. Kinda like 'Warriors of the World United'.
I still think I. M is power-metal, and my favourite album of theirs is 7th S of the 7th S, didn't pay much attention to that album at first until I saw my friend drooling over it.
Yeah, true. Genres help me avoid getting stuff like "BSB and H5".
I mean, if you like metal, whatever you get within that genre won't be too far off the mark, right?
It's especially useful when you are sourcing the net for new shit.
To get the facts straight. Iron Maiden was from the NWOBHM aka New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. Metal isn't about scooped mids, furious double pedals like drum machines nor constipated vocals and definitely not satanic.

If you think it takes bone crushing distortion to churn out metal riffs, you're very wrong. It's the riffs that defines the style, not the type of tone you get from the amps.

Look at some songs for eg. Paranoid by Black Sabbath, i think for kids now to listen to the original and imagine that is classified as metal? They would think ppl used to be dumb or "ball-less", i've heard it before. When you take the exact same riff and put it through a Soldano...Boogie Rects...Peavey XXX.....whatever floats your boat amp and dime out the gain, they'll drop their jaws in awe.

Listeners are now led astray by the tone of metal bands nowadays, the true essence is in the style of music....not the tone ppl. Iron Maiden is true blue heavy metal at its finest :supz: Go watch Rock In Rio, 'nuff said.
ahpek1 said:
:D from what i know(i might be wrong), Margaret Thatcher, former British PM, were labelled and popularly knowned as 'Iron Maiden' in the seventies for being a no-nonsense/hard-headed minister in England. The band Iron Maiden might got it's name from that. :)

Anyways, back in the late 70's early 80s, the heaviest rock bands came from UK and Europe, like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Helloween, Destruction, DIO etc.. and thus they're labelled Heavy Metal Bands for their heavy medieval guitar crunching riffs and power growling vocals. All i can say is that these are the pioneers of heavy metal, and the rest follows and improvised.

Just my opinion :D

The iron maiden is an instrument of torture for “heretics,” traitors, parricides, etc. It was a container big enough to admit a man, with folding-doors, the whole container studded with sharp iron spikes. When the doors were closed, these spikes were forced into the body of the victim, who was left there to die in horrible torture. I think That is where they got their name from.
i think tone plays a part in contributing to the overall feel of the music... genre is style + feel so... still affects lah... everything
He's fine with it, and I'm just quoting what he said.
I know religion is sensitive, I'm sorry I stepped on your toes.


ShredCow said:
Ippier, I do not know why you posted that abt your friend, but your tone is definately not a positive one. It looks like you are
being rather mean saying those things behind his back. I suppose if your friend saw this he would be sorely disappointed in you.
ShredCow said:
mercy said:
i'm a christian too.Go tell ur christian fren tht if he truly believes tht they're satanic,its kk to listen,as long as he's not influenced by it.

And would you know if lppier's friend will NOT be influenced by it?

You don't.

So don't give out advise like that. You might end up stumbling another Chrsitian brother.

Its like, its okay to be a junkie if you don't get addicted to the drugs you take.

Besides, there are Christian musicians who don't listen to Iron Maiden and stuff, but are crazy good.

And I'm not saying that Iron Maiden is satanic, I'm just speaking in general to things known to be Satanic or favouring Satanism.

sorry ;(.humbled :wink:
amnesiac is right about how the Maidens got their respectable name. kudos.

you could classify the maidens as bubblegum pop,
and i'd still listen to them. cos maiden is maiden.
their music is their music.

to hell with genres.
though yes,
it helps us avoid stuff we dun wanna hear. \m/ :wink:
I just realised this ... Since you guys say Iron Maiden is Metal cause of the word "Iron" ... Then what about Nickelback?? :lol:
Hmm, I can't disagree that genres are unimportant but it is necessary for filtering all the bands that come your way. I have 50 new albums each week to listen to but I only like indie, industrial, prog metal or alt, and I know I hate grindcore. Knowing the genres saves me a lot of time, no?


That aside, Iron Maiden is awesome. Yeah.

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