PRE-AMP GAS attempt DEFLECTED AWAY whahahahahaah!
thanks for the explanation of pre-amp i agree you want it to color your tone in a good way
SO I should be gass-ing for a MXR or Sansamp or a Sadowsky right?
let me xplain how pre-amp GAS from shinobi is deflected.
at home I am using a Hartke 3500a (yeah lucky you not my neighbour hahahh) so it already has 2 pre-amps in there - a tube pre-amp and a solid-state preamp and I love both!

So at home wise no problem I already love my tone.
For the studio, all the amps I have used already have a pre-amp which I can control (in actual fact, I believe all amps include both a pre-amp and a power-amp inside) the difference is if they allow you to control the gain in the pre-amp section or not.
In a live setting, nobody cares about my tone from the pre-amp anyways lol....
so whahahah pre-amp GAS defelcted!! whahahh!!