I am GAS-free on pedals, what do you think?


haha i GAS-ed yesterday.

been bassing for close to a year but still quite new to the instrument. two days ago my drummer told me to check out the bass forums and just yesterday i met up with a fellow softie and got myself the bass attack.

i mean being a guy we are attracted to gadgets much more easily, i guess it's more than just GAS, me and my friends call it need-a-titis.
All aboard the GAS-EXPRESS!

Been looking at either a Morley PB-(something) wah and the Dunlop 105Q Bass Wah. They do sound really good for funky kinda stuff! I want an Unibass too, and maybe another drive!
i think i bought 2 pedals in that time. a boss LS-2 and very recently a MXR el grande off ebay :evil:

I have to say the the Boss LS-2 is really REALLY tempting for me... but that'll be the slippery slope to more pedals.

Because with a LS, I'll need some different pedals to make the loop A and loop B.

I'm thinking I can use the LS-2 to isolate the Zoom multi-effects from the chain and switch it in when I need it, as the Zoom with AC power is giving me some high pirch hum when turn up at higher volume.

My current solution to that is just to use good quality rechargeable batteries for the Zoom - using batteries removes the hum completely.
one of the strengths of the LS-2 is being able to control the volume of the 2 loops... but they can only run in parallel. a series switch would have been interesting

if it's loopers you're after, i think barge concepts is probably a brand worth looking up

something else that caught my eye was the DOD 240... a passive resistive mixer. i bet someone will find it useful :D
I just saw the front of the LS-2 today.... one of the modes of operation you can select is:

A+B or Bypass.

So I take it you can A+B in series, and mix their volumes together.

so it is series right?

BTW, GAS struck me.... I ordered a EHX Bassballs and a Digitech Bass Synth Wah online!!!!!!!
Bassballs is the sex i say. enjoyyyyyy =DDDDDDDDDDDDD

I heard it....

to me, it sounds like a envelope filter + chorus!

the freq on the env filter is fixed and the chorus rate is fixed and I believe the one and only knob changes the chorus depth.... or that was how it sounded to me.
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GAS strikes again!!!

I just ordered the BOSS LS-2 Line Selector from overseas!

No way that local shop is getting my business although I saw it on sale there.... bad sales attitude just makes me not want to spend my money there.
So 2 months since the first post. I was GAS-free.....

..... until I was listening to some pop songs with some pretty good basslines, and wanted to figure out the bassline and it used some synth-sounding effect, so I was researching into synth pedals and decided on the Digitech Bass Synth Wah.

Through my researched i happened to have the oppurtunity to test out a EHX Bassballs as well, and I loved the sound. So, GAS +2.

So i ordered both pedals online, and then my attention went to the BOSS LS-2. After about a month of consideration, I finally ordered the BOSS LS-2 as well...

Whahahah.... so you see... I'm here declaring GAS-free in June, and now it's Augist, 2 months after and I've got 3 more pedals now..... :(

Can't run away from GAS whaaaaaaa.....!!!!!! :)
once you get hooked on fuzz you are finished

i currently have a mxr el grande bass fuzz and effector13 KP

i'm thinking of trying a few others. never mind that we are in singapore, some of these pedals are not even in retail. so 'try' means 'buy'

devi ever bass fuzz
earthbound audio effects supercollider
arger capricorn bass fuzz

the scary part is that i'd expect all 3 of these fuzzes to have different kinds of fuzz. which means that they could potentially all end up side my side on my board (after getting rid of what i have). and that will leave me very broke
I use a regular Boss Metal Zone MT-2 for fuzz - remnants from my guitar days.

the Metal Zone is great for bass because it let's the low end through. It has hi and lo EQ and a adjustable/sweepable mid parametric EQ so you can sweep you mid freqs. Which gives you really good options to get the sound you want.

I can get very light overdrive to heavy distortion and all still letting the bass low end through.

As for "reactive" overdrive (the point where the sound distorts depending on how hard you attack the strings) I think the amp/drive models built into the Zoom B2.1u are pretty good.

But I'm not really into fuzz (dun get me into it shinobi if not I GAS again!!! hahaha) so perhaps the other booteek pedals u mentioned may sound much better, and definitely each have their own characteristic sound.

But to me, od in Zoom and the Metal Zone (very versatile pedal, those people in talkbass complaining about it just don't know how to adjust the parameters) currently good enough for me :)