My Project On The Local Music Scene In Singapore

I don't know how the govt funding part came about, but as a musician I'd rather work my guts out and get some capital to get my music known rather than be bought by either a govt-related corporation or one of those big labels.

The elements of being a musician is the work you have to do to be heard. That's how you put in your best inevery song and try to keep to your style.

The moment you get signed? Bam. You become a sellout.

Singapore actually has quite a few talents, and though they weren't able to 'make it big', I think this would be how they remained as talents.

This is how I think anyway. I guess everyone would have their own lines drawn at the furthest they'd go to either be heard, or just be famous.
I dont think playing at some charity gigs are selling out, especially if you believe in the cause of the charities involved. Personally i dont really like what NKF does, and sometimes i abhor their methods (telepoll donations, contrived-dramatization of real life cases). But i'd play at a gig if it benefits both parties. Is my band a sellout then? I personally dont think so. nobody's gonna sign on like SAF....
with these much input, i hope DoubleBlade will come up with a good report, post it on SOFT for us to learn and strive harder.
Singaporeans are still in a state of dilema. We do not want the govt to direct our lives but we want the govt to be responsible for what happens, especially the negative outcome.

Rottenramone is right that msucians, or anybody for that matter should not becomes dependent on govt hand outs. and I slute the stand Fored takes to work ones gut out, and be high headed about it no matter how big or how small one earns.

I think when I mentioned the exclusion of chamber music, let me clarify that I am not aking a non-inclusive stand but rather a segmented one. Chamber has been receiving much support since history and non-chamber ie rock is kind of marginalized, hence my narrowed down position. However, music is universal, cross culture and genre. If we can break a problem into parts and solve the ones that require immediate attention first, why not.

Let me put some arguments in perspective. I do not think a govt that uses its resources to support "music" or "musicians" is a worthy one however, if resources are dispensed to music or musicians or any other performing arts that results in, maybe long term, a better quality of life for all Singaporeans, that's a different story. Whichever the case, it is for the music people to optimized what has been provided, and the difference may not be important to the musician if they are not concerned with the quality of governance.

Chamber has been receiving much support since history and non-chamber ie rock is kind of marginalized, hence my narrowed down position.

if you think abt it in a commercial sense, isn't chamber music a more marginalised genre cos it doesn't have the exposure rock music has?

conversely, if rock music isn't marginalised, would it really rock?

don't get me wrong, i really support the idea of having more platforms for discussion and performance, but there's still a lot to think through for it to sustain itself. no pt in setting up then losing steam the next yr.
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
don't get me wrong, i really support the idea of having more platforms for discussion and performance, but there's still a lot to think through for it to sustain itself. no pt in setting up then losing steam the next yr.

Absolutely! Thinking, discussing is a continuous process. If stopped, we lose steam.
soft said:
with these much input, i hope DoubleBlade will come up with a good report, post it on SOFT for us to learn and strive harder.

Wow!!!! I did not know that there would be so much discussions coming about... :)

With so much "adult talk" going on , seriously I'm having a bit of a difficulty trying to comprehen some of the points mentioned... :roll:
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
Chamber has been receiving much support since history and non-chamber ie rock is kind of marginalized, hence my narrowed down position.

I guess what Anthony was trying to imply is that we always hear of the NAC organising chamber music. It came as a huge surprise to me when I found out that Rock On Singapore was co-organised by the NAC.

How often do you come across the NAC organising chamber concerts as compared to the NAC organising outdoor gigs?

Maybe perhaps we might see the NAC taking a more active stand in organising outdoor gigs instead of chamber music in the near future after Rock On Singapore :?
DoubleBlade said:
With so much "adult talk" going on , seriously I'm having a bit of a difficulty trying to comprehen some of the points mentioned... :roll:

Hey Doubleblade, don't get intimidated by adult talks, expecially for one who volunteers at CDC. It is a culture good for us all, that we speak up uninhibitively, moments wrecking other's nerve and the next moment having a good glass of you know what together.
Yeah I agree with you , my "boss" at CDC once told me that adults can argue and quarrel with each other over the dumbest of matters but once they enter a pub , the entire situation will become non-existant...

Anyways , I'm not intimidated by the tone of the discussion but rather on the vocabulary and grammar used....

Sometimes I have to read the thread over and over again to get a clear picture of what is being discussed....
Not really but sometimes I bump into a few words which sounds unfamilar to you and so that's when the dictionary comes in handy.... :D

By the way Anthony , as for the interview , I'll contact you through your email in about 2 weeks time? Need to settle some logistics matters with my team first and prepare the interview questions which may vary with each individual I wish to interview....
DoubleBlade said:
Not really but sometimes I bump into a few words which sounds unfamilar to you and so that's when the dictionary comes in handy.....

lol no offense or anything k ?

smells like PW to me :P
DoubleBlade, thanks for sending me your project report. Would you like to post the report here?

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