How to train up your stamina of your fingers?

in an instructional vid, adrian smith said do finger practices til ur fingers r numbed by fatigue. then u'll know u've pushed urself more than yesterday.
icic. add me la! then send thru msn.. :lol:

funny! i'm a born right hand. right hand wont get tired. but left hand cannot make it!

especially my thumb part. the muscle area. very tired.
then slowly will be the slow fingers liao
crack peanuts,with your two pinkies

then try cracking it with one finger! if you're a lefty crack with the right fingers,righty crack with left fingers
crack peanuts = strength?

i thought it like that..

crack peanuts = techniques?

strength < techniques.


i'm i correct?
maybe u wan to try this song from RHCP- "snow" -from their album "Stadium arcadium"........i really think it could build up stamina......and technique as well...........been practicin this for quite a while now, n i really think it works.........
2 finger one hand push,2 thumb push up.....bruce lee feats...even he is not a guitar player but he got strong finger
i do legato runs for a few minutes continously till my fingers feel really tired.. do this frequently.. prolly few weeks time when u play.. u feel this new profound strength in your hands and fingers.. cheers mate.
whaahha! brue lee.. WATER ( wata! )

that is nuts man! how to do push ups with thumbs?
can u please show it to me? :lol:

hmmm.. running legato till tired?
i keep on play until my fingers bui ta han then stop..
but i didnt find and new profound strength...

that video rocks man....
Bzzzz Bzzzz
I have rather short fingers, especially my pinkie.
I can do only max of 5 fret stretch, even then with much difficulty.
Is there any advice on the type of playing I should avoid ?
i still dont get it? why poke holes?

i am now try to play flight of bumblebee and it really does help with the stamina of the fingers!

but now got another problem...

how do i avoid getting muddy sounds?
maybe i suck or what so ever. but i hear my playing of the song. its like.. eww. very er xin!
Muddy sounds? What do you mean muddy sounds? If you have poor sound...

Blame it on your:-

1) Your equipment tone[Which means your pedal and your amp]. Maybe they are really that bad that everything just sounds... Bad.

2) Your spoilt pick-up. They are apparently picking up more than what they should. Or less.

3) Your lousy right-arm techniques. Did you remember to keep the base of your palm at the bridge of your guitar? If you didn't, feedback will be imminent.

4) To a lesser extend, your pick. Sometimes when you pick your guitar, you might realize you're actually picking a bass guitar instead with all those additional sounds.

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