How long do u think u can keep playing in the music scene?


New member
Take for example the Rolling Stones. They are still playing even after 40 years. Mick Jagger still has that drive in him and he still looks fit hehe...

What abt u guys? Is there anything in ur life that will stop u from performing in gigs n such?

IMO, I`m 24 this year, if I was in a well-established band in S`pore, I`ll perform till I`m 30 and then retire from the music scene. The reasons? Honestly speaking, I want to fulfill my duties as a true Muslim...I`m sure most of the Muslim softies would know what I`m talking abt. I will not elaborate further. But who knows at some point, I may make a comeback just like Yusuf Islam aka Cat Stevens? :P
Hmmm.... That's a tough one...

Ideally... I'd like to continue making music till i stop breathing. But true... Being a muslim GIRL... hmmm..... come to think of it, when i get married how eh..... will i still be able to perform with my band, jumping n skanking on stage? hmmm.... maybe one day i'll stop performing. But i dun think i will ever stop making music....

haha. But i'd rather not think about it now. I'll just enjoy my time that i have to the fullest. I'm turning 21. Oh dear god.... Sheesh...........
hi nerdska, good thing u realized. When I retire from performing, I`ll still be keeping my guitars though...playin them once in a while or maybe show them to my future kids and grand kids...: )
why wait until 30 then you wanna become "true" muslim? that my friend is a classic example that you put music before God.

Anyways, Islam prohibits playing music is it? Never heard such thing before leh.

Also, the scene. Which scene? Singapore music scene, to play that long pretty hard. Thats what I think.
Yes in Islam Music is Haram, except those drums. Woman can sings. Its Haram.

Why be a true muslim when turn 30? Be a true muslim now. Doesnt mean playing music you cant sing. Look at Ramli Sarip, Man Kidal ... they are rockers yet, they fullfill their 5 times a day prayer.

Its not about whether you're muslim or not, beb... kalau nak seribu daya.. kalau taknak seribu dalih. Aku bartender kat club.. but pray 5 times a day. Yeah, i drink. CONTRADICT kan? But who are we human to say my prayers not accepted, ni semua terpulang kepada Allah. Ok ciao. Akum
Im 41...will play till I'm 6 feet under...

To each their own - religion or whatever .... stop if U feel U need to... just be true to yourself and not what others want you to 8) be...
haram if u lose urself in the music. haha. i don't think i'd wanna be in the music scene till i die hahahahah. How long do i think i can keep playing in the music scene? Not long.
come to think of it... it is up to each individual how long they have the determination to play....

as long as yr band is striving & a up to standard band, i believe... the only thing could stop them is themselves.... To me when i step into music,

i juz knew that music will nv leave my life an inch, be it in a band or even being a crew or backstage... coz i believe music is my drive....
go do you Muslim duties now, why wait another 6 years? acknowleding that it's a sin and not doing anything about it is a greater sin in itself. okay so i'm not your most pious guy but... i'm with moo on this one :D
irregardless of your belief, its in your intentions and in your heart. i'm with fgl on this, be true to yourself. Long live Rock n Roll!
heya guys, let me just make it clear. When I said true Muslim, meaning not only am I praying 5 times a day and reading the Quran, I`ll also be one who regularly goes to the mosque and attends Islamic lectures and not to mention, leading my future wife and children to the Muslim way of life. I`ve known the fact that music is haraam in Islam so tat is why I dont wish to prolong my sins when I`m at an older stage. I do feel a bit guilty sometimes.

As of now, I read the Quran every day and pray 5 times a day.Don`t get me wrong, I started that a long time ago since I was little but due to some unecessary obstacles like NS etc, I`m still in the process of repairing the damage in myself.
way to go, interesting and gd topic to discuss faizal. =)

as for myself, I definitely plan to resign from the music scene when the time comes. after that, I'll probably keep my guitars, but for home playing only. I guess u do hav to change ur lifestyle abit, but it also has a gd cause.

do other stuff when u've reached to the peak of ur success. productions, set up jamming studios, organise gigs/events or look into other lines in the music industry. keep ur dreams alive, yet in a more subtle way.

also, look at it this way. there'll always be people out there who'll get bored of u at one time or another. be versatile, it'll benefit u too.
I am 43 this year, started playing the guitar at 12 yrs old, jamming at studios at 14, played my first gig at 16 and even appear on National television 2 times with SBC roadshow series in the early 80's . Stopped playing from 85 to 2004 Dec due to work committment and started playing again when I joined Soft.

Currently I am playing bass for 2 rock bands, I have jam with kids who can be my sons and older mature folks in their 50s . I think music is a passion with many and you cannot never take the music out of your life. I am still very much into the 70's british punk and Ska bands like Sex Pistols, Clash, The Jam, Police, The Specials, Bad Manners, Madness and lots more

Guess I will be rocking till the next spiritual world

Rock On
purplehaze3691 said:
I am 43 this year, started playing the guitar at 12 yrs old, jamming at studios at 14, played my first gig at 16 and even appear on National television 2 times with SBC roadshow series in the early 80's . Stopped playing from 85 to 2004 Dec due to work committment and started playing again when I joined Soft.

Currently I am playing bass for 2 rock bands, I have jam with kids who can be my sons and older mature folks in their 50s . I think music is a passion with many and you cannot never take the music out of your life. I am still very much into the 70's british punk and Ska bands like Sex Pistols, Clash, The Jam, Police, The Specials, Bad Manners, Madness and lots more

Guess I will be rocking till the next spiritual world

Rock On

Ken, seriously, you inspire me. Thanks.

I sure hope B-Quartet doesnt quit music boy........I would like to see them explode onto the international music wagon.

Anyways.. everyone stay calm and hope this doesnt go into an overdrive slamming pendulum situation.

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