how do u overcome anger?

angry man battery man

Try take up sport like bicycle racing, most of the roadie are consider volcanoes headed.Get your own club,you will lose at first cause you will be racing against many,start your own diet get advice from pro,go to the gym,get strategy planning,have enough rest,you realize you didn't win the race. It take years to control your anger because in your mind you are not fighting against one man but "mountain".Until you mature enough you realize that one to one fight is like taking candy from amateur.there are people that defend themselves against 10,20,30 or even 100 man, they are the saints among us. Don't take up martial art you'll injured others or worst killed.Learn to control yourself, control your mind first,your heart, your "stomach",your breathing.Fight only to defend yourselves from the blow.(you'll be charge under Rioting). Honourable man knows how to control his might, richman used money to make people work for them (police,lawyer,doctor or even politician). Rules(Law) are set to follow not abuse.Good luck to you.
Beat the crap on someone you really hate.Like your irritating neighbour who hates your music.
Buy a punching bag or dummy, and then beat it like you're bruce lee. Hitting yourself won't work. I gotta agree with the self discipline thing. It's all in the mind i guess.
when i'm angry, i usually lock myself in the room, say all the vulgarities i want, then ask my neighbour and lepak downstairs and share my story with him and play guitar and drink teh peng.

if not, i'll write my feelings down like i used to always do.

it's important to let your feelings out, in my opinion. the way u let them is important though. i'm sure u have great friends who understand u and who u can trust. personally i have a very small circle of 3 friends. we hang out and have lepak sessions to get our feelings out. it's good because coincidently, we always face the similar things. girlfriend problems, family problems studies, guitar..etc..

EDIT: nowadays, if i get angry, i just on Grand theft auto n take the tank and ram everyone.
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Count backwards ...

Count backwards from 10 or higher ... that way it cools you down because that is what you need to do first. If you are a musician, think of the notes and mouth it out. If you are a guitar player, run through the notes of the strings in relation to the frets.

What you want to do right away is to cool down. Why not transform something negative into something positive and worthwhile?
i dunno man. cut down on metal music. ahaha.
try saying the alphabets backwards.

my lecturer will probably ask u to transcend this anger inside u. He says when u have a desire u can suppress it, satisfied it or transcend it. suppressing it is bad in the long run. if u wan to stop it in the first place u won't wan to satisfied it.
basically,its mind over matter.if you put ur mind to it,u can suppress it.or you wan,i teach you.i just need insurance for safety purposes :)
watch porn and PCC if desperate to destress
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advising him to watch porn or smthing is some of e worst advice.
It's just exchanging one defilement, or vice, for another.

You have to work directly with your mind, simple as that.
ya lah,but gta have a few cases where people go on rampage.then headline tmr
"man kills 40 ppl after suggestion from forum"
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You've got to channel the anger into adrenaline. Try taking up a sport (if you haven't yet) that would allow you to unleash the anger, yet not hurt anyone.

I would recommend boxing. Its a good way to keep yourself fit, and you can unleash the anger on the punching bag
to answer your question, overcome anger with love. Jesus was the greatest teacher on this very subject. i propose you study the life and teachings of this great man. i'm not asking you to be a christian (even though i am one), but i can say with assurance that if you are serious about changing, you will change.

but first you have to understand what love is, and it's not an easy thing to do. it might sound cheesy, but trust me. it's the only way.

also, don't redirect your anger by hitting in animate objects. you're still releasing your negative energy in the same way. even though you don't hurt others, you still hurt yourself the same.

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