How would u describe Indie music

'indie' has become an easy way to label music and to sell certain kinds of records

indie pop
indie rock
indie metal
indie jazz
indie blues
indie death metal jazz
indie math-core
indie ninten-core

indie as a genre in the 21st century is what 'alternative' was in the 90s.

and if you don't like indie, why do you have to tell the whole world you don't like indie? people like certain kinds of music. that's the way it is.. we have so many choices in front of us.

i guarantee plus chop stamp that if Metal was uber mainstream today, there will be a certain breed of people here on soft who will actually be listening to Britney pop and dressing like K-Fed because it would hypothetically be an alternative lifestyle.

and the way we think on soft will be the same as its always been, just with different shite.
indie? all of us are indie musicians. Except those who got a recording label.

that's why no such thing as indie rock.
if you arent signed by a major record label, you are either unsigned or indie.
and Jugman, im afraid that indie is becoming a trend. much like the emo fad for the past 2 years.
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it's a substitute for lack of musicianship and technicality

Now that's just being rude..
Indie is supposed to mean independent labels.. But indie bands from those days have created their own sound, a sort of identity for them..
Bands that have that sound would be : The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks, The Strokes, Hot Hot Heat, etc etc..
pete doherty wouldn't have called himself indie- he was a singer/songwriter more along the lines of brit/garage rock.

indie generally is quite associated with the clean cut vibe. it has a very back-to-basics and simplistic mentality. maybe you could see it as hippie without the drugs.
a piece of music cannot be independent- independent of what?

but an artist or a band can. and indie artists or bands make the same kind of music as other musicians. it's the same chords, the same notes, same rock. they didn't like pioneer or innovate some new kind of music, despite what they would like people to believe.

but the label 'indie' is used misused as a marketing gimmick by both artists and record labels (an indie record label - an oxymoron). for example: OOH INDIE OOWAWA... I ONLY LISTEN TO 'INDIE' MUSIC I AM SOOOO SCENE!

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez of The Mars Volta (a proper band) on labels -
"We are really tired of those labels and questions. Concept album? How can any huge project that takes up most of your life for a year not have a concept? Prog? How can any innovative, forward-thinking art or music not be progressive? It reminds me of the first time I heard the word "Emo", which was the most ridiculous label ever. How can anything you put your heart and soul into not be emotional?"
So far only visa has been able to properly answer my question, being able to somewhat describe how indie, as a genre, sounds, although i personally agree with some people above who said that the term "indie" is merely a gimmick used by labels, organisers, and the like, to attract youth to listen as right now, indie is cool! Look at all the kids in skinny black jeans. Ask them why they like it and i bet at least 1/3 will answer because it looks "indie".

I find the killers fitting to the definition of Indie as producing a new sound though. Heh. In hot fuss i thought they sounded like one of the best bands on earth
These New Puritans, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cinematics, Eisley, The Futureheads, The Velvet Teen, The Fire Fight.

Just some bands that I feel are Indie. Indie is overused. When a band's pop punk, they're pop punk. Don't call them Indie just because they're still underground or worse, to make yourself sound "indie-er".
when i told a friend once that quaint little pub at circular rd was having a indie night playing indie music... she was surprised and tagged along expecting... "hindi" music! bwahahahahaha....

we play indie hindi....
the only reason why "indie" has a certain sound, is because it has been marketed as such.

if i ask you how your band sounds, you might name drop a few bands to give me a good idea, and you might drop a few genres to give me a good idea. it's just a system to give structure to the many different styles of music.

so hence, 'indie' music these days seems to suggest they have that 'sound'
at the end of the day, we put labels on things so it's easier for us to get a rough idea of what we're looking for.

no matter what, everybody is different.

don't worry too much about this kind of thing, what is it going to achieve?
oh hell yes. ride is a very nice indie band but only from albums before going blind again. after that down hill and what the hell is andy bell playing bass for oasis! sacrilege!
Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Actually, I can't remember the Going Blind Again album. But I rikes the roots-rock album or what people typically call the Britpop albums...