How do u find the metalcore scene in Singapore?

Am I right to say that the feud here is basically between metal purists who support the original bands who pioneered metal and aren't pure products of marketing people, against newer bands which (a lot of it) comprise of wannabes and poseurs who think that as long as they can shred and growl and scream, they deserve to be called rockstars and can basically get away with writing shitty music which sometimes doesn't even make sense but it's ok since half of their fans don't even know what exactly they are listening and headbanging to. They are just going with it because everybody else thinks it's cool, thus the poseur label.

I remember the hardcore movement was basically an anti-establishment kinda movement, the death metal was metal with a more brutal music with anti-Christ flavour and punk had an original rebellious nature to it, musically or otherwise. So, the themes were actually focused, and people don't get confused over one or another.

From the vibes I feel around (and descriptions from others around me), metalcore is basically a contradiction of sorts (most of the time, anyway) - where there's an emo side (breakdowns) with sad overtones, and there's a brutal side (the brutal growling). To some people, this marriage doesn't make sense in that the guttural, masculine growling doesn't really go well with the whiney emo lyrics and singing preceding in the song.

It's a hated combination because on one side, you have a feminine and loser-ish emo whining, singing about sadness and loneliness and whatever, then suddenly you've got testosterone-filled, masculine growling (not to be confused with screaming).

I am sure a lot here will basically (and possible violently) disagree but c'mon - I think if what I have said is totally wrong - you can always correct me and dispel the myths or untruth that lurk in the minds of people like me.

To put it simply - the picture just doesn't fit.

You don't have floppy, shiny hair or basically dress like an emo would, mascara and all, and then go up stage and growl brutally and expect people to think that you look cool.

he does like metalcore! (all that remains, as I lay dying)

he hates the people LISTENING to it ..

Go figure =/

Well, for some reason, i wouldn't say that i hate all metalcore listeners... I have friends who listen to them, but the difference is that they know their stuff. They know what metalcore is.
Some are just listeners of the genre without knowledge about the metal scene.
There's always a group of people who thinks that metalcore is the greatest invention in music history... Not for me...
I don't go around telling people metalcore is so BROOTAL... cos as a matter of fact, it's not.

Add KSE to that list... It was probably the first metalcore band i enjoyed. But after awhile, grew out of it thanks to the newbies who ruin the image of the band... But i wouldn't deny i listen to it once in awhile. Not everyday. That happened to AILD and ATR as well...
hahah, i listen to it cos i like the riffs in the songs. don't get me wrong, i don't listen to metalcore only. i still listen to thrash, death, hard rock and what not. it's just that the music my band plays mainly is metalcore. :)
it doesnt make sense that people dont like metalcore just because there are alot of people listening to it.... or alot of 'scene kids' listening to it.... its time to be more open minded, metalcore is a very broad genre, putting a band down without even listening to it just because of its stated wikipedia genre is just being ignorant.
it doesnt make sense that people dont like metalcore just because there are alot of people listening to it.... or alot of 'scene kids' listening to it.... its time to be more open minded, metalcore is a very broad genre, putting a band down without even listening to it just because of its stated wikipedia genre is just being ignorant.

Well, for me, i've heard metalcore from various bands. Bands that gets people to listen. But sadly, it never appeal to me as i get sick and tired of breakdowns... Nothing but breakdowns... Wikipedia is rubbish, never trusted the site for music as they come out with tons of ridiculous genres... Rap-metal? Emocore? Anyone?

I'll give a notable mention for Between The Buried and Me. It isn't your typical metalcore band...
I enjoyed that video thoroughly. It's like everything wrong with pop music but it feels so right!
There's not really a lot of metal core bands in singapore right... Even if there is, there are not a lot of people who listen to metal core... How do you even know what they are screaming.... Their voice like for e.g. arma angelus... they are purely screaming... and not singing... and in singapore's music sense, they are a few categories.

1) People who listen to pop...[fanboys fangirls]
2) People who listen to rock (A7X etc..)
3) Metalheads [duno.. :X]
4) Old school rock[GNR]
5) Old School metalheads..[black sabbath]

not excluding
6) classical music/boy bands/girl bands/symphony

So metal core dun really fall into any category.. you cant say they are metal.. although metal vocalist also scream but metalcore is more to growling.....

Okay. there are also people like you too.. HAHA Forget mention la.. but surely will listen to a certain genre right? and yeah, this isn't discrimination but categorizing it.


• verb 1 make an unjust distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age.

I don't think that it is unjust because people here are voicing out their opinions... and discriminate is too strong to be used on music... It's meant for using on people.

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