Iron Maiden is?

Iron Maiden should stop making stupid albums. They should start touring the world playing their hits from the 1st album till "Fear Of The Dark". Everything that comes after that is irrelevant.
In fact, Iron Maiden made LOADS of great albums after Fear of the Dark. Maybe you listen too selectively or you just don't listen ;) Brave New World and Dance of Death are my hot favs. I can listen to Dance of Death 61234891902895 times and not get sick of it!
Appreciating any Maiden albums after "Fear Of The Dark" doesn't make anyone 17 years old, we are all maiden fans here so go easy on each other.
Matno said:
Iron Maiden should stop making stupid albums. They should start touring the world playing their hits from the 1st album till "Fear Of The Dark". Everything that comes after that is irrelevant.

Why are those albums stupid? Pls explain. I think you should at least give some explaination as to why you think those albums are stupid? And before you say that, do you think you can do a better job than them?
haha. i wouldnt think he's a maiden fan though.
cos a maiden fan knows better than to call their albums 'stupid'.

but yea. do let us know why you find the newer albums not much better.
it'll be worth a listen.
I think Matno's wicked sense of humour is lost here. I'm sure he doesn't mean to sound overly critical. People are entitled to their own opinions anyway. Let's go easy on each other, guys. Actually I have a copy of Dance Of Death, but I hardly ever listen to it. Not because it isn't good, but I have too many damn CDs at home!