How to train up your stamina of your fingers?


New member
hey guys. i do met up with problems.

its like i practice on Master of Puppets for more then an hour, then my fingers will start to get slow and parts of the song beginning to cannot play on time.

so how to train up the stamina of your fingers?

as in human can train by running. but fingers how?
run also lor! everyone will say the same thing, due scales, with increasing speed until u are proficient, it is a slow thing, u will not suddenly feel like, woah, my fingers are buff...
hmmm.. run the scales.

slowing down of fingers is due to stamina or strength?

human takes supplements to buff up there body.

then i take pills la!
then go running.

then in months finger will be like WOW!
lock yourself up 23hrs a day in the room. go all over the scales like a few million times...

thats what everyone gonna say man.
i personally use gripmaster medium tension.
to me, its a great product as i can exercise my fingers even when i'm on the public transport or such.. but.. nothing beats playing the real guitar.. and again.. we cant be on the guitar 24712365..
i used the grip master once also. but i lost it. i felt that i doesnt really work on me.

oh.. then i must really go make my fingers do push ups* ( play more )

but as i play more. it will get more and more slow. continue playing?

cause i had hear of cases that keep playing until muscle stretch then cannot play for a long period of time.
never tried weights..i exercise with grips, but that's outta my guitar arena.

best way is to keep shredding..that way it's like exercise also. no need to be so technical as in what scales what dynamics lah. just shred.

edit: for master of puppets, i remember i caught on with the shit speed fairly fast, and its due to the way u pick/stroke. there's always a sweet spot. find it. it's like a leverage.
yeah.. the MOP song was fast. like i can catch up with the speed maybe within the third time i play the whole song. but till the forth time. it begin to get laggy and unable to follow up. then slowly it will be impossible for me to reach.
aiya just keep on playing and playing to build up your stamina. if your fingers feel tired rest for a while, do some finger stretching, some massaging etc..then get back to your guitar.


cheers ;)
hey bro ur fingers get tired???hmmm for MOP most ppls complained of the picking hand thats having a problem..

if thats the case ...then what u can do is practice as much as you can ..but stop when you feel tired...coz there is no point really in practising while ur struggling...

these things takes time...hav some patience...
u might wanna take a look on the way you pick and also how u place ur picking hand...

perhaps during the slower parts of the songs u can stretch ur arm or hands abit..

as for left hand ...if ur feeling tired can adjust ur thumb abit ..hehe ..
relax dun stress ur self...

once ur done with this song ..try blacked ..:)
when you feel pain or tension. stop playing. you dont wanna get tendonitis. same like every sport, know your limits, dont push them too far. you cant play for 5 hours straight in an instant, it takes awhile.
mine is left hand. nothing much with my right hand.


songs i never heard before!
send me the songs can?

ty ty :lol:
ur not odd..just exceptional :)
bro how to sent the songs ...
really ar u hav not heard those songs ?

nevermind la ...just practice the song that u like at the moment ..