I never got into the metalcore scene, apart from a few bands here and there, but how can anyone berate others for having different taste in music ? :?
Art is subjective, as is taste. You're actually telling someone their opinion of wrong ? Then you're either a retard or one of those spastic scene kids who spout bullshit about "true metal" and paint themselves as some sort of metal elite. I grew up listening to Sabbath, Maiden, Priest and the 80s thrash bands, but I'm not going to be militant about suggesting that other people have to have the same taste as me.
I detest black metal, and its silly imagery. Wearing bad make up, holding an upside down cross, singing about how kickass Satan and releasing albums that sound like their instruments have fungus....I just don't get it. But others do, and to each their own
W.r.t the issue of Singaporean audiences, I'd ahve to agree with the OP. The same elitist attitude permeates through to people who thumb their noses and look down at the moshers. The same elitists are the ones who nitpick every single downstroke of the guitarist, hunting for bum-notes. I have no issues with audiences either way, but crowd involvement is an integral aspect of all rock n roll ! Don't mosh, fine. But get involved in some way ! Shout, scream, applaud, jump around, make some noise, do something !
I don't object to people who stay out of pits. As I'm getting older, I sometimes stay out of pits now too.
I just am repulsed by people who find reasons to bash moshpits coz they're too pussy to participate. Just my point of view. Don't hate what you don't understand.
Being relatively new to Singapore, and having seen several scenes before this, I would really urge the Singapore audiences to spend less time texting on their phones and showing off their "look" and girlfriends, and more time getting involved in the live experience