My Project On The Local Music Scene In Singapore

a_b_normal123 said:
Hello...just dropping by to say that i have some quotes from local bands on the matter...if you're willing to credit us I could let you use them...:)

Hmmm...that is a possibility. Will let you know ASAP :)
mel80 said:
Maybe you can upload a Word document of the survey online and put up the link here for everyone to do it? You can probably get some quick response that way :)

I'm still of waiting for my survey questions to be vetted by my lecturer. Will post them up ASAP...
You might wanna take a look at this rockumentary about Singapore music called 'Radio Didn't Play My Favourite Song'. A couple of my friends did it. They talked to Rudra, Chou Pi Jiang and Force Vomit. Very ethically diverse as well. Heh. They spoke to folks who started their music paths back in the 80's like Joe Ng (ex-Padres), Pat Chng (who is running Music For Good), Chris Ho (Zircon...) and Philip Cheah (from BigO). Their takes on the scene are very interesting and have a greater historical depth.

Yes, slutting my site again. Sorry, James!

I think Simon from Zero Sequence is shooting a documentary about local music as well. He might be a person you'll like to talk to. PM me for his number if you are keen.
Is there any gig organising company that is willing to share their financial report in terms of income and expenditure for the sake of the project?

Like how much goes into organising gigs for the year and the amount of returns received in terms of ticket pricing , mechandise , refreshments etc for the entire year.
Okay guys heres the deal....

Topic : Government & Music Development In Singapore (I'm up to your challenge James :) )

Overview : We all know until recently , the Singapore government is placing much emphasis on the local music scene by looking into the underground local music scene , one such example is the success of Rock On Singapore jointly organised by the National Arts Council. So why would the National Arts Council suddenly be interested in these underground bands since we all know that it is highly unusual for the National Arts Council to organise such events until recently?

Objective : To find out what is missing or lacking in the government's bid to promote the local music scene through this project.

Concept Plan :

1) We are going to interview different people who specalise in different sectors of the local music scene and get their views on what they feel is lacking in the government's bid to promote the scene.

i) James
ii) Anthony
iii) A gig organiser
iv) An accomplished local band

2) Surveys are going to be posted online so that SOFTies that give their most sincere answer

3) Our final product would be video presentation based on the interviews and hopefully a video of some local bands in action to sum it all up

Any enquires please feel free to contact me at 97418797 or
DoubleBlade, your research scope is within the same group of people who supports music making in singapore. your result will be very lopsided. you got to go to the top of the food chain.

tell you honestly, since i have been running soft, i have poly, jc, uni and press people interviewing me asking for my take on local music. the final report is always the same. "yes, yes, singapore have music scene because there's this band, that band, got this gig, that gig".

if you read the nac's post mortem on the recent arts fest. numbers went down. if you can find out if this is from the music sector and why? it would be a great report. i know i am asking you to bend over and do the unfavourable but i feel that is the only way we can progress. hopefully, some of my points here can inspire students who are taking this topic as their research paper. let's get the low down. let's get the dirt. let's get it right!

*this is not the normal james - been down on fever for 2 days
hey ho let`s go!!!!!!

y dun u cum down this fri n sat......u can catch great bands in action...u can interview anthony/james as well mah......
Re: hey ho let`s go!!!!!!

Dirt said:
y dun u cum down this fri n sat......u can catch great bands in action...u can interview anthony/james as well mah......

I'm attending another gig at East Coast Park
hey ho let`s go!!!!!!!

sowie guys....izaar have been `poofing` too much...(if u know wat i mean) :weedman:
so sad to see a young ROCKSTAR waste his life!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I think you shd go straight for the Corp. Communications Dept. Anything they say which you want to put down on paper has to be cleared by the comms. dept anyway...
My question is that, must we really be dependent on the government for everything???

A foreigner reading this forum might be thinking to himself. Ee-ggatt!! What do these people want??? Do they want the govt to give them money to do everything?? Do they want the govt to provide all the venue, support and publicity??? Do they want the govt to basically spoonfeed them??? That's so pathetic!!!

Why the progress is so slow?? Just let me ask this question. What do YOU as the musician done for the music community???!!! Are you willing put your passion from your hearts to you hand and contribute??

Performing is just ONE part of the whole picture. What about the ones who supported the scene, came out with the money and time and energy to make things happen. Where do all that come from???

If no one is willing to pay the price, just want to take and take and take, then TOMORROW WILL NOT BE BETTER THAN TODAY!

(I am putting up an example of a local underground group musicians, the lioncityDIY people. They hold regular gigs for their community, by renting a private venue, renting and bringing their own equipments for the gig, host for other interest groups as well. Most of the time, they just cover or not the expenses from ticket sales, but they do it themselves, driven by passion. They are not fussy about fancyful gig setups and branded equipments, just so they can deliver the goods, that's most important. I think SG can use many many more of such DIY underground musicians, esp the other genre.)

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