My Project On The Local Music Scene In Singapore

AgingYouth said:
I think you shd go straight for the Corp. Communications Dept. Anything they say which you want to put down on paper has to be cleared by the comms. dept anyway...

But this is my school project. Can't I just interview some people NAC or any other relavant affliations and write a report for my project without going through the Corp Communications Dept? I'm not writing a report for the Straits Times....
Maybe the musicians should ask themselves:

Is today better than it was yesterday??? Lets look back to the times of the early 90's. BIG'O was the major mag and endorser around the local music scene. Days of Humback Oak, The Oddfellas, Opposition Party......

mike, the problem is, the government is giving out funds. there are alot of gigs that are sponsored by various government agencies. the problem is their objective is NOT music.
Sure you can, just pm me. But I don't have much info other than what I have posted so far. I can only give you my opinion. I only came into the music industry for about 3yrs, and I don't play or organise events. I also a newbie.
soft said:
mike, the problem is, the government is giving out funds. there are alot of gigs that are sponsored by various government agencies. the problem is their objective is NOT music.

What do you think the governement's objective is James?
soft said:
mike, the problem is, the government is giving out funds. there are alot of gigs that are sponsored by various government agencies. the problem is their objective is NOT music.

Yes, James. I totally agree with you. Hmmmm.... why do SG always like to do things for show???

That's why I said the musicians must depend on themselves to push ahead. Bitching about it will not bring result. :wink:
depending on which is the agency that is organising the gig. could be community bonding, racial harmony or nation building (song writing contest).

we know these are all good values but if we do not set music as the goal, chances are, we will not reach it.
Hmmmm.......could be part of our "Total Defence" package. The Social Defence and Physcological Defence........

Looks like I show go into "Defence" business......hahaha... :lol: :lol:
mikemann said:
Yes, James. I totally agree with you. Hmmmm.... why do SG always like to do things for show???

I think there is a misperception and misrepresentation on Mikemann's part of what James said, that the govt's effort on community bonding, racial harmony and nation building are just for show. One needs to understand how government functions.

But I cannot disagree with Mikemann that musicians must push themselves if they want to excel in their music. The govt cannot force that, whether was there any money spent or not. But the govt can spend money via channels for community purposes for musicians to leverage on. If musicians deem such as unworthy money, and it is best for musicians to dig it out of their own pocket, I think the govt will respect such thinking. I just wonder how many musicians here at soft would think that way.
hey ho let`s go!!!!!!!

aiyah...remember Rocking Resolutions 2005????
i think those were the only bunch of people here that really put their hearts into their music.....
abt the comments......
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
DoubleBlade said:
But this is my school project. Can't I just interview some people NAC or any other relavant affliations and write a report for my project without going through the Corp Communications Dept? I'm not writing a report for the Straits Times....

You can try... but knowing the governmental red tape... you will be tai-chi-ed to the Corp Comms Dept.

After all, you are going to quote them with their name and designation in the orgn in your report. One wrong word they say might result in their heads rolling and affect that 13th month bonus... :lol:

That's why I'm suggesting that you call them up directly or ask the depts you wanna speak to... but maybe they will get the Corp Comms Dept to draft you a reply. And that... will take quite a bit.


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Ms Jamie YEO

HeartRockSingapore said:
I think there is a misperception and misrepresentation on Mikemann's part of what James said, that the govt's effort on community bonding, racial harmony and nation building are just for show. One needs to understand how government functions. comments were said before the mention of the community thingy. Yes now you mentioned it, Like I said later on the govt system of "TOTAL DEFENCE", I agree with James that the govt should be working on that platform instead.

On a broad view, the govt's implementation is almost always for the community at heart. So since that is narrowed out, so is it the greneral population who is at fault?? Are we just too complacent as citizens?? Are we always waiting for others, can't we have more 'leaders'??
HeartRockSingapore said:
I just wonder how many musicians here at soft would think that way.

we are just a bunch of people who want to make music, we can't change how things work. but if things work along our way, that would be much better.
I only had time to read this latest page of the thread, so pardon what i say if its covered / somewhat shortsighted...

As mentioned in various theads, the entertainment market here, or specifically the market here to support musicians here (buying records) is small. We cannot hope to function like other continents unless we branch out. However, English is fast becoming the norm in Asia, so theres a gimmer of hope.

That said, I ask one simple question. What does Music or musicians in SG have to offer its locals? Like Anthony said, we should leverage on the governement as a start. The market here is just too small. I wont even go into it being 'unreceptive' or 'close-minded' to local music...

We cannot expect people to give to musicians / music, if we have nothing to offer them in return can we? Its just the way it is here for now. I just hope for the day when the average Singaporean can make more than just end's meet, and start appreciating the arts and music more!
Early 2004, I had a wishful thinking and I shared this with some friends like Ouke & Alfe Kim, that I hope to organize or convene a National Band Convention where all local bands, members can come to gether, and I will gather people from MICA (still MITA at the time), NAC, people from the music industry and let's exchange views and opinions as to what is the state of music (not chamber music) we now face and where can we go from here. I left that aside until this this thread came about that triggered me backward.

Well, maybe I am seeing it coming true. I have connected with the NAC as well as Singapore Expo, which I had not then. I have learnt a lot about the band scene in Singapore since then, and is a little more confident.

I think now is the time for me to turn wishful thinking into reality. I shall post this on another thread and perhaps take a poll as to how many people think this will work for the music scene here. Also to tap on ideas as to what areas I might include in this National Bands Convention.

its good to have a forum/platform to discuss music, and trying to galvanise the scene is a tremendous effort on your part.

let's exchange views and opinions as to what is the state of music (not chamber music) we now face and where can we go from here.

but i think it should be all inclusive, esp when as 3notes has said that the scene is too small/fragmented over here. try to include ppl from the classical/pub/underground scene, cos such interaction will only serve to improve and find common ground.

however, i'm sure that there're more avenues of such interactions. this SOFT forum is an excellent way of exchanging ideas/thought/comments. although meeting up is ideal, but not everyone can gather at the same plc at the same time.

Like Anthony said, we should leverage on the governement as a start. The market here is just too small. I wont even go into it being 'unreceptive' or 'close-minded' to local music...

i think having to depend on govt expenses is wrong, cos it sends out wrong signals.
1: we're being spoonfed.
2: popular music is a commercial entity. it can be a profit making business. it's not a dying culture, so why shd the govt intervene?
3: having govt resources would mean that real growth would be restricted. it's weird having some punk band singing antigovt songs while uncle pays for everything right?
4: Even if NAC pumps in more money in promoting the scene, i don't think it can change the hearts and minds of s'poreans. i think it'll attract more buskers!! we're too dependent on foreign imports and it shows. what we can do is just to keep on feeding the scene with more music and do our best to publicise it. the straits times is doing a great job in promoting the scene (note that i said 'scene' and not 'industry') to raise the profiles of local acts.

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