I am GAS-free on pedals, what do you think?

bad indication



that is wwhy you dun have any GAS anymore.

same for me when I was too hooked up with DSLR. i have like 10 different lenses.
now i got a zoom, a portrait and a wide. im satisfied,. cos my attention is focused on something else,...PEDALS! nyehehe
so.... whats this interesting thing called "booteek pre-amp" that you speak of..... :)

lol but seriously, I'll just use whatever pre-amp there is in the bass amp. Usually amps in the studio have at least a 3-band EQ, so that's good enough for me. At home, my amp has a 10-band EQ so that's no problem.

Even Sadowsky pre-amp has only 2-band, granted the 2 bands were made at a fix frequency range, but if I know those freq ranges, I can do *almost* the same on a 10-band EQ.


so make me interested dude! :) :) :)

on second thought, maybe don't! hahaha and save me from spending excessive money$$$ hahahaha.....

although I think sushi-counter style at Blackwood WILL induce back the GAS....
dude preamp is alot more than just eq... thats why they have another pedal called EQ. and the one one your amp is called... well... AMP. preamp improves your tone. one does not use a sadowsky preamp as a glorified eq pedal... they get it for the signature sadowsky TONE... call it colouration if you will. but in a good way. same goes with the aguilar... the audere... john east... xotic

ask yourself... what is 'amplification'? its not a matter of volume nor equalization. amplification is amplification. but im not gonna go into detail

as for the 2-band issue...



talking abt pre-amp. using the hartke bass attack but its not enuff. something just don't sound right and now i am looking around for another preamp. Microbass II? BDDI? MXR? the list goes on and on and on. i got GAS or maybe now. but am i missing a wonderful truely awesome preamps in the sea of boutique pedals? that nice tone that make me cum in my pants? that nice little grit that can blow off gir's blouses and make girls wet.

aarrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. i need a GAS anonymous.
PRE-AMP GAS attempt DEFLECTED AWAY whahahahahaah! :)

thanks for the explanation of pre-amp i agree you want it to color your tone in a good way :)

SO I should be gass-ing for a MXR or Sansamp or a Sadowsky right?

let me xplain how pre-amp GAS from shinobi is deflected.

at home I am using a Hartke 3500a (yeah lucky you not my neighbour hahahh) so it already has 2 pre-amps in there - a tube pre-amp and a solid-state preamp and I love both! :) So at home wise no problem I already love my tone.

For the studio, all the amps I have used already have a pre-amp which I can control (in actual fact, I believe all amps include both a pre-amp and a power-amp inside) the difference is if they allow you to control the gain in the pre-amp section or not.

In a live setting, nobody cares about my tone from the pre-amp anyways lol....

so whahahah pre-amp GAS defelcted!! whahahh!! :)
no WAIT there is something that you can't possibly have now


now don't tell me you have an arsenal of basses that cover every kind of tone possible
sadly I have only 1 bass, and that's why I'm not GAS free on bass yet.

Attack Equilizer?? interesting!!! hmmm what it does?