My question is that, must we really be dependent on the government for everything???
A foreigner reading this forum might be thinking to himself. Ee-ggatt!! What do these people want??? Do they want the govt to give them money to do everything?? Do they want the govt to provide all the venue, support and publicity??? Do they want the govt to basically spoonfeed them??? That's so pathetic!!!
Why the progress is so slow?? Just let me ask this question. What do YOU as the musician done for the music community???!!! Are you willing put your passion from your hearts to you hand and contribute??
Performing is just ONE part of the whole picture. What about the ones who supported the scene, came out with the money and time and energy to make things happen. Where do all that come from???
If no one is willing to pay the price, just want to take and take and take, then TOMORROW WILL NOT BE BETTER THAN TODAY!
(I am putting up an example of a local underground group musicians, the lioncityDIY people. They hold regular gigs for their community, by renting a private venue, renting and bringing their own equipments for the gig, host for other interest groups as well. Most of the time, they just cover or not the expenses from ticket sales, but they do it themselves, driven by passion. They are not fussy about fancyful gig setups and branded equipments, just so they can deliver the goods, that's most important. I think SG can use many many more of such DIY underground musicians, esp the other genre.)